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What newspapers do you read?


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What newspapers, either online or hard copy do you read? Now we can get all UK newspapers for free online its possible to ready many if we so desire. Here is a link that allows you free access to over a hundred magazines and UK newspapers. Thus I can read, The Guardian, The Independent and DM every morning. I don't get my hands dirty with print and it's free!


Is there a USA or Australian equivalent?.BTW I enjoy reading the Bangkok Post but find the online version unsatisfactory.

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At the moment I read the Guardian and The Bangkok Post online, albeit neither everyday. I used to subscribe to The Times, but stopped because their format made it almost unreadable on a tablet or smartphone, and because I was too often seized by an irrational compulsion to punch that simpering failed politician and journalist Mathew Paris whenever I reached their op-ed pages...


The Guardian (and the BP) are both free, and although I don't agree with much of it's politics ( The Guardian) the writing is good, the factual reporting accurate, and for the most part it's op-ed content is liberal enough to acknowledge opposing views. I think that I am grown up enough to form my own opinions, but I do like to be kept informed and read  perhaps opposing views; I bung it a few quid from time to time - I think it's stance on not going behind a pay wall is quite principled.

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I use CNN and FoxNews (opposing sides, makes it interesting to compare), BBC for island news, Spiegel and some others for Germany, NZZ and TagesAnzeiger for Switzerland (again, right and left views) and Aargauer Zeitung (local newspaper where most of my family and friends live). Most of my Thai info comes from articles on ThaiVisa or BangkokPost.


The main thing for me is always to try and find newpapers on opposite sides of the aisle in order to not get blinded by one side

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4 hours ago, bobbin said:

I just had a quick look and bookmarked that site. I hope it proves useful as I'm pretty much down to the Guardian due to paywalls..

The Guardian is limited but you can register apparently. The link is good but not perfect. Only the DM is full.

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2 hours ago, Swiss1960 said:

I use CNN and FoxNews (opposing sides, makes it interesting to compare), BBC for island news, Spiegel and some others for Germany, NZZ and TagesAnzeiger for Switzerland (again, right and left views) and Aargauer Zeitung (local newspaper where most of my family and friends live). Most of my Thai info comes from articles on ThaiVisa or BangkokPost.


The main thing for me is always to try and find newpapers on opposite sides of the aisle in order to not get blinded by one side

Well with the link I provided you can check the Guardian, Mail and Independent...as a counter to the Guardian which I find outrageous these days I read Spiked. The DM is pretty clear about its contempt for Johnson et al and did a searing editorial on Hanckock recently.

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I used to subscribe to The Times but stopped that a year or so ago. So I'm quite similar to others here with The Guardian, Independent and I hop around a few where you can register to get a limited number of stories for free like the New Statesman, Economist and Spectator. I also read openDemocracy.net but my only subscriptions at the moment are to Byline Times (digital version) and Southeast Asia Globe (which had some great subscription offers during the lockdown period earlier in the year). 

I read Thai but only tend to read the Thai newspapers when I'm looking for something specific or if I have a lot of time on my hands. I have Prachatai in my Twitter feed though, both Thai and English. ThaiEnquirer and Thisrupt.co have been welcome additions to the online English-language news scene in Thailand.

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29 minutes ago, nausea said:

You serious? No-one reads mainstream media anymore. The days when, as a student,  I'd get the newspapers out on a Sunday to get an impartial view on the world, are long gone.

When MSM is free people do read it. People actually subscribe to MSM. The DM, Times, Telegraph, Guardian Independent etc have a daily readership of millions. Especially in digital, on screen format. Perhaps you don't read MSM but many people do, especially adults. They don't necessarily believe all they read. I regard the younger generation who can't read newspapers and rely on FB et al as barely literate and barely informed.

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I don't read newspapers anymore.  They are inevitably at least 24 hours behind the news, even with online content. Watch news on line with BBC and CNN, plus various blogs.  I do read the comic paper called 'mail online' every now and again, when I need a laugh,  but that outlet has nothing to do with news, (unless its fake) or facts. 

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22 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

At the moment I read the Guardian and The Bangkok Post online, albeit neither everyday. I used to subscribe to The Times, but stopped because their format made it almost unreadable on a tablet or smartphone, and because I was too often seized by an irrational compulsion to punch that simpering failed politician and journalist Mathew Paris whenever I reached their op-ed pages...


The Guardian (and the BP) are both free, and although I don't agree with much of it's politics ( The Guardian) the writing is good, the factual reporting accurate, and for the most part it's op-ed content is liberal enough to acknowledge opposing views. I think that I am grown up enough to form my own opinions, but I do like to be kept informed and read  perhaps opposing views; I bung it a few quid from time to time - I think it's stance on not going behind a pay wall is quite principled.

You should check The Times on an iPad now - very easy to read

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On 12/24/2020 at 8:30 AM, Pilotman said:

I don't read newspapers anymore.  They are inevitably at least 24 hours behind the news, even with online content. Watch news on line with BBC and CNN, plus various blogs.  I do read the comic paper called 'mail online' every now and again, when I need a laugh,  but that outlet has nothing to do with news, (unless its fake) or facts. 

I think people read newspapers not for hot news but for editorials and long opinion pieces. The DM has some great critical analysis of the current government. The Indie has a very good music writer. Spiked consistently challenges the current orthodoxy unthinkingly promoted by most MSM. The Guardian has sadly sunk to a silly propaganda sheet written by foreign journalists and wealthy Marxists who have one major quality in common: contempt for the British white working classes and their values and culture.

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On 12/25/2020 at 12:30 PM, Nout said:

I think people read newspapers not for hot news but for editorials and long opinion pieces. The DM has some great critical analysis of the current government. The Indie has a very good music writer. Spiked consistently challenges the current orthodoxy unthinkingly promoted by most MSM. The Guardian has sadly sunk to a silly propaganda sheet written by foreign journalists and wealthy Marxists who have one major quality in common: contempt for the British white working classes and their values and culture.

Wow, the Guardian: foreign, Marxist, propaganda, anti-white people.  The Daily Mail: great.


No doubting which way you lean is there?

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The Guardian

I even pay for it because I think it's fair to pay for quality news and because the payment enables the Live News in the App.


And just in case someone asks why I read The Guardian: Because I think they bring mostly accurate news. Years ago I read articles in other media and often there was a sentence like "first reported in the Guardian". So I looked at the source.


From time to time I also look as Al Jazeera, NYT, Der Spiegel, BBC and others. 

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On 12/23/2020 at 4:01 PM, Swiss1960 said:

I use CNN and FoxNews (opposing sides, makes it interesting to compare), BBC for island news, Spiegel and some others for Germany, NZZ and TagesAnzeiger for Switzerland (again, right and left views) and Aargauer Zeitung (local newspaper where most of my family and friends live). Most of my Thai info comes from articles on ThaiVisa or BangkokPost.


The main thing for me is always to try and find newpapers on opposite sides of the aisle in order to not get blinded by one side

That is obviously a good idea and good that you do that.

But how far do you get in those articles before you want to (virtually) rip it apart?

I looked from time to time at fox "news" and I think it's sad to see what they present as news.


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On 12/23/2020 at 6:56 PM, nausea said:

You serious? No-one reads mainstream media anymore. The days when, as a student,  I'd get the newspapers out on a Sunday to get an impartial view on the world, are long gone.

What do you read?

Facebook posts from people who pretend they know everything better?

Or do you follow the newest conspiracy theories?


I don't say mainstream media are always right, there are obviously many bad samples. But at least some of them spend a lot of money to at least try to report accurate news.

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8 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

Wow, the Guardian: foreign, Marxist, propaganda, anti-white people.  The Daily Mail: great.


No doubting which way you lean is there?

I read both. The DM as a conservative paper has remained true to its colors however objectionable some of its views, especially on the drug laws for example. The Guardian has changed however, and moved steadily to the extreme ideological left. It lies by omission by refusing to publish or give a fair airing to stories that contradict its ideological stance and is thus a left wing liberal propaganda machine notably hostile to the values of the white working classes and traditional labor voters from both the middle and working classes. The Guardian, at times, is like a cross between as student union debate and the SWP newspaper edited by Spartists and it does not have the interests of Britain or the British people at heart. It employs wealthy Marxists and foreign writers who are hostile to Britain and British culture to promote extreme views as though they were normal. I used to be a Guardian follower now I am not. But I still speed read it and skim through it.

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22 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

Wow, the Guardian: foreign, Marxist, propaganda, anti-white people.  The Daily Mail: great.


No doubting which way you lean is there?

It's sad when people are ignorant. It's even worse when they are proud to be ignorant.

Maybe just read one or two articles in the Guardian and think again - or would that challenge your world view?

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On 12/24/2020 at 8:23 AM, Emdog said:

Subscribe online to New York Times. I have mixed feelings about getting "free" copies: newspapers need all the revenue they can get to stay afloat and pay for their reporting. Do those "free" copies generate some revenue to paper via ads etc?

Newspapers took advertising revenue and the powerful companies that advertised shaped editorial policy and controlled newspaper content.

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