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Push to vaccinate 16 million vulnerable Thais suffers early setbacks


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3 hours ago, condobrit001 said:

So how does one register - web address anyone?

I couldn't find the app in Playstore and going via the LINE official account was a nightmare on my phone with screens so complicated that even my wife couldn't cope with navigating it.  LINE on a PC using this link: Mor Prom Line Sign in was much better and Chrome was able to translate the terms and form.  Not yet completed it so don't have a date.  


Apart from the poorly designed app. the biggest issue is that no-one seems sure of the vaccine that will be used on us over 65s in the initial June/July period.  If it's Sinovac or the other Chinese one, I'd prefer to wait until one of the major three becomes available even if it means staying home for another few months.

Edited by Greenside
Corrected Link To Mor Prom
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2 minutes ago, rickudon said:

Does anyone believe they can actually vaccinate 16 million people by July 31? Where  is the vaccine coming from?

You're probably right and we don't know the type of vaccine either, but my thoughts are that if this is a queuing system, it's better to get in line now rather that risk being told that supplies of Pfizer or OAZ have arrived but you're number 900,001 on the list.

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3 hours ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

I'm sure this is true as far as it goes, but I've lived in Thailand for many years on "retirement visas," and don't have this magic 13 digit number; nor have I ever been offered to apply for one.

I've only ever lived in Thailand on a "retirement visa", Have yellow book and pink card. I found both simple and easy to apply for.

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4 hours ago, smedly said:

plus the fact (reported today) that a further requirement to allow authorities access to private medical records.


again why are they turning this relatively simple process into a complicated circus


If people have underlying conditions then it is likely they are already being treated by a doctor - why not let their own doctor administer a vaccine shot instead of this constant authoritarian power and control cluster F


Time to hand control of this over to professional medical people and remove incompetent leaders who are standing in the way while trying to manufacture opportunities to enrich themselves

are you saying the new Czar is not up to the task   555

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

The slow uptake is being blamed on two major factors: hiccups on the booking platform and reluctance to receive the jabs amid reports of undesirable side effects.

maybe there is a 3rd major factor   555

Vaccine rollout: Anutin denies standing in the way of VAX companies selling to private sector


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14 minutes ago, Greenside said:

You're probably right and we don't know the type of vaccine either, but my thoughts are that if this is a queuing system, it's better to get in line now rather that risk being told that supplies of Pfizer or OAZ have arrived but you're number 900,001 on the list.

Vaccine (2nd Group June/July) has been confirmed as the locally produced AZ.

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Further to skatewash's comment above, I can confirm that it is possible to make an appointment using the Mor Prom app. 


My wife registered me for an appointment using the Mor Prom app on LINE, and my Government 13-digit ID number contained in my Yellow House Book.  It took a few tries and a little perseverance but she got there in the end. I now have a confirmed appointment for a jab in 5 weeks time on the 8th June 2021. 

Edited by Nomad97
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12 hours ago, webfact said:

The slow uptake is being blamed on two major factors: hiccups on the booking platform and reluctance to receive the jabs amid reports of undesirable side effects.

The slow uptake is being blamed on two major factors: hiccups on the booking platform...
...and reluctance to receive the jabs amid reports of undesirable side effects.
Ironic that people don't wish to be lab rats expecially when they hear of adverse side-effect globally. Solution?  Firewall Thailand off from the rest of the world.  Perhaps Kim Yong Ill's advisors could assist.

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Did I miss something?


Last week SiamBiotech were going to produce AZ.


The week before it was Sputnik, AZ arrived from Korea with the wrong labels, now  6 weeks later we are full circle back at Sinovac.


There is a lot of talk on thai social media about resistance to sinovac.


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1 hour ago, Greenside said:

If that's accurate it's very good to know.  Do you have a source for the info?


I read it here on TV yesterday. If I recall it was from a govt spokesperson. Perhaps another member can pinpoint and confirm the article and thread or you could look back yourself! ???? Edit: https://www.thaiexaminer.com/thai-news-foreigners/2021/05/02/expats-over-60-free-vaccination-from-june/     https://www.thaipbsworld.com/as-vaccination-booking-opens-in-thailand-who-can-get-jabs-and-how/   and it's also here from Sunday morning 


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Well, in all fairness, this is voluntary man slaughter if someone would die because of no access to the vaccination. I hope that all those directly involved and all the beneficiaries are aware of this. And the tide will change one day; it happened in many other countries before and it will happen here in Thailand as well one day. And then the Anutins and cohorts will be facing the music. Someone has to explain the three evacuated Thai diplomats from India by the special VIP air force plane while seriously dragging feet domestically! 

How can a country define ONE domestic source in licensed production of the vaccine, restrict imports and restrict sales channels into the private industry. 

The UK is presently vaccinating one million people - daily that is. 

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5 hours ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

Maybe because for some people with specific medical conditions, certain vaccines may be contra-indicated. A quick review of someone's medical records could prevent someone receiving a shot they shouldn't. It could also be for medical monitoring in cases of severe adverse reactions...to facilitate faster medical treatment if necessary (by already having access to someone's medical records. There are probably other reasons, none nefarious, for this request. And again, if you don't want this government freebie, at least for now, one is free to decline it (or pay for their own).


so the Government has the medical expertise, not the doctors at clinics and hospitals which already have the patient's medical records?

The Government is going to review all the population's medical records? The government has all the personnel qualified to do so? All around 70 million of them? Accurately asses, each and every one? Then say no to those who may not be suitable for an innoculation, and say yes to those who are...?


What a load of waffle. It's all about control. The 'Government' wants to control this, not permitting qualified and experienced medical staff in the field, of whom there are many more than work for 'the Government'.

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3 hours ago, polpott said:

I've only ever lived in Thailand on a "retirement visa", Have yellow book and pink card. I found both simple and easy to apply for.

Yellow Book was a piece of cake to get but my local amphur refuses to issue me a pink card insisting that it's for Burmese, Laos or Cambodian workers only.

Frustrating as registration seems to also require the number on the back of the card.

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Maybe they should think about changing the strategy already and allowing anyone to be vaccinated.

Better than hoarding vaccines and in the worst case become expired.

I'm sure there are plenty of people (Thais and foreigners) who would like to be vaccinated for urgent personal or business reasons.

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13 minutes ago, CLW said:

Maybe they should think about changing the strategy already and allowing anyone to be vaccinated.

Better than hoarding vaccines and in the worst case become expired.

I'm sure there are plenty of people (Thais and foreigners) who would like to be vaccinated for urgent personal or business reasons.

I haven't seen anything to indicate that there are vaccine doses in Thailand that aren't being used.  I believe almost all of the doses for this second phase are expected to come from what has yet to be produced by the local AstraZeneca lab.  There's nothing to hoard at this point.

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My Thai in laws do not even own phones. The wife does but says "no proplem". no covid here. 

Think I will just go along with the local plan. 

Keep my head down.


I do live in a very rural area and seldom venture to high density spots but I never know where these other locals have been or where there visitors have come from.


I will wait for as long as possible before lifting my shirt sleeve thanks. 

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Thailand does not have enough Vaccine for the people let alone for the VIPs and essential health care providers, because the Govt are a bunch of people that could not care so long as they are in a position to reap a good reward for themselves. 

And huey save the boss. Doubt anything else will.

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