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Deserted Cha-Am beach: Hotels chief says foreigners will not return to Thailand until 2022


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21 minutes ago, terryofcrete said:

When the vaccinations are at a peak level everywhere and most Thais are vaccinated too there will be no quarantine and tourists will come again , as they will to most tourist destinations . the vaccinations go up, the covid cases go down.


Maybe, but it'll be a long, long wait. Yesterday the government said they hoped - hoped - to vaccinate 70% of the population by early 2022. No mention of when everyone will be vaccinated. So pencil in 2023 I suppose for all those visitors who have lost their job and have no money to waste on holidays to return..

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7 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Tourism is not returning to Thailand anytime soon. If you think about it, the group that comprised perhaps 60% of all arrivals (lower to middle income Chinese and Indians) will the rest of the world.


It's Chinese and Malaysians (not Indians) - 2019

Chinese 10 million

Malaysians 4 million


Indians are not even close.



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31 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


Very true. Over the period from around 2016 to early 2020, every time I flew to Thailand the plane was close to full. But when I was collecting my bag from the carousel there were rarely more than about 50 people doing so. And many of those looked like Thais and therefore not tourists.

They count transit passengers in the numbers , it’s why they spout of the high numbers . 

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I can't see tourism coming back to pre-COVID levels for 2 - 3 years, if ever. It's not just Thailand, the days of inexpensive budget air travel are over. Not just the hurdles one has to negotiate getting into Thailand, also the ones getting in and out of one's own country.

The bulk tourists Thailand got from China and to a lesser extent India were not quality tourists, the average shopkeeper did not get any benefit from them. A couple of shop owners I know detested them.

Thailand could get more tourists and people settling here if it relaxed the property laws and visa requirements. That's not going to happen with the xenophobia of the ruling elite.

Offers of golf quarantine or long term visas for buying a condo aren't going to cut the mustard either. Rich people don't get to be rich by being stupid with their money.

I guess the average Thai with a stake in tourism is just going to have to suck it up, and hope a few crumbs come down from on high.

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The biggest roadblock to starting the flow of tourists is the quarantine and one of the secondary roadblocks would be the ability to visit neighboring countries during their stay in Thailand. I usually come for 7 months a year but stayed home in USA this year. By the end of this month I will have received both doses of Pfizer vaccine and hope to return in July. Hopefully the 15 day quarantine will be reduced or eliminated for those who have been vaccinated but I am not holding my breath. Will be interesting to see how fast Thailand can vaccinate people once the AstraZeneca vaccine is available in quantity.

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1 hour ago, EricTh said:


It's Chinese and Malaysians (not Indians) - 2019

Chinese 10 million

Malaysians 4 million


Indians are not even close.



Well at nearly 2 million, it is significant. But, your clarification is good info and appreciated. 

Edited by spidermike007
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I don’t get this , tourists escaping paying their hospital bills , firstly don’t let them leave to hospital until someone has paid and or when they leave country , they have passport details on record <deleted> .. which tells me it’s not the issue at all , I’ve never heard of anyone absconding without paying .. I think it’s actually lack of farang in hospitals... is giving them grief .. 

although I won’t be going anywhere, 500 bht seems ok to me , I’d pay it . 

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6 hours ago, TheFreqFlyer said:

Mae Hong Son never really had any foreign visitors to begin with. Last time I was there in early 2019, I hardly saw another westerner.


Really? Maybe in 2019. The previous (and first time) I went to Mae Hong Son was in 2002 and it was packed with foreigners - mostly Europeans. Flew in and out with Thai airways from Chiang Mai on a B737 and it was full. Many French and Germans. The hotel was full too. Again, westerners. Not Chinese tourists. Not Thai tourists. So different now. A few Thai tourists and some bikers (us included) but otherwise the town was dead.


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10 hours ago, webfact said:

He couldn't see foreign tourists returning until 2022 and that would depend on the airlines. 

Do these people not think that it is due to the government restrictions way more than the airlines. Getting a plane to Thailand right now is actually easy. Way too many other hoops to jump through

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3 hours ago, m Stender said:

And some countries will not issue that letter (impossible to get in the US)

Not sure what you're talking about. It was very easy for me to get. I got a free test (I don't have insurance) each of the 4 weeks I was in the usa. I could print all of them. The last one I used to get back in NL. There was no problem whatsoever. I made an appointment online, next day I went to the testing location, waited in no line, next day got my result, printed it, and the following day, gave it at the airport. 12 hours later I was home in Rotterdam

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1 hour ago, Searat7 said:

Will be interesting to see how fast Thailand can vaccinate people once the AstraZeneca vaccine is available in quantity.


Slowly. They announced yesterday that they hope to vaccinate 70% of the population by early next year. Who knows when they'll get around to the final 30%.

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They can come back in 2021 - not to the same degree as in past

years but will steadily increase as more and more people take

advantage of what is the natural generosity of spirit of Thai people.

Thailand must first stop threatening - or actively engaging in - shutting

everything down. That creates a lifeless experience for the inhabitants

and the tourists, and no one wants that. That includes shutting down bars,

refusing to allow restaurants to serve alcohol, creating curfews that don't

make sense... in other words, maintain calm law and order without the

harshness of draconian measures. 

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"He couldn't see foreign tourists returning until 2022 and that would depend on the airlines."


No, that would depend on the government not having zero covid "cases" as a goal. This is their current and past fixation, and with this as a goal -- which is impossible and unsustainable -- we will never have tourists (other than token visitors "who can spend 14 days in quarantine of their two-week vacation" here). 

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11 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

What sacrifices are the authorities willing to make? I do not see any discussion of this, but rather the vapid "TCOKU" (Thailand is the center of the known universe) drivel. They will return, simply because we open back up. No. Not the case. You need to do alot more than that. Thailand will be forgotten over time. Thailand needs the world, 20x more than the world needs Thailand. Are they addressing critical issues, like the air and water quality, traffic safety, public transportation on the southern islands, rapid rail transport, and the lack of law enforcement? No. Nothing, and I mean less than zero is being done.



I think a lot will still depend on how cheap it is. A lot will depend on the return to visa-free access. A lot will depend on political stability/indifference  - Thailand still has tourist infrastructure - airports, resorts, which neighbors do not yet have. If Gambling infrastructure is added the Chinese will come. Bilingual signs everywhere in Chinese instead of English?

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Times are tough in farangland, Thailand's customers don't have the disposable income that they used to have. They will have to rebuild their savings while probably paying higher taxes due the governments covid debts. Everything is in flux at the moment.


People may get used to holidaying in their own country and finding once you cut out the airfare to Thailand your own or neighbouring country isn't so expensive after all.


What are the air companies going to do with air fares, will the covid vaccine need to be renewed each year, another outbreak somewhere will put everyone in panic mode again, small outbreaks here and there are bound to happen after the all clear has been given. IMO 2022 will see a small recovery but it will take many more years before long haul mass tourism starts up again, Americans have a huge country of their own to explore and Europe may rediscover itself.

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18 hours ago, TheFreqFlyer said:

I rarely come onto Thaivisa anymore and only even bother when I'm browsing my Facebook profile and an interesting story comes my way.


I then click on the link and even if it's been a month or two, or 6, your comments stand out because they're the same claptrap every time. You're like a wind up doll. 


You keep making ridiculous predictions about how no one wants to come here anymore, that the world will forget the country, there will only be 1 million visitors next year blah blah blah when the only thing keeping visitors away from the country are the current ridiculous travel restrictions.


Visitors will return tomorrow and in big numbers once travel restrictions are lifted, including border crossings re-opened and flights resuming normal service.


There will be 20-30 million annual visitors in no time, once the global economy recovers. 

     I agree.  And, even with covid hurting economies, there are still millions of people with money who can't wait to travel once they are allowed to.  Not everyone has lost their job.  Many retirees--a big travel group--have secure pensions and haven't lost a penny in income with covid.

     I think many feel like me, that I lost a year of travel opportunities in 2020 and I want to make up for it.  When international travel is allowed, all that pent-up demand will take off.  (Tiny pun.)  I talked to my retired sister in America recently and she said she and her husband will be first in line for the vaccine when it is available.  She can't wait to get traveling again.  Me, too.  Life is short and there are still many places in the World I'd like to visit.

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22 hours ago, Wildliferescue said:

Business was bad, but many were in survival mode until some government officials allowed migrant workers to cross the borders in exchange for bribes. With the current closure most hotels and restaurants are now without any income and the gov isn't interested in helping out in any way at all. Wanting to build bridges, buy submarines and so much more things Thailand DOES NOT NEED NOW for billions of dollars... while claiming there is not enough money to help the people.


In the meantime these same officials and politicians get paid as usual and find more rules and regulation to squeeze out more money from normal citizen.



They probably invest in infrastructure ( except for the subs), etc; Possibly because there will be a post-covid era, and Th nationals will still have to live here. With or without tourists....

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22 hours ago, ChipButty said:

Tourism was going down before Covid came along

What? Tourism visitors have increased since 2010. In  2014 it had small decrease 7% because of  troubles but bounced back 20%+ in 2015.


18 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


It was a focus on quantity over quality, which eroded the nation on countless levels. More is rarely better. It just lowers the quality of life for nearly everyone, creates more congestion, more smog, more traffic, longer lines at immigration, and makes life difficult, especially in the big cities. There are countless things the government could be doing, if they wanted to attract the high quality tourists, and go for quality over quantity.

Quantity over quality is never a good thing, unless you are selling one dollar items at a swap meet. It just lowers the quality of the experience for all.


Everyone I spoke to who worked in the industry said the same thing. Income was way down. Business was down. Sure, the hotels that offered 50% off their rates, to attract the Chinese and Indian tours were usually full. But, what did that really mean to the nation?

Maybe you don't speak to people in the quality hotels? Big brands were investing heavily.  I keep asking how they do it, but Patong was adding high end hotels for the past 10 years and doing just fine. Bangkok always have  new hotel going up and old hotel under refit. If so bad, how does Centara get the high room rates it asks? We had  holiday in Hua Hin - Marriot and Intercontinental always booked tight and they charge 6000+baht a night. Maybe you know only dirty old hotel with no upgrade for 20 years and they have problem.


16 hours ago, m Stender said:

well written

If one likes fantasy fiction.


14 hours ago, ronaldo0 said:

They count transit passengers in the numbers , it’s why they spout of the high numbers . 


I see this many times in forum and it just is not true. Data comes from Tourism visa coding.  Transit visa is not counted.  Please if I have this wrong, you tell me, ok?

13 hours ago, Howiehotspur said:

I don’t get this , tourists escaping paying their hospital bills , firstly don’t let them leave to hospital until someone has paid and or when they leave country , they have passport details on record <deleted> .. which tells me it’s not the issue at all , I’ve never heard of anyone absconding without paying .. I think it’s actually lack of farang in hospitals... is giving them grief .. 

although I won’t be going anywhere, 500 bht seems ok to me , I’d pay it . 


https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Asia-Insight/Tourism-proves-hazardous-to-Thai-hospitals-financial-health   "Chalermpong recalled one recent case in which a young American suffered a serious head injury in a motorcycle accident. He stayed in intensive care at first, and then a regular room for a few months. He did not have travel insurance, and by the time he was discharged, he owed the hospital 800,000 baht ($26,400).   The hospital is still waiting for the money."


Looks like whoever is telling you there is no issue, is not correct.

Edited by Patong2021
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12 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


Slowly. They announced yesterday that they hope to vaccinate 70% of the population by early next year. Who knows when they'll get around to the final 30%.

Yes, maybe so, then again the rest of the world is not doing much better if not worse.....

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15 hours ago, hobobo said:

And probably counted as tourists twice! It's been happening for years.

      So, if it's 'been happening for years', as you say, you nicely prove the point that tourist numbers were up, rather than down, pre-covid.  If the same counting system has been used 'for years', you can look at the counted tourist numbers and see that every single year since 2010 the tourist numbers are up, except for 2014, the year of the coup.  2010 was 15.9 million and 2019 39 million.    

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