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A shot in the arm: foreign residents and their eligibility for a jab

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Thailand = 

(1) Money

(2) Control

(3) Lies & Bullcrap

(4) Thai's only

If you remember these 4 rules you will survive and do well here no problem and if you think its going to change or be changed by outside influence then you are sadly mistaken. Just go with the flow and accept it  for now.

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2 hours ago, TigerandDog said:

BUT it is their responsibility to ensure the safety and welfare of their citizens are not infringed upon. All foreign embassies are failing when it comes to this.


Except the Chinese. 


Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said the charg d’affaires at China’s embassy in Thailand, Yang Xin, had informed him that Chinese authorities have approved and coordinated with the manufacturing company.

He said Thailand will continue to issue a letter of intent to seek support for the vaccine from China as a friend. If the vaccine is given, it may state the condition to take care of the Chinese nationals in Thailand.  



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1 hour ago, DerekT said:

Did Australia not just give Thailand Two Million Dollars to help them get the vacines. Hey Australia ask for it back.

Australia should worry about itself more. Vaccine rollout there is not much better than Thailands at the moment, despite have ordered far more vaccines than they need and having better infrastructure. Lots of vaccine hesitancy as well it seems, especially amongst the elderly. 

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3 hours ago, pjuk said:

I love it.

Give me the the chaos of Thailand any time compared to the regimented, regulated, politicly correct BS that my homeland offers.


I prefer the even greater chaos and lesser regulated and regimented Cambodia to Thailand.

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1 minute ago, bert bloggs said:

The govt have shot themselves in the foot ,what tourists are going to come here now,social media is telling people how non Thais are treated,i know at least 3 people who normally spend time and money here who are now not going to come.

Its a non issue because - most foreigners outside of Thailand don't know what happens here and there is no toursim industry to speak of now, and ptobbly not much for the next 5 years or so (yes, that long). 

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2 hours ago, Saltire said:


According to your article, they used mostly Chinese vaccines. Wonder if there is a connection?  


By April 12, 59% of the doses administered were Sinopharm vaccines 


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18 minutes ago, Brierley said:

As I said subsequently, this is not my call, I'm merely describing the role of the Embassies as they are performed currently and have been so for at least two decades or more. The problem is, so few people understand the role and expect so much more.

If taxpayers knew the level of waste that goes on in Foreign Affairs ( or whatever it is called now ) they'd be screaming bloody murder. Cushiest government employment there is.

Is it too much to ask, in the middle of a pandemic, for embassies to get off their butts and assist their citizens?

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1 minute ago, bipper said:

My friend's Thai wife in the UK was treated like any UK citizen. Has had both vaccination shots. Anything else is xenophobic at the least perhaps racist.

And just how many doses are available in the UK??? It';s not zenophobic at all to vaccinate your own citizens forst when the number of doses is limited. 

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6 minutes ago, Spock said:

I prefer the even greater chaos and lesser regulated and regimented Cambodia to Thailand.

Ditto. But Cambodia is facing an outbreak now as well, though their vaccination program is moving along better than Thailand. 

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Leave it to Thailand hospitals to figure out how to gouge foreigners by supplying a shot that costs $20 in their home country for a "value added shot" with a price tag of 10,000 to 20,000 THB.

<smug look>  "Well <icy>  If you no like it go home.

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6 minutes ago, DavisH said:

And just how many doses are available in the UK??? It';s not zenophobic at all to vaccinate your own citizens forst when the number of doses is limited. 

The UK had to source its own vaccinations. Its not a tap and they have been successful at it. It was not based on race regardless,  more on danger to life. Any life. The rollout is based on serious illnesses first and age next. Race is not an issue if one is legal resident.

Edited by bipper
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3 hours ago, pjuk said:

I love it.

Give me the the chaos of Thailand any time compared to the regimented, regulated, politicly correct BS that my homeland offers.


I wonder whether you’d be saying that if a loved family member was lying on a slab as a result of the unregimented,regulated chaos which is the road /safety rules that pertain here yielding 32 x the death rate say in U.K.? ???? 

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1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:


If you really believe your government cares about you, you are misguided.


I came from Australia, if I wish to return, I have to quarantine and pay for the 14 nights accommodation, so it's up to me.


When I left Australia, the legislation made it clear, i.e. once you are past 186 days out of the country and make Thailand your new abode, you will be classed as a non resident.


1)All income you make in Australia, if any will be taxed at 1/3rd, you will also pay tax from any overseas country if it is income based.


2) If you own a property you will pay 1/3rd tax on the rent and not be able to offset any repairs or costs or losses of any kind.


3) When you sell that property you will pay Capital Gains Tax of 42% from the day you purchased it. This legislation came into effect on 1 July 2019) after I had left.


4) You will not be able to vote.


5) You will have no rights to any Medicare benefits.


6) If you wish to receive the Old Age Pension, you must be in Australia at the starting pension age of 67, depending on your birthdate, as increases in 6 monthly increments to the age of 70, and if you are living outside of Australia and return to Australia after your 67th birthday to claim your Old Age Pension, you must wait for 2 years before you can receive your pension payments overseas.


7) The Australian government just donated $2.8 million (68 million baht) to Thailand's vaccination program, no conditions of subject to all Australian Citizens in Thailand being vaccinated, that in itself should tell you enough about my Government, not to mention the above.


When I was growing up in Australia, I always heard that Australia was the lucky country, make of that what you will.


To me the Australian government is nothing like any corporation you might have worked for, as soon as you leave, they are quick to cancel all things about you, passwords, access etc. It's as if to say we appreciated your service with us, all the best in your future endeavours.


Didn't know about any of that. Australia actually sounds worse than the US, even on taxes.

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The mainstream media are doing a great job "injecting" fear into all the sheeple. Why would anyone get injected by an untested fluid (research the ingredients) for a virus 99.95% curable in the under 80 year olds. You have an immune system people. Always ask questions, trust nobody. ????

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5 hours ago, henry213 said:

I'm not living in Thailand anymore because of this poop! left end of 2019 just before it all started, There are Thai's all over the world getting treated as they should as anyone else in a country, But good old Thailand NOT they don't like us at all, WE ARE POOP TO THEM........

And yet you're still here...

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3 hours ago, DirtyFarang said:

It seems crazy that there is any debate about whether foreigners should be vaccinated alongside Thai citizens.  The whole point is to achieve vaccination of 80% of all humans in a group to achieve “herd immunity.”  If you leave out a group, for whatever reason, you cannot achieve the goal of “herd immunity, which is necessary to defeat a pandemic.  They need to find somebody with a brain to do this job.


All countries always give priority to their own citizen first.


That is bull excrement.  Not all countries behave this way.  In the US, the vaccine is given free, first to healthcare workers, then by age with no regard for citizenship or even legal residency.  All humans are equally eligible.  If the health ministers of the world want to defeat this pandemic, that should be the rule everywhere.


I don’t really care myself, but I sure can smell bull pucky.  

This is typical of the lack of rational thinking that all too often applies here. Google average IQ by country and their place in the PISA EDUCATIONAL TABLES for a greater insight into why. We refer to this as the Thai thick gene.. ???? 

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SO how does one get back home for a jab.......think about the cost ???

It really is a pathetic situation !!!!

many can not afford to go home and their home country will, possibly require that person to stay in a hotel adding more cost to said person!!!!!

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39 minutes ago, DavisH said:

And just how many doses are available in the UK??? It';s not zenophobic at all to vaccinate your own citizens forst when the number of doses is limited. 

Your spelling seems in tandem with your understanding. Try to name any Western countries which are discriminating against foreign residents in terms of vaccination… it certainly does NOT include U.K. 

When my wife and stepdaughter came to U.K. we were told from day 1 to register with a GP because as a resident their good health was conducive to the well being of the country. 
Even now that we’re in Thailand the surgery she’s still registered at is constantly sending messages (even phoning) for her to come and get vaccinated.

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5 hours ago, cnx101 said:

Yes I was thinking the same but the embassies don’t care about their citizens, the British embassy anyway.

Are you seriously suggesting that the Embassies of every country represented in Thailand should provide vaccinations for any citizens of their country residing here.?

Also by default should they do the same in other countries where their citizens don't get free health care.?

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5 hours ago, fittobethaied said:

Typical for Thailand....they always cut off their nose to spite their own face. I see it day in and day out. Employees treating customers badly, not realizing or caring that by treating one customer poorly they have forever lost all the potential referrals that customer could have brought them for additional revenue.

Many Thai businesses don't want farang customers and yesterday I was reminded why. I was in a cafe and one guy from the USA was making a fool of himself by complaining about the staff mixing milk shakes in a blender. He literally was walking up to the counter and telling them to be quiet, that they never needed to break the ice up for so long. The then 'deliberately' gave him his order late to <deleted> him off even more.probably to make sure he didn't come back.  Next time you get bad service, just entertain the thought that it might be you that are doing making a cultural faux pas. 

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8 minutes ago, tinca tinca said:

SO how does one get back home for a jab.......think about the cost ???

It really is a pathetic situation !!!!

many can not afford to go home and their home country will, possibly require that person to stay in a hotel adding more cost to said person!!!!!

Foreigners should not travel if they can't afford to go back to their own country in times of emergency. 

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