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Thailand reports daily record 967 new coronavirus infections

Jonathan Fairfield

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2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Do you live here in Thailand or elsewhere.  Thailand's way of dealing with this virus has always been to isolate a person in a hospital whether asymptomatic or symptomatic.  The other way they have dealt with it has been to place you in a field hospital and when symptoms showed up carted you off to the hospital.  The final way they dealt with it was to ring entire factories with barbed wire and lock all inside, just like they did with the migrant workers in Samut Sakhon.  It is done this way because in the early days of the virus spreading, folks that were asked to quarantine at home, think little ghosts as they are called, failed to follow the orders and then went out partying.  Thai people do not listen to orders or follow rules often, and the "I feel Fine" "What do you mean I can not go out" crowd will never be kept inside, and so mandatory hospitalization was enacted.  Think about all of those with little money who also share a 25 sqm apartment with 5 or 6 others, and rely on buying food from street vendors, and the local 7-11.  How would you isolate them in their home from the others and still get them the needed food.  Nice try Hoax, but the reality here is they are and will be hospitalized until this government decides to try again, but then those that live in crowded conditions must be separated to contain the spread.

That includes all those Government high level members, who, thinking they are immune (whether vaccinated or not) think they can go to high risks night spots and thus break their own rules.

The only hopefully good thing about this is that it may get rid of a part if the junta (unfortunately taking innocent people with them) ! One can only hope. 

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1 minute ago, Walter Travolta said:

depends on which numbers you choose to believe. Some people believe the numbers are far higher. Some people dont believe the numbers are that high due to the fact all the conflicting and contradictory evidence that shows this. Such as a deadly virus only requiring a mask and hand gel to keep it at bay. Oh and the fact it has a survival rate of over 99% but it seems these days its more en vogue to let a good story get in the way of facts. if this was as deadly as everyone is making out, Im sure the powers that be would have had everyone on lockdown until it was over, but the dithering that has gone on with covid for over a year tells us how deadly (or not) it is.


Except that, the UK govt dithered for a goodly time and numbers of infected went up. Then we went into lockdown and numbers stabilised and started falling.

THEN we got the vaccines and numbers really started falling.

That tells me that there's only really one true fix for the problem - vaccination.


Lockdowns (to which I am actually opposed) are a "temporary band-aid" but seemed to do what they were intended to do before vaccines were available. 


I'm basing this on what I've actually seen over the last year, not on any theories, scientific or otherwise.

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3 minutes ago, Wafrog said:

That includes all those Government high level members, who, thinking they are immune (whether vaccinated or not) think they can go to high risks night spots and thus break their own rules.

The only hopefully good thing about this is that it may get rid of a part if the junta (unfortunately taking innocent people with them) ! One can only hope. 

Yep fingers crossed its covid 19 or a particularly nasty STD that gets them - poetic justice it would be indeed

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1 hour ago, wensiensheng said:

Yes, but because it is a novel virus the entire population is at risk of becoming infected. Hence the drastic measures taken by most governments to control the virus until a vaccine is distributed.


 I just want to put the record straight and to back up some of my comments with references...


What I wrote was that many people already have pre-existing immunity to SARS-CoV-19 from pre-existing circulating T cells due to prior exposure from other corona viruses such as SARS (2003) and even the common cold.


You (wensiensheng) are assuming that SARS-CoV-19 is ‘novel’ because this was the designation placed on it at the outset by the WHO. By ‘novel’ they assume that the general population are all susceptible to develop the disease. However, later research has shown this is not a reasonable assumption. Here are several studies showing that individuals have immunity to SARS-CoV-2 by T-Cell mediated mechanisms.


Bonifacius, A. et al. COVID-19 immune signatures reveal stable antiviral T cell function despite declining humoral responses. Immunity. 54, 340-354, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.immuni.2021.01.008


Doshi, P. (Ed). Covid-19: Do many people have pre-existing immunity? 2020; 370:m3563 https://www.bmj.com/content/370/bmj.m3563


Echeverría G. et al. Pre-existing T-cell immunity to SARS-CoV-2 in unexposed healthy controls in Ecuador, as detected with a COVID-19 Interferon-Gamma Release Assay. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijid.2021.02.034


Le Bert, N. et al. Different pattern of pre-existing SARS-COV-2 specific T cell immunity in SARS-recovered and uninfected individuals. (2020). https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.05.26.115832


Tarke A. et al. Comprehensive analysis of T cell immunodominance and immunoprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 epitopes in COVID-19 cases. Cell Reports Medicine 2, February 16, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xcrm.2021.100204

Edited by onthedarkside
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On 4/11/2021 at 2:39 PM, anchadian said:
BREAKING: Health officials in Chiang Mai have just announced that a further 281 people have tested positive bringing the total for this month to 662 cases. These number will be added to the national tally tomorrow


Those initial 500 hospital beds are gone. Lucky they built 1,000, but they also will be all filled in 2 or 3 days.


I guess they better brief the Army on some field hospitals...

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7 minutes ago, smedly said:

treatment for what ??????


90% or more of these people will not be sick, why are they in a hospital - only one sensible reason I can think of - to gouge  money



True but the other side of the coin is that a few of these people contracted the virus whilst in certain establishments frequented by any number of this corrupt government. Whist in hospital they are effectively controlled, and silenced, to offering the general populace an indication of who these people were and what they were up to.  and with whom.

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54 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

But the reality is, perhaps unfortunately, thus far, they're pinning the vast majority of their vaccine plan nationally on their own locally produced AstraZeneca vaccine that's supposed to start coming online sometime June or thereafter.

Exactly, and time people learned to live with the reality.

At what point in time do you place a bet, as soon as you see the names or after seeing some form.

The UK with it's financial strength place bets on 7 runners as soon as the names were available, added another bet on Moderna once some form was established. Good chance of a result if you back most of the field.

The thing that many do not want to acknowledge is that Thailand does not have the same financial resources as the major economies. They had to be a bit more considerate and multiple selections were not a prudent option. Back in October when they made the selection, available form at the time indicated that AZ was a fairly sound each way bet and that continues to be the case. There is nothing to suggest that the agreement to manufacture AZ vaccine will not happen as scheduled.

What has upset the apple cart is supply problems with the initial deliveries that had been purchased from AZ and the possible adverse effect on platlet count.

In an attempt to offset the delays Thailand has looked to the Chinese vaccine in the interim period. Whether that was the best option available nobody will ever know, as the situation with other vaccine in terms of approval, pricing and delivery schedule will always be an unknown.

Of course the experts on this forum will always see it as being wrong.

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2 hours ago, tgw said:


Astra Zeneca vaccine is largely ineffective against the new strains, figures vary from 10% to 21%  ????

There is not enough data to say conclusively that this and that vaccine is not effective against new strains, but some studies are coming up with preliminary results...

For example Sinovac appears effective against the Brazilian strain as reported by the Science Magazine:




Apparently Pfizer is less effective against the South African strain, but there is no definite number yet. Everything is so new and changing all the time.



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4 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

Thailand on Sunday reported 967 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one day jump, as the country deals with a third wave of infections.

 As you can see, the OP was from Reuters News Agency and this information is available worldwide - TAT TAKE NOTE when forecasting future tourist visitor numbers, no fake news please!!

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Some of the posts of ‘No Tourists’, Good etc are beyond belief.

The majority of people who are returning to Thailand are for family and business reasons spending 7/10/14 days in quarantine and some vaccinated. They pose no threat to the people of Thailand and are paying lots of money into the Thai economy to do so.

The Thai government caused it by allowing people to come from Myanmar and opening up all the entertainment centres, the tourists haven’t caused this new surge in the figures. I expect another surge in the next few weeks with Thais travelling to and fro during Songhran.

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20 minutes ago, VBF said:

Except that, the UK govt dithered for a goodly time and numbers of infected went up. Then we went into lockdown and numbers stabilised and started falling.

THEN we got the vaccines and numbers really started falling.

That tells me that there's only really one true fix for the problem - vaccination.


Lockdowns (to which I am actually opposed) are a "temporary band-aid" but seemed to do what they were intended to do before vaccines were available. 


I'm basing this on what I've actually seen over the last year, not on any theories, scientific or otherwise.


My previous post on this matter was deleted, I think because I didn’t link to sources. To make amends, here ya go.


I wrote previously:


“Furthermore, now that over one year of data is available for analysis, it is clear that there is NO CORRELATION between the stringency of a county's lockdown and other measures like mask wearing and social distancing, and the number of deaths in that country. all this data is publicly available.”




Individual country stats. Note for example Brazil vs USA, UK vs Sweden https://worldometer.pro/


AIER (American Institute of Economic Research). Lockdowns Do Not Control the Coronavirus: The Evidence. https://www.aier.org/article/lockdowns-do-not-control-the-coronavirus-the-evidence/



COVID-19 Alternative Strategy: A Case for Health and Socioeconomic Wellbeing (2020). https://www.aier.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/covid_recovery_ireland_white_paper_-_17th_nov.pdf



Chaudhry, R. et al. A country level analysis measuring the impact of government actions, country preparedness and socioeconomic factors on COVID-19 mortality and related health outcomes. E Clinical Medicine 25 (2020) 100464. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(20)30208-X/fulltext


Kulldorff, M. American Institute of Economic Research (2020). https://www.aier.org/article/twelve-principles-of-public-health/


McClintock, T. Lockdowns are killing us. Mountain Democrat. February, 2021. https://www.mtdemocrat.com/opinion/guest-column-lockdowns-are-killing-us/


Meunier, T. Full lockdown policies in Western Europe countries have no evident impacts on the COVID-19 epidemic (2020).



Norway ‘could have controlled infection without lockdown’: health chief. https://www.thelocal.no/20200522/norway-could-have-controlled-infection-without-lockdown-health-chief


Schneider, P. Canadian Health Expert: Cost of Lockdowns are at least 10 times higher than benefits. January 15, 2021. https://phillipschneider.com/canadian-health-expert-costs-of-lock-downs-are-at-least-10-times-higher-than-the-benefits/


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Just now, Sametboy2019 said:

Wow sounds serious

If you look carefully, that post is NOT from Government health officials - it's a Facebook post made by NBT World that's only available to FB accounts

There may possibly have been something lost in translation?

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1 hour ago, tgw said:


Astra Zeneca is not being administered anymore in the French departement of Moselle and some overseas territories because it's ineffective against new strains, particularly the South African strain.


here is a link in English language



there are plenty of reputable news sources reporting this story in French language

It mentions the South African Strain only, why are you spreading fake news?


"where the South African variant circulates, such as in Moselle or Reunion, the AstraZeneca will not be favored"

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17 minutes ago, Antonymous said:


 I just want to put the record straight and to back up some of my comments with references...


What I wrote was that many people already have pre-existing immunity to SARS-CoV-19 from pre-existing circulating T cells due to prior exposure from other corona viruses such as SARS (2003) and even the common cold.


Having some immune response in the body is not the same, necessarily, as having immunity from the current coronavirus...


And the general issue you're raising seems to be a matter of scientific inquiry that's hardly resolved or settled as it relates to the current CV.


Covid-19: Do many people have pre-existing immunity?


"But they were all quick to note that this is speculation. Formally, the clinical implications of the pre-existing T cell reactivity remain an open question. “People say you don’t have proof, and they’re right,” says Buggert, adding that the historical blood donor specimens in his study were all anonymised, precluding longitudinal follow-up.


There is the notion that perhaps T cell responses are detrimental and predispose to more severe disease. “I don’t see that as a likely possibility,” Sette said, while emphasising that we still need to acknowledge the possibility. “It’s also possible that this absolutely makes no difference. The cross reactivity is too small or weak to affect the virus. The other outcome is that this does make a difference, that it makes you respond better.”




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4 hours ago, 2 is 1 said:

Now nobody cant see end of this increasing numbers! Tracking is in really bad shape! They dont have man power to do tracking!

Beyond that many hospitals/clinics have run out of tests.  And the price of upwards of 4500 for a test is discouraging anyone who's showing symptoms to test.  What happened to any of Anutins, pryut, or the rest of the governments preparation for a worse case scenario?

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16 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

It mentions the South African Strain only, why are you spreading fake news?


"where the South African variant circulates, such as in Moselle or Reunion, the AstraZeneca will not be favored"


the news says "new strains", saying the South African was one of them

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2 minutes ago, MrJ2U said:

Beyond that many hospitals/clinics have run out of tests.  And the price of upwards of 4500 for a test is discouraging anyone who's showing symptoms to test.  What happened to any of Anutins, pryut, or the rest of the governments preparation for a worse case scenario?

When you walk around with your head up your backside and you are told what to do by someone who orders you to stick your head up your backside  as it may impact your bank account, it is thus difficult to determine what is the best option to support the nation. Is it best to support them based on principles or is it best to do as you are told, difficult to with your head up your a**e 

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