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8 Thai hospitals closed after patients conceal facts about their COVID-19 exposure

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3 hours ago, wensiensheng said:

You are joking aren’t you? Surely the question is why haven’t these hospital staff been vaccinated!


now 8 hospitals closed just when they are needed. SMH.


I suppose some of the vaccines given to hotel workers in phuket to guard them against non existent vaccinated tourists COULD have been given to these hospital workers, couldn’t it?

What?  Joking about them wearing correct ppe? No. I would expect them to wear it even if vaccinated.  As for Phuket and hotel workers you would be better asking your rhetorical questions with someone making those decisions 

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5 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I thought every medical professional treats every patient assuming the patient has something bad. Or not?

Logic would dictate that every patient that arrives at a Hospital should be greeted with Porters, and Staff who have full PPE protection, as should all Ambulance Drivers Etc.

As for the Hospital Staff being vaccinated, why not ask the powers that be, why they have not been.

I doubt very much that their answer will be " well we had to Inoculate all the Hi-So,s, the National Football Squad, and members of the Tourism Sector "

Everything in Thailand is either broken, or can be bought.



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Thai PBS World wrote this dribble?


Patients concealed they had Covid 19? 


So sensational journalism concludes these individuals purposely infiltrated 8 hospitals of Thailand to purposely infect others? 


The spread of the disease is airborne.


Unless your passing through a decontamination area and air lock, (after removing a full respirator with bio haz cartridges and fully tapped bunny suit) anyone is susceptible to any airborne disease or bacteria. 


.....Including covid 19. 



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14 hours ago, webfact said:



Eight hospitals in Thailand have been temporarily closed after their medical personnel became infected with COVID-19, or had to be quarantined, because a number of patients concealed facts about their infections.

Wow, now I wonder why some patients concealed information about their infections,  Praps they were taking notice of the examples set by the Team Leaders.

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8 hours ago, smedly said:
9 hours ago, jackdd said:

Maybe they were, but being vaccinated doesn't mean they can't spread Covid.

do some research before posting

"The risks of SARS-CoV-2 infection in fully vaccinated people cannot be completely eliminated in the setting of continued widespread community transmission of the virus. Vaccinated people could potentially still become infected and spread the virus to others."



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12 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I thought every medical professional treats every patient assuming the patient has something bad. Or not?


    Fyi .

Depends on the patients,  financial circumstances ..

  Goverment Hospital , or Bangkok Hospital ..


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10 hours ago, smedly said:

do some research before posting

Sorry mate, you are on a very sticky wicket with that statement, according to research done recently in the UK being fully vaccinated with AZ can only reduce the transmission of the virus by about 40%, when will people learn that the vaccine IS NOT A CURE.



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8 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

Sorry mate, you are on a very sticky wicket with that statement, according to research done recently in the UK being fully vaccinated with AZ can only reduce the transmission of the virus by about 40%, when will people learn that the vaccine IS NOT A CURE.

not as simple as that, it's a whole package which also reduces the chance of infection, when combined those vaccinated are highly protected, if they get infected the chance of severe illness or mortality are practically zero

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16 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Seems complete nonsense to me to close 3 hospitals for 1 confirmed infection in each. By that reckoning the first infection of airport baggage staff will completely close the airport again for 14 days when it re-opens



As you know , 1 case can lead to many cases . Since they are hospital personel and they are in close contact with patients on daily base , it is a good decision to close it down , to check all and wait a few days before reopening the hospital again . This in fact was/is standard behaviour , if a non covid area of hospital is infected with covid . Hospitals are places in which weak / sick / vulnerable persons are being treated , and if the not treated for covid , you better not bring them in contact with covid . Idk everywhere but in my country , covid tests are needed before having any treatment whatsoever in hospital , so they can rule out if you need to be in covid area or in non covid area .

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6 minutes ago, smedly said:

not as simple as that, it's a whole package which also reduces the chance of infection, when combined those vaccinated are highly protected, if they get infected the chance of severe illness or mortality are practically zero


But they can still pass it on especially to unvaccinated people, I suggest you re-read what you said and then read the link I just posted on my earlier comment.

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I really wonder how so many medics can get infected.


First of all they are first line, so most of them should have received the vaccine already.


Secondly, since they work first line with sick patients, they should wear the best protection available in Thailand

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... but it is already accepted/admitted that the 'vaccines' don't/cannot prevent one from catching it... which is coincidentally about the only honest declaration made by pharma, that The Jabs job is Not for Prevention from Catching Nor Transmitting the virus with others.... 


 The jab itself is only there to attempt to alleviate ones own personal suffering during the period of enduring & recovery from the covid... 

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12 hours ago, ZangZong said:

One infected, close down a whole hospital, full of patients. Meaning they have to be transported to somewhere else with ambulances and all the rest circus. Where is the logic in that. The absurdity lest just goes up and up with these policies. 

 Are you one of the people who previously was claiming that there was nothing to worry about from Covid, that it was a nothing more than a bad cold? Because no one was dying, there was nothing to worry about? Now you are reincarnated to come question why standard  prevention measures are followed.


These are small hospitals with limited resources. The hospitals have;

- Small number of skilled workers, doctors, nursed. If a worker is exposed to an infectious co-worker the safety protocol requires the worker to isolate. if 1 doctor interacts with 15 others, they must isolate until it is certain they are not infections too.

- These hospitals do not have the advanced HVAC with air purification and filtering we see in advanced world. They rely on open wards.  They cannot contain a respiratory infectious disease.

- Surgery and other physical interventions cannot be performed at the  hospital when there is an outbreak of deadly infectious disease.


How would you contain the infectious disease here?




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10 hours ago, starky said:

What?  Joking about them wearing correct ppe? No. I would expect them to wear it even if vaccinated.  As for Phuket and hotel workers you would be better asking your rhetorical questions with someone making those decisions 

Don’t be silly. Of course they were wearing ppe, what hospital worker doesn’t these days? And yes, I have been in one within the last two weeks when my daughter needed treatment to her eye. The staff were togged up to the eyeballs.


The point is, vaccines trump ppe, though obviously both are still required.



My rhetorical question was used to illustrate that vaccinating tourist workers over hospital workers is a foolish policy and goes against the many government statements that health workers would get priority. In reality, SOME health workers got priority, but not nationwide and Phuket tourist workers were prioritised ahead of some health workers. Hence, some health workers now need to isolate or actually have Covid and hence 8 hospitals close.


suggesting I ask my question of government officials who obviously are not members of this forum and therefore not part of the discussion sounds a little, um, well silly.





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1 hour ago, tifino said:

... but it is already accepted/admitted that the 'vaccines' don't/cannot prevent one from catching it... which is coincidentally about the only honest declaration made by pharma, that The Jabs job is Not for Prevention from Catching Nor Transmitting the virus with others.... 


 The jab itself is only there to attempt to alleviate ones own personal suffering during the period of enduring & recovery from the covid... 

I have seen no documented cases of a vaccinated individual infecting others. 

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1 hour ago, wensiensheng said:

Don’t be silly. Of course they were wearing ppe, what hospital worker doesn’t these days? And yes, I have been in one within the last two weeks when my daughter needed treatment to her eye. The staff were togged up to the eyeballs.


The point is, vaccines trump ppe, though obviously both are still required.



My rhetorical question was used to illustrate that vaccinating tourist workers over hospital workers is a foolish policy and goes against the many government statements that health workers would get priority. In reality, SOME health workers got priority, but not nationwide and Phuket tourist workers were prioritised ahead of some health workers. Hence, some health workers now need to isolate or actually have Covid and hence 8 hospitals close.


suggesting I ask my question of government officials who obviously are not members of this forum and therefore not part of the discussion sounds a little, um, well silly.





What do you mean of course they were? Have you been to all these hospitals and can confirm that all involved were all wearing all ppe at all times whilst treating these people? Because if you have I would like to know how you can confirm your statement to be true.  2 hospitals have 40 medics isolated one has 88 that tells me potentially nor all proper protocols were being followed particularly in light of them saying the reason they have the problem is because people weren't saying whether they had been exposed or not.

  Do I know for sure no, but neither do you . 

 Me asking you to direct your question to the government is no more silly than your original question to me.

  There are many avenues through which you could show your disdain for the government and their choice to vaccinate the people of Phuket and not health care workers. Im not one of them.

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21 hours ago, meechai said:

More likely they were always a carrier or perhaps were actually infected by a family member or "acquaintance" outside of work


Who is to say this medic/worker didn't go to lunch at some cart in a back soi & catch it??


That aside this is an asinine response to one  medic being infected etc during a time they claim to be short on hospital space


Do they think workers dealing with people who may have a cold may not eventually...possibly catch a cold? Mask or not...face shield or not

No... this is typical Thai Standard Operating non thinking procedures


Do you think for a minute if a large ASQ Hotel turns up one positive quarantined customer or worker they will close the ASQ Hotel??

Never happen ????


Let this whole Covid inasanity be a lesson learned for anyone thinking of calling a totally inept government their country home base

Soon it will be like being trapped in Las Vegas in "The Stand"

vs Colorado 555

Majority of EU countries comes under "inept government".



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7 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

I have seen no documented cases of a vaccinated individual infecting others. 

It is however not impossible . There is already some studies , mentioning a reduction of spread by 90% . It might even be 99% , but it still isn't 100% . So , the fact they say it's 90% , a number which might even go up , is saying , it does not give you a 100% time frame , 100% security . You just might spread it , and you just might bring it to somebody weak already staying in a hospital , who isn't protected by vaccination .

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