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Trump supporters who stormed U.S. Capitol could face sedition charges -prosecutor


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11 hours ago, bendejo said:


Innocent by reason of stupidity.  Hey, even some members of Congress could skate with that one!

All action regarding the mob should be put off until the GOP is out of the WH, let the new AG handle this.

And then there's this



My guess is they'll make some sort of a deal to look in the other way in exchange for him accepting that he cannot be president again.  It's like was being said post-Nixon, that prosecuting a former president make the country look bad -- that's the kind of stuff I'm expecting to hear this time as well.


What really looks bad is that Trump is the main cause of splitting the USA and when he is n longer POTUS he should should be arrested for sedition, stripped of any POTUS benefits and jailed for life, meaning life, and ALL his co-conspirators with him should be treated equally.


Once Biden is affirmed as POTUS the administration has to look into abuse of power by ANY POTUS and what amendment will be needed to stop this ever happening again.


There should also be an amendment preventing any POTUS from self pardoning.

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6 hours ago, J Town said:

If you pay attention to the speech 45 gave right before the terrorist invasion, he said he was going to walk right there with them. They thought their big brother was gonna walk up to the capitol, punch those nasty liberals in the nose, and reign supreme for another four years. Of course the gutless bully stayed back. Reports have it he watched in real time, delighted and entertained at what he caused.


there is cellphone video of the alleged party uploaded to youtube.  the one linked by drudge appears to be a private channel, so no posting links here.


you can click from drudge, or search youtube for "Trump Riot Watch Party".

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3 hours ago, Nout said:

There has been months of rioting, looting, burning, arson, even killing by leftist and liberals. And a full four years of 'resistance' to the democratic process by middle class millennial Marxists and media luvvies. Their hypocrisy is nauseating. Three people died in the demonstration including one woman shot dead by police. But not a murmur from the media. Wrong colour..wrong politics.  But my guess is we are going to see a lot more such demonstrations and 'resistance' from the conservative elements in the USA...Its just starting.

so your argument is that if someone does something you don't approve of, you can do it too?

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14 hours ago, SometimezaGreatNotion said:

As far as I know, presidential pardon is not reviewable by any court.

Correct. The only thing that is not clear is if he pardons himself. If so, then perhaps the new AG will be more likely to bring charges in order to test that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(And of course a presidential pardon will not protect him from state charges such as NY seems to be planning. He'd need the NY governor to do it, and good luck with that.)

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3 minutes ago, Paradise Pete said:

Correct. The only thing that is not clear is if he pardons himself. If so, then perhaps the new AG will be more likely to bring charges in order to test that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(And of course a presidential pardon will not protect him from state charges such as NY seems to be planning. He'd need the NY governor to do it, and good luck with that.)

Pence could pardon him as acting President. But impeachment can continue regardless of whether or not he's in office.


I have to say, init is unlike Trump to miscalculate - as it seems he has here - unless he realised his later u-turn or retraction speech would be enough to get him off the hook. Let's hope it doesn't...Pence seems to be retreating back into the Trump camp already....

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21 minutes ago, Histavia said:

Pence could pardon him as acting President. But impeachment can continue regardless of whether or not he's in office.


I have to say, init is unlike Trump to miscalculate - as it seems he has here - unless he realised his later u-turn or retraction speech would be enough to get him off the hook. Let's hope it doesn't...Pence seems to be retreating back into the Trump camp already....

It's 'calculated' in as much as Evil Knevel calculated a jump.  He looked how far it was, stuck out his thumb to measure the wind, then went for it and usually crashed and broke bones.


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43 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:


there is cellphone video of the alleged party uploaded to youtube.  the one linked by drudge appears to be a private channel, so no posting links here.


you can click from drudge, or search youtube for "Trump Riot Watch Party".

Confirm, it was all planned.

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52 minutes ago, Histavia said:

so your argument is that if someone does something you don't approve of, you can do it too?




But I would contend that, had they cared about the tens of thousands of ordinary citizens terrorized by these guys over the past 6 months, most of the ringleaders would have been in prison already and wouldn't have been in DC to instigate the worst of the acts.


As in most protests turned ugly, I suspect the majority were there to exercise their 1st amendment rights to peacefully protest what they perceive (rightly or wrongly) as a stolen election. 


It'll be interesting to see over the next weeks and months who's behind the hijacking that sent this protest off the rails.  Maybe it was just Trump.  But there's a lot of investigating to do.


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58 minutes ago, Paradise Pete said:

Correct. The only thing that is not clear is if he pardons himself. If so, then perhaps the new AG will be more likely to bring charges in order to test that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(And of course a presidential pardon will not protect him from state charges such as NY seems to be planning. He'd need the NY governor to do it, and good luck with that.)

He cannot pardon himself.  I don't know why people believe that is even possible.  No, it's not legally ambiguous.  Not in the least.  Not possible, end of story.


What can happen, and I personally think was the plan all along, is for him to either be removed or step down and have Pence pardon him.  Removal is probably better because then he can play the victim even more. 

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Just now, Salerno said:

What exactly are you alluding to here?


Alluding?  The fact that it was easy to identify the ringleaders from their photos at recent riots where they did pretty much the same thing to terrorize ordinary citizens.  For weeks on end.  But they weren't arrested then.  Why not and why now?

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27 minutes ago, impulse said:




But I would contend that, had they cared about the tens of thousands of ordinary citizens terrorized by these guys over the past 6 months, most of the ringleaders would have been in prison already and wouldn't have been in DC to instigate the worst of the acts.


As in most protests turned ugly, I suspect the majority were there to exercise their 1st amendment rights to peacefully protest what they perceive (rightly or wrongly) as a stolen election. 


It'll be interesting to see over the next weeks and months who's behind the hijacking that sent this protest off the rails.  Maybe it was just Trump.  But there's a lot of investigating to do.


I think what we can take away form this "demo" - is that they weren't black and the security forces did nothing.


most protests don't "turn ugly"

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46 minutes ago, Histavia said:

I think what we can take away form this "demo" - is that they weren't black and the security forces did nothing.


most protests don't "turn ugly"


But when they do, it's usually because they've been hijacked by a small minority.  Often outside agitators.  Seems to be the case here, but lots of investigating needs to be done.


Security forces did nothing because, in spite of weeks of very public interweb chatter about their plans, someone didn't assign enough security.  And a lot of the security guys were filmed high fiving and taking selfies with the protestors and holding the doors open for them before it got ugly.


Gotta wonder what the NSA is doing with all that data they're hoovering up if they're not using it to protect the Capital from "insurrection".  But that's a whole 'nother topic.



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19 minutes ago, impulse said:


But when they do, it's usually because they've been hijacked by a small minority.  Often outside agitators.  Seems to be the case here, but lots of investigating needs to be done.

This raising of the possibility of "outside agitators" was so predictable. Actually, for what it's worth (very little), I did predict it. At least I said allegations of a "false flag" operation were sure to follow.

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6 hours ago, placeholder said:

Whatever the truth of what you're saying is (not much) how many of those acts were incited by the President of the United States? And, by the way, there is also a police officer dead from injuries incurred while battling the rioters.

Factual truth, recorded, filmed, witnessed and it was encouraged and supported by senior democrat politicians including pellossi and Harris et al.  Do you remember that weeks/ months went by before the Democrats condemned the violence only when they found public opinion was turning against ANTIFA and BLM. The physical damage done by them was far greater and arguably the sustained violence did more damage to the democratic process than the one recent demo, the reporting of which has been biast  selective outrage...but the anger of ordinary people is just starting. 4 more years...

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1 hour ago, Histavia said:

I think what we can take away form this "demo" - is that they weren't black and the security forces did nothing.


most protests don't "turn ugly"

The security forces shot a middle aged white women dead at this demo.

The security forces did nothing during the summer of BLM and ANTIFA looting, arson and rioting.

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21 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

CNN is running lots of interviews with people who attacked the building.  Wow!  What a bunch of nuts!  Clearly, not very smart people and not in touch with reality.  Sadly, driven by the lies of Trump, and the conspiracy theories on social media.  They need to seek professional help.  Perhaps deprogramming?


Maybe but my sympathy is limited - we choose who to listen to and follow. Being Americans I bet a lot of them have spent much time in church, and heard lots about Jesus, but decided against that and went full on Trump instead.


Any rate I certainly don't consider them brave - I look towards the people in Leipzig in 1989 for that kind of inspiration.

Edited by Scott
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51 minutes ago, BusyB said:


Maybe but my sympathy is limited - we choose who to listen to and follow. Being Americans I bet a lot of them have spent much time in church, and heard lots about Jesus, but decided against that and went full on Trumpler instead.


Anyrate I certainly don't consider them brave - I look towards the people in Leipzig in 1989 for that kind of inspiration.


Look to the rally that preceded the attack.  There was talk about Jesus (he was on their side, delivered DT unto them, etc).  And of course Jesus wanted them to fight pedophilia, abortion, cannibalism, etc. 

Same rally that DT said "we're going to march to The Capitol" multiple times (look at the 1+ hour vid and count the number of times he said "we" would march, should you doubt).  I wanted to see it him do it, he probably hasn't walked more than 1 block at a time in years.  But him and the family cabal were gone, probably had a bunker to inspect.


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9 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Seems this chap tased himself in the genitals, one presumes accidently, and died from aheart attack.


Alabama man dies amid pro-Trump rally, riot at U.S. Capitol




Obviously a man of peace.  He will be missed.


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