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Strong disincentive for many or most expats to get tested for Covid-19


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11 minutes ago, Disparate Dan said:

Same here.

But the quoted policy and others like it do not appear to cover you if you don't actually have the disease. Seems to me you might be slung in a facility if you report symptoms, and get a big bill, but if you test negative after it all, the policy won't pay. Like it would be better financially to make sure you get it!

Nobody is put into a facility based on symptoms. Only on positive COVID test (even if asymptomatc).


Besides the Diphaya policy quoted (which can he obtained through several different brokers) SCB also has a policy similar in cover and premium.


Muang Thai provides some type of COVID cover as well but might be limited to their existing policy holders. 


There used to be a number of policies providing lumpsum payments based on being diagnosed COVID positive. These are no longer being sold. Medical cover picies for COVID may likewise in future become hard to get.

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33 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

nobody is put into a facility based on symptoms. Only on positive COVID test (even if asymptomatc).

I think that's what I am trying to say. If you are asymptomatic, you don't have Covid, right? So these policies won't pay out although you get stuck in quarantine. That's how I read the blurb, anyway.

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18 minutes ago, Disparate Dan said:

I think that's what I am trying to say. If you are asymptomatic, you don't have Covid, right? So these policies won't pay out although you get stuck in quarantine. That's how I read the blurb, anyway.

No, you can have covid and be asymptomatic

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54 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

No, you can have covid and be asymptomatic

My point remains that these policies won't pay out unless you are 'damaged' by the virus. You maight be 100K out of pocket because they bang you up, but if you're not actually suffering (medically) it's not their problem. They cover: "Medical corona treatment from infections (Coronavirus (COVID-19)) both In-Patient-Department (IPD) and Out-Patient". Being thrown in hospital or isolation by the authorities is not "treatment", is my reading.

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9 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Hospitals will be full soon, Bang Lamung already is, so at some point they may be forced to allow self isolation at home. They only have so many field hospitals which will also fill up quickly


don't worry, for asymptomatic farang moneybags, they will convert hotels into field hospitals in no time and charge 100k

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3 hours ago, Sheryl said:

There used to be a number of policies providing lumpsum payments based on being diagnosed COVID positive. These are no longer being sold. Medical cover picies for COVID may likewise in future become hard to get.

I bought such a policy on March 10, 2021 from my local SCB bank. If I am certified covid positive for the first time (PCR test and doctor's letter) they will pay the sum of 100,000 baht. 


At the same time, my wife bought a policy from a niece who works at a different bank that only sells policies  covering the cost of care. 


The third wave may well change things.

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1 hour ago, Disparate Dan said:

Apparently the virus ruins your sense of smell. As long as you can still smell your own f@rts, you're safe.......... cheapest test available.

I've never been able to smell mine (though my b/f claims to). Does that mean I've had the C19 for the last 71.5 years?

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1 hour ago, rabas said:

I bought such a policy on March 10, 2021 from my local SCB bank. If I am certified covid positive for the first time (PCR test and doctor's letter) they will pay the sum of 100,000 baht. 


At the same time, my wife bought a policy from a niece who works at a different bank that only sells policies  covering the cost of care. 


The third wave may well change things.


Your type of policy (lump sum payout for positive COVID test) is by far the best to have but these are no longer being issued  as of end of March (though those already issued will be honored).


Cost of car policies are still available but no guarantee on for how long.


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19 hours ago, Sheryl said:

You can get 100K cover for asymptomatic/mild COVID care/1 million baht cover for severe COVID  for less than 1,000 baht premium a year




That's just one policy, there are many others as well


I have excellent general health insurance which covers COVID but off course would not cover  being isolated in a hotel with asymptomatic or mild infections so thinking of getting this.


Need to get clarification that the medical expense cover would include field hospital/hotel facility for care of people with COVID as the policy wording pre-dates those being established but I think it would.

Thanks for this info, took one out, seems daft not to at the price. ???? You are not covered for 14 days from taking a policy out. I think the costs will go up as more people get infected

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7 hours ago, Sheryl said:

It is a genuine company and well known mainly for auto insurance. The underwriter is Dhipaya a well known Thai insurance company.

And do they pay for hospital bills or do you have to pay and claim back ? Usually the hospitals are listed that are covered in Thailand by any policy and will pay directly for any costs 

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Just now, pixelaoffy said:

And do they pay for hospital bills or do you have to pay and claim back ? Usually the hospitals are listed that are covered in Thailand by any policy and will pay directly for any costs 


In this and the other in-country COVID policies I have seen, you have to pay up front first and be reimbursed.


A general health insurance policy that includes COVID (as most do) would pay the hospital directly but only a hospital, and the whole issue here is that now mild and asymptomatic cases are being sent to "field hospitals" and "hospitels" (hotels converted to that purpose). These obviously will nto have direct billing arrangements with any insurer.  There is also concern that a foreign insurer might balk at paying for hospitalization of asymptomatic COVID on grounds it is nto medically necessary (which of course it is not).



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5 hours ago, Sheryl said:


In this and the other in-country COVID policies I have seen, you have to pay up front first and be reimbursed.


A general health insurance policy that includes COVID (as most do) would pay the hospital directly but only a hospital, and the whole issue here is that now mild and asymptomatic cases are being sent to "field hospitals" and "hospitels" (hotels converted to that purpose). These obviously will nto have direct billing arrangements with any insurer.  There is also concern that a foreign insurer might balk at paying for hospitalization of asymptomatic COVID on grounds it is nto medically necessary (which of course it is not).



Not worth paper it's written in then. This company liable for millions of baht. And could go out of business

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On 4/18/2021 at 8:12 AM, rabas said:

Did your private researcher estimate how many more cases there are? 2X, 3X, etc.?


I ask because a certain number of undetected cases exist everywhere. It is unavoidable.


You say this information is online. Do you have a link?



she estimated 30x, occasionally figures emerge in the royalist press, the first I noted was this one https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/1900975/the-coming-storm but I will look for links to more recent ones. Without random mass testing studies (say 1000 from this area and demographic, and 1000 from that demographic) basic epidemiological work cannot be done. the forced hospitalization even if asymptomatic is also highly unusual (is any other county doing this?). About 1 million tourists from China every month up until Feb 2020, and then no locked down on flights until late March 2020....Anyways, more thorough (and anonymous reports) will probably occur in the near future. 

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18 minutes ago, charliebadenhop said:

From what I have been told more than once-


If you go to give blood, you will get a free Covid test prior to giving your blood.


I've donated blood four times at the National Blood Centre since the pandemic began, and have never been given a Covid test - only a questionnaire about travel and symptoms. I'll be going again in a few days, so we'll see whether that's changed.

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Logically speaking, if the Government deems it necessary to confine an individual, who is legally residing in the country, for having an ailment, would it not be appropriate that the same Government bears the cost of protecting the local population ?

Edited by KKr
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1 minute ago, KKr said:

Logically speaking, if the Government deems it necessary to confine an individual, legally residing in the country, for having an ailment, would it not be proper that the same Government bears the cost?


... they're cracking already as expected, todays BKKpost talks about the 'recover @ home' virus plan, 555 ...


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On 4/18/2021 at 3:22 AM, Jingthing said:

They would stay at home and try to self isolate the best they can. 

This is exactly my current plan.  For me this is currently very easy, but it will not of course be so easy for many.

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6 hours ago, ayahuasca said:

random mass testing studies (say 1000 from this area and demographic, and 1000 from that demographic)

Please give further details of this statistical design.  


Why 1000 of each, and how many such strata are there?

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On 4/18/2021 at 2:10 PM, Crossy said:

My health insurer have told me that they will NOT cover anything for an asymptomatic +ve test.


Thus I'm afraid I will avoid going anywhere near a test unless I'm actually sick!


Some useful stuff in this thread.




When I returned from U.K. I qualified for travel insurance which I chose because it was one of the few which included Covid cover ( Nationwide). I bought an extension for the maximum 6 months so I have until June . 
I questioned the asymptomatic hospitalisation which at first they were unsure of although when I mentioned it was a mandatory requirement by the health authorities they conceded that they would have to cover that . But I would not be supremely confident we’re that to happen! 

Edited by Crossy
Fixed the quote :)
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On 4/18/2021 at 9:18 PM, Sheryl said:

You can get 100K cover for asymptomatic/mild COVID care/1 million baht cover for severe COVID  for less than 1,000 baht premium a year




That's just one policy, there are many others as well


I have excellent general health insurance which covers COVID but off course would not cover  being isolated in a hotel with asymptomatic or mild infections so thinking of getting this.


Need to get clarification that the medical expense cover would include field hospital/hotel facility for care of people with COVID as the policy wording pre-dates those being established but I think it would.

i think you will find that the 1 million is only if you pop your clogs.

i have this policy.

i will re read the policy docs to confirm about the 1 million


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