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BREAKING: Thai government set to announce more restrictions nationwide


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48 minutes ago, meechai said:


Sorry but I disagree


The only difference now than the rest of 2020 or even 2019 when Covid was just as widely spread is now they test & now they see many positive asymptomatic cases.

The same cases as have always been since the Chinese were thick as thieves in Thailand during the initial outbreak


Just they never tested before period


Folks like to think the the Covid that always was simply sucked out of Thailand with all those Chinese tourist who left in 2019/2020 kind of simplistic


But forget all that lets just assume the silly often given scenario....half dozen girls sneaked back in from Burma after partying & thus all of Thailand is now infected

....ok what ever lets go with that as initial cause


So how are the hospitals? Over flowing?

How are the crematoriums? Full with bodies being burnt?


No....for what ever reason it is as it has been

Many older folks did die of a Super pneumonia in 2019/2020 out in rural areas not covid tested of course

so not attributed to covid as that would have threw a wrench in all the face they were gaining as a covid clean country


Maybe due to diet/body type/heat what ever maybe Thai's deal with it better? Who Knows?

Bottom line look at the hospitals & crematoriums...


What I am saying is the only difference your seeing now is not as you say "short term recklessness" after all recklessness is probably

why you live in Thailand...No what your seeing is reality of testing nothing more


You may want to look back at this post in a couple of months. Also, I suggest you go and have a chat with some of the doctors in the hospitals. The ones you can find at work that is.

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12 minutes ago, meechai said:


Sorry but I disagree


The only difference now than the rest of 2020 or even 2019 when Covid was just as widely spread is now they test & now they see many positive asymptomatic cases.

The same cases as have always been since the Chinese were thick as thieves in Thailand during the initial outbreak


Just they never tested before period


Folks like to think the the Covid that always was simply sucked out of Thailand with all those Chinese tourist who left in 2019/2020 kind of simplistic


But forget all that lets just assume the silly often given scenario....half dozen girls sneaked back in from Burma after partying & thus all of Thailand is now infected

....ok what ever lets go with that as initial cause


So how are the hospitals? Over flowing?

How are the crematoriums? Full with bodies being burnt?


No....for what ever reason it is as it has been

Many older folks did die of a Super pneumonia in 2019/2020 out in rural areas not covid tested of course

so not attributed to covid as that would have threw a wrench in all the face they were gaining as a covid clean country


Maybe due to diet/body type/heat what ever maybe Thai's deal with it better? Who Knows?

Bottom line look at the hospitals & crematoriums...


What I am saying is the only difference your seeing now is not as you say "short term recklessness" after all recklessness is probably

why you live in Thailand...No what your seeing is reality of testing nothing more


Thailand, land of the walking COVID.  A nation of perpetual unchecked Wuhans. Those air quality numbers are not what you think. 


And yet, incredibly, no one sees a thing. Even tests that are performed show the lowest positive rates, except for peaks ... 


... peaks? wait ... You mean there are sharp peaks each time a new variant shows up? Within days they detect it spreading to every providence? Did  you say detect?


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4 hours ago, Kinnock said:

Just checking I've been following developments accurately:


A 'cluster-event' in Thonglor and Ekkamai HiSo knocking shops sparks publicity about an outbreak just before the main holiday period when everyone has travel plans


People are told they may or may not need to quarantine when they travel, but getting a negative test result will avoid any quarantine requirements 


Tests cost 600 THB, but are free if you claim to have bonked in Thanglor or Ekkamai


There's a surge in testing as people want free tests to avoid quarantine over Songkran 


The inevitable high level of sympromless cases in the community is revealed by the increase in testing


All positive cases must be isolated in a hospital - so hospitals fill up with healthy people enjoying a free lunch


The self-generated spike in cases prompts the government to close bars to reduce the spread and to close shopping centres at 9:00 pm because, erm, I've no idea


Hospitals ask people to not come for tests as beds are full and they can't afford any more free lunches


The few genuinely sick people can't get a hospital bed or a test


The UK gets the blame for mutating the virus into a variants that is no more serious than the original Chinese strain, but may spread a bit easier


Still no sign of a serious vaccination campaign, but Denmark halts their vaccination program because they are wusses


Did I miss anything?



Yes you overlooked the fact that they did not check for STD's due to the excess level of unprotected bonking in those high end VIP/government frequented clubs owing to the shortage of ultra small condoms due to Thai customs impounding the latest delivery from Japan until they get their 50% kick-back????????

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11 hours ago, YetAnother said:

they still have time to totally screw it up and more than enough ability

What is curious, to me anyway, is the fact that all past restrictions did nothing to "stop" the virus, nor will getting a "vaccination "stop" the virus. In some nations, getting a vaccination won't excuse one from lockdown restrictions. The "virus" is here to stay, it seems. Thailand is "planning" for the "big surge" by adding emergency beds - even separate from hospital grounds! What are the actual hospitalization rates? What is the ratio of "new cases" to hospitalizations? How do these two questions compare to the initial outbreak?. IMO, these are much more pertinent questions; ones that have a bearing on the well-being of the survival of the Thai economy and the health of it's population. All data (that I have read) indicates a greater risk for "indoor exposure", than any other source. And the all-important, high-risk groups have not changed.

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At this stage being prudent is best.  The vaccines are not going as planned


Sinovac may have been a chinese place o people are still getting the virus 

Pfi zzz er now says you need at least 3shots 

I&I is off the market

Astrazenica has had it's issues 


While alcohol is not a good factor in it's set to be actions of those frequenting establishment is.


Lock downs have mixed reviews at best. 


The one thing Thailand and Thai people have gotten right versus the u.s. and canada is that people take this virus seriously.




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11 hours ago, internationalism said:

so alcohol in restaurants will stay, just limited hours.

what time are they allowed to start serving it?

Dr Fauci said we should wear 2 masks now. Do you think this will help? I wonder, just how many masks will stop the flow of oxygen?

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This seems reasonable...ban large gatherings and discourage casual mixing but allow people to get on with life's essentials...shopping, eating, and family life. Also limited domestic travel restrictions and closure of non-essential businesses where close contact and/or alcohol is consumed. Within a few weeks, numbers should be back to "normal (under 100 a day)."

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A lot of the recent flurry of testing gave a false sense of security and facilitated travel of infected persons.     

A friend’s ex who was a big clubber in the designated pubs got a test that was negative but said she stayed home anyway.  Started to feel off colour a week after last clubbing expedition and went for a second test - also negative. After 10 days she had recognizable symptoms and finally tested positive and been hauled off to hospital, one of the makeshift field hospitals I presume. She has no doubt infected her entirely family who have probably infected many other people.  

Most of the clubbers who got initial negative tests probably didn’t feel the need to isolate over Songkran like she did and may have infected many more people than this woman.

Edited by Dogmatix
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3 minutes ago, sfbandung said:

Why not? The CDC do:
https://www.cdc.gov/flu/symptoms/flu-vs-covid19.htm#:~:text=What is the difference between,by infection with influenza viruses.

Covid is more contagious but they are very similar. We are more obsessed with this one, that's the main difference. Either way, we are going to have to live with it. What we are doing now isn't living.

Come on.  No sensible person says CV19 is anything like the flu.  Again, ridiculous to try and compare.  Sadly, a very popular theme with covid deniers.


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1 minute ago, cyril sneer said:

The problem they are having is simply from using the Sinovac vaccine

Didn't I read last week that 83,000 ish have been injected with that in Thailand already ? That does not bode well.

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1 minute ago, cyril sneer said:

The problem they are having is simply from using the Sinovac vaccine

The picture is not that simple and whilst it is appealing to blame it on the Chinese vaccine that's almost certainly not the answer.

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15 minutes ago, vandeventer said:

Dr Fauci said we should wear 2 masks now. Do you think this will help? I wonder, just how many masks will stop the flow of oxygen?

Yes.  2 masks will help.  And no, it won't stop the flow of oxygen.  Ridiculous.

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Thailand is relying on vaccines with relatively low efficacy rates vs Pzifer and Moderna in the 90s used in the US. AZ is in the mid 70s and SV is probably less than 50 but has declined to disclose phase 3 trial data, so we don’t know.  That means a larger percent of population will need to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity as a larger proportion of vaccines will not prevent infection.


But Thailand is aiming to vaccinate a much smaller percentage of its population than countries deploying more effective vaccines and the roll out of its big white hope local AZ is still months off and it is unknown whether it can start in time and without glitches. 

What a mess!

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12 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister, Anutin Charnvirakul, said that at a meeting on Thursday Thailand’s National Communicable Diseases Committee (NCDC) has agreed, in principle, to declare 18 provinces as ‘red zones’ and 59 other provinces as ‘orange zones’.

Meaningless actions....
Nakhon Pathom [my province] is declared a Red Zone already... with  20 infections in a population of around 900,000 ????


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12 hours ago, Excel said:

Shut the whole country down with obviously some exceptions such as Government Ministers with their mia nois, mia nois in their own gifted car willing to give freebies to the police, those that drive cars valued more than 15 million baht, those that give bribes to anybody in government and of course anybody else who can say whilst drunk in their car "do you know who I am".  That should cover most.

Totally agree. They will never get it under control until they lock down and have a curfew!

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