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Non-mask wearing foreigner makes national news - sticks his middle finger up and refuses free mask


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7 hours ago, JamieM said:

we don't tar them all with the same brush, why are you justifying them doing it to us? 

some people do... In USA now Asians are randomly being targeted and viciously attacked... some beaten to death... and this guy, giving the people the finger, not complying with simple common sense rules during a pandemic.. is provoking people to hate... 

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I went to my local ma and pa shop yesterday, I said to a rather portly Thai lady not wearing one, "no mask eh ?''  she stood berating me while i was being served, I got in my car drove off, and 50 meters away,  there she was in her gateway hands on hips, still berating me as i drove by, oops, up went my middle finger . Just to make it clear I was wearing a mask.

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1 hour ago, 1FinickyOne said:

some people do... In USA now Asians are randomly being targeted and viciously attacked... some beaten to death... and this guy, giving the people the finger, not complying with simple common sense rules during a pandemic.. is provoking people to hate... 

we don't all tar Thai people with the same brush a few do.. do we all have to pay for their actions? oh and by the way farrang get murdered here all the time by Thai's and then get let out after a year or two once the embassies and media lose interest.  Not sure what your point is? should we all just roll over and apologise for being alive because of our race? every race has idiots the difference is we don't single out one race and put them on the front page of the national news any time they do silly stuff like this to demonise them as a whole.


Can you imagine them putting on the front page a story about one Chinese guy being caught walking down the road without a mask?.... yeh I don't think so this is racial discrimination.




Edited by JamieM
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21 hours ago, RickG16 said:

Just a wild stab in the dark, but I reckon it's an American who watches Fox News.

Fox news not withstanding, Germans, Brits and Aussies far out number Americans here in Chiang Mai, So very unlikely its an American. Not that I'm siding with the poor <deleted>. 

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23 hours ago, Ventenio said:

Bad FALANG news, again!!!!!!!!!


I think we will see BAD Falang every day now........ONLY BAD.


The tide has turned falangs..........we have already turned on ourselves.  Falangs hate falangs.  Thai hate falangs.   


Now time Falang you go home!!!!!!!!  lol

I only hate stupid farangs, like this moron.

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On 5/7/2021 at 9:01 AM, tonray said:

Just what we need for the image of foreigners in Thailand...oh brother. hit him with 6000 baht fine...if he transgresses again....throw him out

Some people come here looking for trouble....and when they find it start whining.

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16 hours ago, ExpatOne said:

They do have some news on real crooks. A white foreigner murdered his Thai wife and child up north. Does that fit your criteria? Or should we pretend that’s an attack on westerners? 


The guy not wearing a mask didn’t kill his wife too did he? Shucks I must have missed that part of the article!


..he must be a real news worthy crook then based on your criteria?

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1 hour ago, JamieM said:

Can you imagine them putting on the front page a story about one Chinese guy being caught walking down the road without a mask?.... yeh I don't think so this is racial discrimination.


you are correct..


why would they put a story like this on the front page when random orientals are being viciously attacked and murdered by strangers? Which is my point - discrimination is much worse in other places... here, they offer him a mask, free of charge. 


but, you don't have to put up with it... get out while you can!!

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21 hours ago, Catoni said:

If this character isn’t fully vaccinated, he should wear a mask when in close proximity to others. Show documented proof of full Covid vaccination, or wear a mask. 
  Had my first Pfizer-BioNTech shot for the Wuhan China virus. 
     After I have my second shot and fully vaccinated, that’s the end of masks for me. I’m not wearing masks for the rest of my life once fully vaccinated.  Time to start being free again. 



In case you weren't watching,, the U.S. CDC says (look into it please), those fully vaccinated can still spread the virus - the vaccine (actually the mRNA payload you've been injected with isn't a vaccine but i digress) does NOT inhibit the spread of the virus, it only (is supposed to) lessens the effect of the symptoms.

Again, look it up, www.cdc.gov



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12 hours ago, Freigeist365 said:

Exactly what us expats need at the moment... Perhaps an "agent" installed by the Thai health minister to prove his point, that all of us "Farangs" are dirty, smelly and filthy subhumans?

that's the best conspiracy theory I have heard today.

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Yesterday I was really shocked to see an old white guy walking at the airport Rimping shopping center in CM with no mask on. No mask in sight. He seemed to walk the entire shopping center looking as he exited the rear entrance. Not one person at this place did not have mask on. Quite shocking if you ask me and I am really surprised this foreigner Bozo did not end up in headlines on the news. Talk about stupidity or a self sense of being superior privileged? But on the other hand while driving I saw many Thai on motorcycles and doing road work not wearing them as well. I think an old white foreigner being here in Thailand disregarding the rules just looks way out of place and deserves everything that comes to him or if it is a her. Giving us a bad name.

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2 hours ago, daftdada said:



In case you weren't watching,, the U.S. CDC says (look into it please), those fully vaccinated can still spread the virus - the vaccine (actually the mRNA payload you've been injected with isn't a vaccine but i digress) does NOT inhibit the spread of the virus, it only (is supposed to) lessens the effect of the symptoms.

Again, look it up, www.cdc.gov



Yes... look it up.  Good idea.  Tell me....if I’m not infected, and I’m fully vaccinated, how in hell am I supposed to spread Covid?

  When I’m fully vaccinated, I’m returning to normal life. 
We’re now into about the 65th week of the “..”just two weeks to “flatten the curve””. 
Enough is enough.  You don’t like me returning to normal life after I’m fully vaccinated?  Too bad for you. You’re not my dictator. You’re free to continue to wear a face diaper or muzzle if you like. I won’t tell you to stop.  Freedom over fear. 

Quote:  “

After warning for months that vaccinated people should still be cautious in order to not infect others, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests they may not be at much risk of transmitting the coronavirus.

“Vaccinated people do not carry the virus — they don’t get sick,” Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the CDC, told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Tuesday. That’s “not just in the clinical trials, but it’s also in real-world data.”

Walensky was referring to a new CDC study that suggests those fully inoculated with the vaccines produced by Moderna and Pfizer don’t transmit the virus. Researchers looked at how the shots protected nearly 4,000 health-care workers, first responders, and other essential workers toiling in eight U.S. locations against the virus and more-contagious variants. Following a single dose of either vaccine, the participants’ risk of infection was reduced by 80 percent, and that figure jumped to 90 percent after the second dose. Without infection, people are unable to spread the virus. The results are similar to what scientists saw in clinical trials for the vaccines, which found that two doses of either two-dose vaccine had an efficacy rate of around 95 percent.”

Yes.  Look it up.  Great idea. 
New York Intelligencer,  UPDATED APR. 1, 2021

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