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How do farangs get covid vaccinations in Thailand ?


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6 hours ago, finnsk said:

It seems that farangs can get caught in a grey zone about covid vaccinations.


What thai official tells, it looks they only care of thai citizens.


Many of our born countries also seems not to care about people who are living outside the country.


Well I think/see some private thai hospitals will offer vaccinations to very overcharged prices, there was already an example in Bangkok with a private hospital who offered vaccination for around 10000 baht without having the vaccine, this is not the right way to get the vaccination, to make some greedy thai speculants happy, I think. A Pfizer or Moderna vaccine from USA/Europe cost around 1000 baht, the oxford vaccine cost around 100 baht.


I have still not seen or heard about any serious vaccine offers with quality western vaccine to farangs in Thailand, which will be avaiable this or the next year ?


What to do ?

Considering the multitude of questions surrounding the efficacy of this so called vaccine, why would anyone want to be the experimental guinea pig in the first place? 

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3 hours ago, connda said:

The entire issue of keeping the prices low and the availability high is that experts are saying that virtually everyone needs a shot in order to obtain herd immunity.  So the vaccination price will be a function of public health policy as it pertains to SARS-Cov-2.  You can't meet a goal of addressing a 'public health emergency' by making unaffordable vaccines.  That beats the purpose.

However with that said, there will be a group of 'wealthier than normal' individuals who will be fearful enough to pay top prices to obtain vaccines as soon as they can get them almost regardless of the price.  And no doubt there will be providers of vaccines offering them at exorbitant prices to meet that particular supply niche as, this is Thailand.  Money and status opens doors to those who have it.

I'll go for the cheap Chinese or Russia jab and wait for 5 years or so to watch how the rich lab rats fare with their mRna shots.  I sorta want to see the a minimum of five years of data on humans before I step into line for the new tech.  I don't need New Tech.  I'm comfortable with older low priced phones, older low priced computers, and older low price vaccination tech.

Looks more that you can't afford New stuff.

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A vaccine is supposed to be an inoculation against contracting a particular disease. Calling these products vaccines is akin to the fad of calling anyone testing positive a "case", when the true meaning of case is affected enough to required medical assistance - hospitalization, for example. The CEOs of the manufacturers have said, on the record, that their vaccines do not immunize against covid, or inhibit passing it on, they reduce the symptoms. That means that they are not vaccines, but treatments, like aspirin, paracetamol, or a cough mixture when you have influenza.

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6 hours ago, finnsk said:

It seems that farangs can get caught in a grey zone about covid vaccinations.


What thai official tells, it looks they only care of thai citizens.


Many of our born countries also seems not to care about people who are living outside the country.


Well I think/see some private thai hospitals will offer vaccinations to very overcharged prices, there was already an example in Bangkok with a private hospital who offered vaccination for around 10000 baht without having the vaccine, this is not the right way to get the vaccination, to make some greedy thai speculants happy, I think. A Pfizer or Moderna vaccine from USA/Europe cost around 1000 baht, the oxford vaccine cost around 100 baht.


I have still not seen or heard about any serious vaccine offers with quality western vaccine to farangs in Thailand, which will be avaiable this or the next year ?


What to do ?

Your right so start saving!

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7 hours ago, Pilotman said:

Here is an idea, why don't the various Embassies arrange something for their own expat citizens, like the UK Embassy?


hahaha, I crack myself up sometimes. ????????????  Like that's ever going to happen with those muppets.  

US Consulate in Chiang Mai already posted that there were no plans for US citizens being provided inoculation. Perhaps you might know? Will Retired US military on Tri-Care be covered to pay for shots?

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Well, If I can get the Oxford one, I'll pay with a smile. 
I don't trust the Pfizer one, not because of the vaccine, but because of the requirement to keep it at -70°C.  I just don't trust the Thai's to adhere to that; if they can't see the point, they'll be sloppy.  Doctors would probably be OK, but they won't usually be involved.

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38 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

US Consulate in Chiang Mai already posted that there were no plans for US citizens being provided inoculation. Perhaps you might know? Will Retired US military on Tri-Care be covered to pay for shots?

No idea, sorry

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So how many years of life do people with co-morbidities lose by contracting COVID?   The main issue right now isn't that some people don't develop severe symptoms; it's that those who do have overfilled hospitals.  Let's hope that many hospitals can be built to accommodate the overflow.  With enough beds and medical staff, even people with co-morbidities can sometimes be saved. 

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8 hours ago, Ventenio said:

just imagine IF IF IF...


farang covid 100,000 baht per shot


NO visa unless confirmed by hospital you had all the shots.  two.....maybe 200,000 baht


this would be a good way to make money.  oh, no vaccine...you lose everything. nobody would cry for you.  except you.


i'm saving 100 billion baht just in case things get out of control.  


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10 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

be happy you are not being forced to take the "vaccine". that will come later. most likely some Communist Chinese garbage. 

The vaccine due to be rolled out in Thailand is the Astra Zeneca/Oxford version.

Manufactured under licence in Thailand


This has been in use in the UK for a week now, although, not being an expert on these 

things, I couldn't possibly say if it were better or worse than a Chinese version.



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11 hours ago, Pilotman said:

Here is an idea, why don't the various Embassies arrange something for their own expat citizens, like the UK Embassy?


hahaha, I crack myself up sometimes. ????????????  Like that's ever going to happen with those muppets.  

Within the last week the British Foreign Ministry (sorry, but shouldn't that now be the  Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. aka ? FCDO) has stated that it is not responsible for UK citizens overseas outside of Boris's jurisdiction !   (How does his partner feel about his views ?    Or even his daughter who has no given right to British citizenship.)  Many of the rest of us would like to be out of his jurisdiction.   The problem is there really an alternative ? ! ? !.


As it seems this the Ministry's  name change has only been applied from Jan 1,  does this mean FCDO controls funding of grants and "loans" at the expense of the UK tax payers.

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14 minutes ago, DogNo1 said:

The AstraZeneca vaccine will come a little later. Before that it will be Sinovac - the Chinese vaccine.

All Brits should get the AZ/Oxford Uni vaccine FOC; we all paid taxes to help fund its development. It is the UK's gift to the world.

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18 minutes ago, champers said:

All Brits should get the AZ/Oxford Uni vaccine FOC; we all paid taxes to help fund its development. It is the UK's gift to the world.


All Brits resident in the UK will. As for the ones who left the UK, well they made their own beds and there they will sleep. You can't have your cake and eat it.

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13 hours ago, finnsk said:

It seems that farangs can get caught in a grey zone about covid vaccinations.


What thai official tells, it looks they only care of thai citizens.


Many of our born countries also seems not to care about people who are living outside the country.


Well I think/see some private thai hospitals will offer vaccinations to very overcharged prices, there was already an example in Bangkok with a private hospital who offered vaccination for around 10000 baht without having the vaccine, this is not the right way to get the vaccination, to make some greedy thai speculants happy, I think. A Pfizer or Moderna vaccine from USA/Europe cost around 1000 baht, the oxford vaccine cost around 100 baht.


I have still not seen or heard about any serious vaccine offers with quality western vaccine to farangs in Thailand, which will be avaiable this or the next year ?


What to do ?

Cost will be price of vaccine plus med. practitioner's charge. Chance to get Moderna or Pfizer in Thailand may be difficult due to complicated storage/transport, infrastructure in general. This cost will be included in what you pay at the hospital. They need 5 ppl at a time (5 dose vials) as once the vaccine is prepared for injection they need to use the 5 shots or dump it.


Paid 30€ for flu shot here in EU. Vaccine cost was 10€. 


If I could get a Pfizer vaccine in Bkk for 10.000 Bht I'd go for it. Cheaper than getting infected, and it would spare me pain/suffering if infected. 

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7 minutes ago, Letseng said:

Cost will be price of vaccine plus med. practitioner's charge. Chance to get Moderna or Pfizer in Thailand may be difficult due to complicated storage/transport, infrastructure in general. This cost will be included in what you pay at the hospital. They need 5 ppl at a time (5 dose vials) as once the vaccine is prepared for injection they need to use the 5 shots or dump it.


Paid 30€ for flu shot here in EU. Vaccine cost was 10€. 


If I could get a Pfizer vaccine in Bkk for 10.000 Bht I'd go for it. Cheaper than getting infected, and it would spare me pain/suffering if infected. 

You probably won't be able to get the Pfizer or Moderna one in Thailand.  At least not anytime soon.  That will probably only be reserved for medical workers and rich Thais.


You will most likely be able to get the AstraZeneca one.  It doesn't have any special handling requirements and they are (technically) not allowed to gouge you for it.


I think the Chinese vaccines will be available too and I don't think there will be any restrictions for price gouging with those.

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1 hour ago, Muzzique said:



All Brits resident in the UK will. As for the ones who left the UK, well they made their own beds and there they will sleep. You can't have your cake and eat it.

I pay UK taxes on my pension income as do most who have settled here, so my taxes have helped pay for the "cakes" production. Why does that not entitle me to a "slice"?

Not sure what you mean by making my own bed and lieing in it. I didn't move here to avoid paying UK taxes; I came for the temples.

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14 hours ago, foreverlomsak said:

It's relative to your income if you get 10,000,000 THB a year, 10,000 THB is quite reasonable, but as most of us are on a small fraction of that, 10,000 THB is considerable, about 50% of my monthly pension (before anybody criticizes me for being here with such small income, I do have other lines of income, so lets not go down that rabbit hole it's non productive).


a vaccine is a commercial good, not a tax.


for commercial goods, competition is supposed to keep prices low.


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22 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

The staff, hospital rent, hospital equipment, electric, ......   needs to be paid too. 

Yes, as long as no one is making a profit, and certainly not to fill certain pockets. Remember, this is Thailand.

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21 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

How would you even know if the Vaccine going into your A@s@ is from Moderna or Sinovac ?

A label is so easily changed.

Into your A@s@????????????? Imagine seeing a lot of people with their trousers, skirts or whatever down round their ankles? The perverts will have a field day. :cheesy::cheesy:

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15 hours ago, Don Chance said:

US will give you a vaccine for free if you are over 65. You just need to go to the US.


Every State, and even county, have different "rules".


My brother got the first dose of the Pfizer’s mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine yesterday, he's 75, his wife is 74, she is in the second phase, so has to wait at least 30 days.


In another state/county a 22 year old essential worker (not medical) is in front of his 65 YO mother, and 95 YO grandfather.



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23 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

It is way too early to speculate if and when Covid vaccinations will become available to foreigners.


Logic should dictate that if you have a Thai spouse and/or kids here you should have the option of being vaccinated along with the rest of your family, probably at your own expensive.


But I'm not going to hold my breath...



You are quite right, at this point in time it is all speculation.

I have been in the free flu jab program in the past and it may be similar, but that is not that straightforward.

You would need a tabian baan and the vaccination would be at the hospital covering your area, I have seen old ladies turned away because they came from outside the area, something to do with allocations.

Last time I went in 2018, I had been checked in by the medical staff and just before I reached the vaccination room this woman appeared, she spotted me and came straight over and said no foreigners. Turned out she was from the local authority, my wife tried to explain I was registered and been before but she wasn't interested. So who will be making the decision, could well turn out to be a postcode lottery.

Although registered, I do not use that hospital so fully expect to have to pay, I suspect the same will apply to Thais outside their area but they should be able to reclaim the cost.

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23 hours ago, finnsk said:

It seems that farangs can get caught in a grey zone about covid vaccinations.


What thai official tells, it looks they only care of thai citizens.


Many of our born countries also seems not to care about people who are living outside the country.


Well I think/see some private thai hospitals will offer vaccinations to very overcharged prices, there was already an example in Bangkok with a private hospital who offered vaccination for around 10000 baht without having the vaccine, this is not the right way to get the vaccination, to make some greedy thai speculants happy, I think. A Pfizer or Moderna vaccine from USA/Europe cost around 1000 baht, the oxford vaccine cost around 100 baht.


I have still not seen or heard about any serious vaccine offers with quality western vaccine to farangs in Thailand, which will be avaiable this or the next year ?


What to do ?

Fly home. 

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21 hours ago, ravip said:

We as a species is only good at destroying ourselves, directly or indirectly.

It has been happening for centuries!

There are always people going to use tragic situations to line there pockets, and I would bet that the unelected "PM" and his soldiers, not being a real government, will be near the top of the list.

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3 minutes ago, visarunner said:

Fly home. 

Your absolutely a lovely person for telling those that will want a vaccination to fly home.  Please look in the mirror and explain to yourself how nuts that is when we live here in Thailand and going back to whence we came will be at great expense, and time and extra effort not needed if a vaccine is available here.  even if the vaccine was 10k THB I believe many of us will pay rather then spend 100X's that amount to go and return.

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