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Health Min confirms private COVID-19 vaccines imports are allowed


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8 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

Your price quotes are not accurate as you are not taking into consideration all the other things necessary to get the jab in arms.  The wholesale price has nothing to do with the final jab in a foreign country and is a false narrative of the final cost for a country to import, manage and all the other protocols/regulations necessary to provide the vaccines..  

Vaccine development has been funded by the tax payer. 

It should be free, legislation was made to let vaccine companies own what they developed and sell it back to governments, legislation was also passed granting them immunity from prosecution's from the side effects. 


Now private companies, hospitals, governments have turned distribution into a circus. 


At the same time they have ignored other treatments such as Ivermectin which has proven itself as safe and very effective, only now are brave doctors starting to speak out and use Ivermectin, possibly the safest drug in the world, its been around for years.


Instead greedy mania prevails and the world has become a shameful mess controlled by big pharmacy and greedy psychopathic maniacs. 

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16 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Why should the unelected "PM" want to ease quarantine? It's a big moneyspinner for the insurance companies, hospitals and hotels, then there's the brown envelopes.


Maybe.  But not 1/10 the money spinner that an open economy with 40 million annual tourists used to be.


And that ain't coming back with any quarantine.  95% of tourists won't stand for losing precious vacation days in quarantine.


Edited by impulse
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A depressing article in the Post.  Google this:


Authorities defend vaccine policy


Says J&J jabs are approved, but can't get a supply.  Probably will arrive towards the end of the year!  And J&J is already having problems in the US with supplies dropping some 86%.






U.S. states face steep decline in J&J Covid vaccine amid production problems at Baltimore plant

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 thailand they have astra and sinovac


Astra UK halted making  to check for possibly  blood clotting  side effects and Sinovac came from China tested in Brazil only 51.7 % effective 


so sorry i don't  trust the cheap <deleted> from china


remember  even if your vaccinated you can still carry it on your  clothes 


you can catch it from a hand rail so in theory many vaccinated  people  could  be walking covid machines 

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21 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

Your price quotes are not accurate as you are not taking into consideration all the other things necessary to get the jab in arms.  The wholesale price has nothing to do with the final jab in a foreign country and is a false narrative of the final cost for a country to import, manage and all the other protocols/regulations necessary to provide the vaccines..  

of course the prices are relevant, it will give you all an idea of the mark up when private hospitals start selling the vaccin ! As for countries ordering, buying the vaccins, they should be vaccinating their residents for free , so the cost of the full procedure should not matter to the vaccinated. As for poor countries it’s completely different, they do not pay for the vaccin and different organizations regulate everything including import etc.

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18 minutes ago, geisha said:

of course the prices are relevant, it will give you all an idea of the mark up when private hospitals start selling the vaccin ! As for countries ordering, buying the vaccins, they should be vaccinating their residents for free , so the cost of the full procedure should not matter to the vaccinated. As for poor countries it’s completely different, they do not pay for the vaccin and different organizations regulate everything including import etc.

Private hospitals are in the business for profit. If you don't like that. Go to a government hospital. That's what I do.

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2 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:
2 hours ago, geisha said:

of course the prices are relevant, it will give you all an idea of the mark up when private hospitals start selling the vaccin ! As for countries ordering, buying the vaccins, they should be vaccinating their residents for free , so the cost of the full procedure should not matter to the vaccinated. As for poor countries it’s completely different, they do not pay for the vaccin and different organizations regulate everything including import etc.

Private hospitals are in the business for profit. If you don't like that. Go to a government hospital. That's what I do.


What you're missing is the few well connected families who will win the import licenses, and all private vaccine purchases will have to be funneled through them.  (Maybe all vaccine purchases?) Sure, we'll know the total markup, but we'll never know how much of that profit goes to the hospitals, and how much gets siphoned off by the families who control pretty much everything in Thailand. 


Works the same with lottery tickets, Chatuchuk leases, exotic wood sales, all kinds of agriculture exports, and on and on. That may be one reason it's taking so long to get the vaccine programs rolling.  Infighting over divvying up the spoils.


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4 hours ago, impulse said:

What you're missing is the few well connected families who will win the import licenses, and all private vaccine purchases will have to be funneled through them.  (Maybe all vaccine purchases?)...

The importation of medicines, including vaccines, is regulated by the Drugs Act B.E. 2510, as amended, and Ministerial Regulations and other regulatory rules issued under the authority of this law.


One of the requirements is a licence to import medicines, which is issued to a natural person (individual person), not a juristic person (company). There are dozens, if not hundreds, of Thai companies importing medicines and employing a holder of the licence to import medicines and I am quite sure that some of these companies will apply or already have applied to the Ministry of Public Health for permission to import one ore several Covid-19 vaccines.


The law also makes provisions for the direct importation of medicines by hospitals and medical doctors.

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11 hours ago, impulse said:


What you're missing is the few well connected families who will win the import licenses, and all private vaccine purchases will have to be funneled through them.  (Maybe all vaccine purchases?) Sure, we'll know the total markup, but we'll never know how much of that profit goes to the hospitals, and how much gets siphoned off by the families who control pretty much everything in Thailand. 


Works the same with lottery tickets, Chatuchuk leases, exotic wood sales, all kinds of agriculture exports, and on and on. That may be one reason it's taking so long to get the vaccine programs rolling.  Infighting over divvying up the spoils.


I understand this very well.  Not missing it at all.  But it's reality and nothing we can do to change it.  Sadly.


The future doesn't look bright for us to get quality jabs this year.  AZ has some issues and Sinovac isn't as effective.  Ugh.

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On 4/9/2021 at 4:34 PM, brewsterbudgen said:

The British Council vaccinated all their Bangkok staff yesterday, both Thai and non-Thai, presumably imported from the UK.

I'm sure the same has happened at my A-hole embassy as well but nothing is being done for their citizens either. It just angers me beyond belief that my country recently donated $410,000 dollars worth of medical equipment to fight Covid-19 this 3rd world ???? hole and no-one does anything for our protection ????

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On 4/9/2021 at 4:04 PM, snoop1130 said:

He said 14 companies have so far submitted documentation for approval.

hope none of them are Chinese as it appears their efficiency is questionable 



China CDC Director: Chinese COVID Vaccines ‘Don’t Have Very High Protection Rates’ .......  what a surprise ????????????????????

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On 4/10/2021 at 8:20 AM, Jeffr2 said:

One source said 6-10k.  Another said 2-3x that.  I think no one knows right now.


I believe the 6-10k Baht was in a news article here a month ago or so.

Israel paid US$10-22 for Pfizer jabs. $10 is the base price, and $22 was premium high priority immediate delivery of millions of doses. So this will probably be the cost price for the Thailand hospitals. Let's see what their profit margins will bring the price to.

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On 4/10/2021 at 4:48 PM, kiwikeith said:

Vaccine development has been funded by the tax payer. 

It should be free, legislation was made to let vaccine companies own what they developed and sell it back to governments, legislation was also passed granting them immunity from prosecution's from the side effects. 


Now private companies, hospitals, governments have turned distribution into a circus. 


At the same time they have ignored other treatments such as Ivermectin which has proven itself as safe and very effective, only now are brave doctors starting to speak out and use Ivermectin, possibly the safest drug in the world, its been around for years.


Instead greedy mania prevails and the world has become a shameful mess controlled by big pharmacy and greedy psychopathic maniacs. 


Not all. Some are privately funded, some partially funded, some completely public funded. Countries then negotiate deals with each vaccine company. All these vaccines are approved under "emergency use" so there is protection from lawsuits because the long term effects have not been studied yet.

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23 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

I understand this very well.  Not missing it at all.  But it's reality and nothing we can do to change it.  Sadly.


The future doesn't look bright for us to get quality jabs this year.  AZ has some issues and Sinovac isn't as effective.  Ugh.

J&J vaccine has been rejected by the Oz Gov due to having similar problems as the Astra Zeneca vaccine.



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4 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

J&J vaccine has been rejected by the Oz Gov due to having similar problems as the Astra Zeneca vaccine.



All these jabs are emergency use only.  They've not gone through the entire approval process. 


This is a great source for info.



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On 4/10/2021 at 12:29 PM, StevieAus said:

Not sure if your last sentence was a serious comment, but I think you will find your entitlements under the NHS ceased when you boarded the plane for Thailand, the same way that my entitlements under Medicare ceased when I left Australia.

They did not cease when I left UK. it was an unjust decision made a very long time after I had left the UK.

I continued to pay voluntary NI contributions a long time after I left the UK until I was told I had paid the maximum number of years necessary for state pension. But its worth FA when it comes to NHS. Its a clear robbery of benefits.

Its totally unjust to take away the benefits associated with the payments i made.


However, the topic we are discussing here is covid vaccination, 

They are giving vaccination to foreigners in the UK who have are not citizens and not contributing to the NHS,

So how does that fit with any comments abut the NHS. 

Do they have priority over Uk citizens who paid a lot of money into the system. Is Australia doing the same?
The UK government has no policy for what we can do if we go back to Uk. I have tried asking and dont get any answers.

The way these clowns here are dealing with things, it may mean there is no option but to go back to UK and try to get vaccination there.


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28 minutes ago, jojothai said:

They did not cease when I left UK. it was an unjust decision made a very long time after I had left the UK.

I continued to pay voluntary NI contributions a long time after I left the UK until I was told I had paid the maximum number of years necessary for state pension. But its worth FA when it comes to NHS. Its a clear robbery of benefits.

Its totally unjust to take away the benefits associated with the payments i made.


However, the topic we are discussing here is covid vaccination, 

They are giving vaccination to foreigners in the UK who have are not citizens and not contributing to the NHS,

So how does that fit with any comments abut the NHS. 

Do they have priority over Uk citizens who paid a lot of money into the system. Is Australia doing the same?
The UK government has no policy for what we can do if we go back to Uk. I have tried asking and dont get any answers.

The way these clowns here are dealing with things, it may mean there is no option but to go back to UK and try to get vaccination there.


In relation to your comment about what is happening in Australia, from what I read in the newspaper to which I subscribe some describe it as a shambles although several friends have advised they have received their vaccines.

Its the usual problem of the Federal versus various State Governments who actually administer health care.

Regarding citizens and non citizens, before you can obtain Australian citizenship, unless you are Australian born you have to obtain permanent  residency which then gives you full rights including free medical treatment, there is no requirement to become a citizen.

It is not too hard and if my opinion an act of stupidly not to apply.

We have had our share of asylum seekers etc who are still trying to stay in the country and as to whether they are getting the vaccine I haven’t got a clue.

I also paid a lot of money into the system both personal and company tax and don’t even receive the aged pension as it is means tested and I am currently considered too wealthy which is a joke.

In recent years they have continued to lower the bar to exclude more people and I have many friends in the same position

I would have thought it rather extreme to have to return to the UK to obtain the vaccine considering the cost including quarantine on return etc.

From what I read Private Hospitals will eventually supply the Covid vaccine as they do now with other vaccines,  that will be my preferred choice even as I expect to pay.

I am certainly not interested in the Chinese version they are currently giving to Thai people, free or otherwise.

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Probably lots of supply of the J&J single shot soon since the US is putting a halt to it.  Same problem as the AZ.  One in a million chance of rare blood clotting.  Considering there is about a 10 in 10,000 chance of a woman developing the same type of blood clot from birth control pills it shouldn't be a big deal but the media and antivax idiots will make it a big deal as always.







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