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Samut Sakhon confirms another 900 COVID-19 cases


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8 hours ago, Sheryl said:

The key question is to what extent  have infections in that "bridge" population (Thais  in connect with migrant workers) seeded infections  n the broader Thai community.

Presumably those 'bridge' people and their families are being tested as well. However, it would seem unlikely that all could be traced and tested. And it only takes one. 

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I believe this topic was already discussed.


The thousands of people packed into that market, the surrounding shores of moorned fishing boats, and the thousands more domiciled on the shores (in shacks) and in the fishing boats..... and the hundreads of fishing vessels with thousands more berthed inside of them....


Didn't anyone do the math? 


Now factor in the hundreads ( if not thousands) of vehicles that pick up and deliver all over Thailand,  from that area....


The Tha Chin River Basin and connecting tributaries span from Chi-Nat to the Gulf of Thailand.


Has no one not seen the Size of the Cha Talom area.... its a mind boggling, meandering, Neverending  port.....think about the thousands more who load and unload the vessels everyday. 


Any Questions? 


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1 hour ago, Sheryl said:


the tests are free for Thais and migrant workers.  Have been from the start.

funny enough I was told that it costs 1100 Baht for a test in Nonthaburi, and that was for my MIL

Edited by beano2274
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9 minutes ago, beano2274 said:

funny enough I was told that it costs 1100 Baht for a test in Nonthaburi, and that was for my MIL

Testing is free for if been exposed to the virus (and how you can prove that???? nobody knows) other people who want to get tested without having been exposed to the virus have to pay for the test themselves. So with a few symptoms going to a hospital they just charge you and up to you if you want to be tested or make a u turn and possible spread the virus.

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10 hours ago, 2long said:

Well if you test lots of people you will get lots of positive results. Do they not think that this flu has been here for ages, but the lack of testing meant low numbers?

Maybe they're using this for other reasons, not just to protect us all!

COVID is not influenza

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11 hours ago, rabas said:

What is racist about that?  They should test high risk groups.


They should test those that are exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms. If a test proves positive, then the gov't should perform contact tracing to inform those that came in contact with the sick patient that they too may be infected.


That's how I was notified. I received a text message indicating that I may have come in contact with someone that has tested positive. My cell phone (number) was used to gauge my proximity to the infected person; the criteria used was 6 feet (2m) and for an exposure lasting more than 15 minutes.


Ironically, I received notice one day after I started feeling sick. When I tested, the results were positive. And I'm still alive, after the initial onset of symptoms 20 days ago.

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5 hours ago, Lacessit said:

There is no point in arguing with people who believe in conspiracy theories.  

Every human being at this point in time knows why there are lockdowns and bending the curve down.  We need to allow the authorities to deal with these non-mask wearing nincompoops.  Hopefully they will be in Thailand when they do it where there are some teeth to the laws.  

I look forward to the time when these anti vaxing people stay in their own countries and we never have to run into them again while travelling.  

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1 hour ago, Blumpie said:

There is no point in arguing with people who believe in conspiracy theories.  

Every human being at this point in time knows why there are lockdowns and bending the curve down.  We need to allow the authorities to deal with these non-mask wearing nincompoops.  Hopefully they will be in Thailand when they do it where there are some teeth to the laws.  

I look forward to the time when these anti vaxing people stay in their own countries and we never have to run into them again while travelling.  


I agree with you regarding theories. Viruses can be transmitted, whether COVID or the common cold (and sigh, even HIV).


There are instances when folks go out to eat/drink. I caught COVID (allegedly) from my brother, who exhibited no symptoms while we were out enjoying lunch. We had spent 6+ months off/on in the same venue... we began to trust each other, and those friends that we saw, at the same place, during the long expanse.


The only thing I could have done differently would have been to stay at home. Oh, wait, that may not have mattered; I met my brother in my bar/garage the very next day.


All I can suggest is to keep your "circle" of encounters as small as possible, and pray to get the vaccination is available as soon as possible.


COVID affects people differently; most recover, some do not. It's a mystery. Wear the "damn" mask.

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Everyone is going to die from the Doomsday Virus, that’s why everyone’s life needs to be ruined, the economy needs to be made non-existent and the single greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world has to happen. 

You see, making people unable to go to the gym, or drink alcohol at a restaurant is the number one way to defeat the virus. It’s been proven! 


It’s a mild flu virus with a greater than 99% survival rate, so everyone needs to have their life ruined. That’s just plain sensibility.


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1 minute ago, HandsomeTallFarang said:

Everyone is going to die from the Doomsday Virus, that’s why everyone’s life needs to be ruined, the economy needs to be made non-existent and the single greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world has to happen. 

You see, making people unable to go to the gym, or drink alcohol at a restaurant is the number one way to defeat the virus. It’s been proven! 


It’s a mild flu virus with a greater than 99% survival rate, so everyone needs to have their life ruined. That’s just plain sensibility.


tell that in an English hospital, nutcase

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4 minutes ago, HandsomeTallFarang said:

Everyone is going to die from the Doomsday Virus, that’s why everyone’s life needs to be ruined, the economy needs to be made non-existent and the single greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world has to happen. 

You see, making people unable to go to the gym, or drink alcohol at a restaurant is the number one way to defeat the virus. It’s been proven! 


It’s a mild flu virus with a greater than 99% survival rate, so everyone needs to have their life ruined. That’s just plain sensibility.



I'm sitting back humming "money for nothing".


My investments over 2020 are up by $150K. Somehow, someway, I know I am falling behind.


The end is near.

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10 hours ago, needforspeed said:

Incorrect nothing to do with the result, on 24 December government announced that Testing is free if been exposed to the virus,  other people who want to get tested without having been exposed to the virus have to pay for the test themselves.

Yes that’s sort of what I’m referring too


There could be thousands of people who show all the symptoms and possibly have it, but don’t want to go due to the cost, as they won’t be declared as coming from a high risk area


If they are positive and not from a high risk area, it’s free, if not they have to pay 

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13 hours ago, Swimfan said:

But we have all heard plenty of stories of people going in for a test out of caution when they have had symptoms being refused a test. 


I guess you believed all these stories.


Most entry-level hospital staff can spot a hypochondriac a mile away.

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21 hours ago, rupert the bear said:

there appears some similarity to singapore in this case with migrant workers,we had so few cases in general pop but hi levels in migrant camps due to the fact theyre crammed in together share facilities etc.they were legal though.i suggest the govt tests the factories with migrant labour and screens the places they live too.this is where to start basically,call singapore!!they will tell u what to do

singapores successfully dealt with the covid situation now,lifes normal.what is your suggestion to solve this crisis???the migrants dorms are gone and patients treated.alls good

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11 hours ago, meechai said:


This ^^^^


As has been mentioned many times on this forum

In Winter 2019 when this all started in China there were many Chinese tourist in Thailand


Eventually as the west reported more & more cases Thailand locked up

Did anyone really believe that when all the tourist left it created a vacuum & all the Covid left with them??? Really???


No instead this past year  elderly have died in Village hospitals of a super pneumonia (we knew 3 personally) & nothing was said & nothing tested for Covid

Was it Covid? Obviously without testing we will never know....officially


Instead this year they tested only incoming quarantined visitors always finding many cases but no not already Thailand none....None being none tested

so of course results being none also


Ok the good news? Obviously the Covid has been in Thailand 1+ years already

The hospitals were not completely overrun & they will likely not be now as obvious by the high infected rate low death rates being reported


But anyone who believes this all started because those few women crept back in from Myanmar or that this is mainly because Myanmar

immigrant workers brought it all in.......Puleeze take 2 aspirin & lay down

I agree 100% To think this virus 'magically' disappeared sometime in April/May when the lockdowns happened....come on. The virus was floating around in Thailand from, probably Decemberish. So, Dec - March it was let to roam as it wanted. I got a bad sore throat, fever etc in Feb. I remember being at school and having to lie down in the nurses office between classes. I had a few days off school, his is very unusual for me. At the time there was NO Covid test and the rumors of Covid 19 being at the school were quashed. This at a Sathit school which is in the same complex as a teaching hospital...mummy and daddy doctors there etc. The coughs and temps at the time were put down to Influenza A.....ok, maybe.....


Think about conditions in this country back early this year. How many tourists coming and going EVERYWHERE in this country. No Covid tests available. Covid 19 must have run rampant over this time. I dont think it ever really went away. It may have been slowed....They say up to 80% of people can be asymptomatic. Colds, coughs....have been going round schools for months. NO one bothered to get tested because, in the most part it was mild. 

Edited by 248900_1469958220
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