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Video: Former hotel maid brings six year old child back to life after near drowning - she learned CPR in Norway


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4 hours ago, JoePai said:

Good news and a very big 'well done' to that lady.

As for the pathetic morons who moaned 'but some said her technique was not how to perform CPR' I would say go screw yourselves

That sure improves my breathing....????

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17 hours ago, simon43 said:

Great news!  But I was even more surprised by the news that she happened to pass by when taking a driving lesson!! ????

In OZ you must know  DR.ABC to pass the driving test. D=danger to yourself(or others); R=response from victim; A=airways check nothing blocking airway (like false teeth etc); B= are they breathing if not kiss of life; then C=CPR.            Thailand Zilch.

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