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Sin sod query


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On 2/14/2021 at 6:58 PM, Clive said:

Good afternoon.

Can you please offer some help. 

I'm going to be taking an early retirement and moving to Thailand later this year/ early next year (assuming coronavirus is behind us) and was wondering if sin sod is still widely practised and if so what price roughly would it be for a normal Thai girl

Having lived in Thailand about 15 years ago and had a horrible toxic relationship (not a bar girl) I would be very cautious about paying what I consider an outdated practice should I meet someone in the future. 

Thank you

To this day have not paid any, nor was any asked for. We have purchased the odd piece of gold for cosmetic and financial reasons, but nothing outrageous.

I do hear a few of the local girls still getting some. A German guy nearby paid a million or so for a "nice" girl nearby. Turns out my step son had been having relations with her the whole time. Now my step son is no winner. He is a few bricks shy of a complete outhouse so not sure what she saw in him?


No to sin sod. Yes to contributing to all of the house hold bills etc, same as any other married people around the world.

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Thailand Civil and Commercial code

Section 1437. Betrothal is not valid until the man gives or transfers the property which is Khongman to the woman as evidence that the woman after the betrothal has taken place.

The Khongman shall become the property of the woman after the betrothal has taken place.

Sinsod is property given on the part of the man to the parents, adopter of guardian of the woman, as the case may be, in return of the woman agreeing to marry. If the marriage does not take place causing mainly from the woman or on account of any circumstances that make the woman responsible therefore and make the marriage unsuitable for the man or make the man unable to marry that woman, the man may claim the return of the Sinsod.

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On 2/17/2021 at 4:54 AM, rct99q said:

To this day have not paid any, nor was any asked for. We have purchased the odd piece of gold for cosmetic and financial reasons, but nothing outrageous.

I do hear a few of the local girls still getting some. A German guy nearby paid a million or so for a "nice" girl nearby. Turns out my step son had been having relations with her the whole time. Now my step son is no winner. He is a few bricks shy of a complete outhouse so not sure what she saw in him?


No to sin sod. Yes to contributing to all of the house hold bills etc, same as any other married people around the world.


Regarding " A German guy nearby paid a million or so for a "nice" girl nearby."


555 lol,


Im also German, after 1 year Longtime Relationship with well educated Thai Lady with Thai University Bachelor degree, was coming every 6 weeks to Thailand 


I get big boring with this LADY, all the time she want Gold, Sinsod, married, buy Land, buy car  in her name ....have send her 30.000 THB monthly but not enough, sometimes she show me her Thai friends get 50.000 THB per month from farlang boy friend,  severeal times a week  > 4000 THB  shopping when boyfriend stay by she 


After 1 year every 6 weeks coming to Thailand   

I decided to took a Bargirl after arriving before wanted to meet my longtime Thai girlfriend, 

told her my full story and that  Ill meet my girlfriend tomorrow, <deleted> and go 


She lol about me 30.000 THB for what, shopping for what, buy car and land for what ?

why you put gold in her pussy,..Im very poor lady have nothings and you are  very stupid paying  german


 2 days later in the morning, have trouble with my girlfriend because I refuse to pay 







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On 2/17/2021 at 10:54 AM, rct99q said:

A German guy nearby paid a million or so for a "nice" girl nearby. Turns out my step son had been having relations with her the whole time. Now my step son is no winner. He is a few bricks shy of a complete outhouse so not sure what she saw in him?


Has your step-son got large feet and hands?

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On 2/22/2021 at 5:38 PM, 6lover said:

I decided to took a Bargirl after arriving before wanted to meet my longtime Thai girlfriend, 

told her my full story and that  Ill meet my girlfriend tomorrow, <deleted> and go




On 2/22/2021 at 5:38 PM, 6lover said:

 2 days later in the morning, have trouble with my girlfriend because I refuse to pay 


Did you pay the bargirl for one night or the two?



Edited by NanLaew
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On 2/22/2021 at 5:38 PM, 6lover said:

I get big boring with this LADY, all the time she want Gold, Sinsod, married, buy Land, buy car  in her name ....have send her 30.000 THB monthly but not enough, sometimes she show me her Thai friends get 50.000 THB per month from farlang boy friend,  severeal times a week  > 4000 THB  shopping when boyfriend stay by she 

555 ...... you're paying too much.

10kbt/month is enough for a live-in 'pretend wife', never send money if you aren't living with her.

If mine ever suggests 'more', I just tell her I'll be sorry to see her go, but if she can get a better deal to go for it.

Edited by BritManToo
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3 hours ago, NanLaew said:





Did you pay the bargirl for one night or the two?




No, I pay the Bargirl only Short time 1000 THB + Barfine  

because  coming 10 p.m from Airport, told her very tired want sleep,

she grabbed my balls and we fell asleep together woke up at night,

went to Insomnia,


Around 9 a.m. goodbye forever, she knew I have longtime girl friend, dont care !

she also told me,  several regular costumers had booked longtime with mamasan for several weeks and made a deposit


I didnt pay anything extra for longtime with her.

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It honestly depends upon the financial position of the family. Despite all the cheap Charlies on here, I paid off her parents mooban shophouse, B444,444 in new bills 30 years ago when that was some real money, not just the cost of a marriage extension. Gold chains & earrings, a nice diamond ring.


Made me proud to help her family. And happy to gift her those small tokens of affection which still have meaning for her today. That's what makes us human.


Three decades later, we're still in love. We still have romance in our life together. We eat & laugh & share life's simple joys.


Her parents, now 80, love me as their son. We don't have many disagreements anymore; when we do Mae & Paw take my side.


There was bargaining involved but this custom is not buying a bride. Maybe it's greasing your way into her family. But I'm filled with happiness every time I remember that morning.



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On 2/15/2021 at 10:36 AM, 473geo said:

So no sinsod guys? Who paid for the wedding, or who do you expect to pay for wedding? Just wondering how low you are prepared to go ????

I paid for all the costs of the wedding and reception and provided sin-sod to the wife's younger sister as her parents were dead, the sin-sod (gold and money was returned to my wife in full the day after our wedding). Up to you what you are prepared to accept, if the answer is nil then it's nil.

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Same day I have finished with my longtime girl friend, (she was educated with Bachelor Master Degree) I dont accept to buy Gold, finance her life pay this and that, her brother have problem, give me today 15.000 THB, then she talking about Sinsod  and Gifts for Family otherwise she not want stay with me. Last time I lost about 100.000 THB for stay 6 weeks together


1 Day later very early in the mornig, I sit outside for eat breakfest, the Bargirl suddenly she saw me, coning straight from costumer after small talk and common eat breakfest she came with me again in apartment, sleep and stayed until late afternoon.


I not want change lady, we had now agreed DONT PAY FOR ME @ BAR - DONT COME  - DONT TALK  10.000 THB for whole month 6 she comes everyday after work, sleep by me, in the evening go work in the Bar.


This time I didn't want to finance a whore 4 weeks vacation, let her go to work in the bar, she'll do that anyway when I'm gone, if she comes to me every morning for 6  it's ok and I save with daily expensive shopping wishes, because lady tired from night work. 


Next Day I try to trust she, give her my room key, let visibile 50.000 THB cash, credit card  and passport in the room, 4 weeks nothings happened. On the contrary, every day she showed me what she earned last night and put the money in my apartment. She made it so that everything in the apartment looked perfect at all times, clothes, shoes, brought dirty clothes to the laundry


Two Days before departure we went to Bangkok, her cell phone rang, in the afternoon, Mamasan and some customers called already when come work.


After 1 month she had about 45.000 THB cash (+10.000 THB from me) from working in the Bar.

She asked me in Bangkok if I could give her 15,000 THB until I come back to Thailand, she still wants to do some repairs on the house, stay long time with  family waiting me come back Thailand, married then together go Germany  Ha HA 555 lol,  I dont believe whore 


I told her take my 50,000 THB, I don't need the money, now we'll buy you a new Samsung Galaxy.

I don't care, you go back Pattaya work, make money money and show me, in Germany, you cant stay home and waiting my money, you also have to work if you want to get married and be my wife, but not as a prostitute


you're <deleted> like papasan, she said I've never had a big <deleted> customer like you, but I love you


I gave her the 50.000 THB,  she was shocked said nothing looked at me, called mamasan, .... I'm not coming back working bar, have young Boyfriend Germany took the SIM card out of the cell phone, destroyed it, then she destroyed her cell phone with all the numbers of her customers.


Finally: She promised me that she would always be a good wife and the whore in bed, no sinsod, no house, no gold buying, no land purchase, no car purchase, no traditional expensive Buddha village wedding in Thailand, no monthly payments of money for the family in Thailand.  Only plane ticket and Visa paperwork and she leave forever Thailand with me


When we visit Family in village we buy traditional gold and before leave Thaiand we sell....555


5 months later we lived already together in Germany and are still together up today


avoid cheat love gold digger ladies that exist in every country in the world. A woman who has high financial demands at the beginning, but has hardly any money of her own and can hardly earn enough money in the long term and women who are equally educationally resistant should be avoided and not married.


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5 minutes ago, 6lover said:

Same day I have finished with my longtime girl friend, (she was educated with Bachelor Master Degree) I dont accept to buy Gold, finance her life pay this and that, her brother have problem, give me today 15.000 THB, then she talking about Sinsod  and Gifts for Family otherwise she not want stay with me. Last time I lost about 100.000 THB for stay 6 weeks together


1 Day later very early in the mornig, I sit outside for eat breakfest, the Bargirl suddenly she saw me, coning straight from costumer after small talk and common eat breakfest she came with me again in apartment, sleep and stayed until late afternoon.


I not want change lady, we had now agreed DONT PAY FOR ME @ BAR - DONT COME  - DONT TALK  10.000 THB for whole month 6 she comes everyday after work, sleep by me, in the evening go work in the Bar.


This time I didn't want to finance a whore 4 weeks vacation, let her go to work in the bar, she'll do that anyway when I'm gone, if she comes to me every morning for 6  it's ok and I save with daily expensive shopping wishes, because lady tired from night work. 


Next Day I try to trust she, give her my room key, let visibile 50.000 THB cash, credit card  and passport in the room, 4 weeks nothings happened. On the contrary, every day she showed me what she earned last night and put the money in my apartment. She made it so that everything in the apartment looked perfect at all times, clothes, shoes, brought dirty clothes to the laundry


Two Days before departure we went to Bangkok, her cell phone rang, in the afternoon, Mamasan and some customers called already when come work.


After 1 month she had about 45.000 THB cash (+10.000 THB from me) from working in the Bar.

She asked me in Bangkok if I could give her 15,000 THB until I come back to Thailand, she still wants to do some repairs on the house, stay long time with  family waiting me come back Thailand, married then together go Germany  Ha HA 555 lol,  I dont believe whore 


I told her take my 50,000 THB, I don't need the money, now we'll buy you a new Samsung Galaxy.

I don't care, you go back Pattaya work, make money money and show me, in Germany, you cant stay home and waiting my money, you also have to work if you want to get married and be my wife, but not as a prostitute


you're <deleted> like papasan, she said I've never had a big <deleted> customer like you, but I love you


I gave her the 50.000 THB,  she was shocked said nothing looked at me, called mamasan, .... I'm not coming back working bar, have young Boyfriend Germany took the SIM card out of the cell phone, destroyed it, then she destroyed her cell phone with all the numbers of her customers.


Finally: She promised me that she would always be a good wife and the whore in bed, no sinsod, no house, no gold buying, no land purchase, no car purchase, no traditional expensive Buddha village wedding in Thailand, no monthly payments of money for the family in Thailand.  Only plane ticket and Visa paperwork and she leave forever Thailand with me


When we visit Family in village we buy traditional gold and before leave Thaiand we sell....555


5 months later we lived already together in Germany and are still together up today


avoid cheat love gold digger ladies that exist in every country in the world. A woman who has high financial demands at the beginning, but has hardly any money of her own and can hardly earn enough money in the long term and women who are equally educationally resistant should be avoided and not married.



Im very happy until today with she, never she make contact with other man 


she loves her family including farlang husband 

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On 2/15/2021 at 3:27 AM, Morch said:

Just to give a less gloomy angle - sometimes the sinsod bit is for show (or good luck, tradition, whatever). The groom gives the agreed upon sinsod to bride's parents, who in turn give it back to the newlywed couple. Sure, there are also sinsod-goes-wrong stories involving greedy parents/family, but I think overall it's not that common to mess with wedding money etc.


Mrs. Morch's parents and family never brought it up before we got married. I think the above version was part of her two younger siblings' weddings, but more like in a tradition/fun kinda way.


As other said, depends on many things, and if you don't feel comfortable with it, just don't. It's not a must.

I agree. I gave sinsod to my MIL, but got it back- just for show to make her feel good about it.

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