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WHO approves Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine, 2nd Chinese-made dose listed


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16 weeks is for a gap of AZ - order of the PM issued exactly on the day that he himself got the second jab in just 9 weeks.

Apparently some other countries are also extending this gap up to 16 weekd.

Also the first jab of half originally tested dose is more effective.


Sinovac stays as it was, some 2 weeks. This one the first dose doesn't protect almost at all from getting sick. 

Most likely they will be stretching all second doses, when shortage

Edited by internationalism
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27 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

It would appear the most vaccinated place on the planet, the Seychelles, has not found the Chinese vaccines to be very effective. 

The Sinopharm vaccine has been proven to be very effective in Seychelles.


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21 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

the Seychelles



Points to consider:


  • Sinopharm, Covishield
  • about 63% of infections are 0-dose or 1-dose, while 37% had completed 2 doses. (Breakout infections are occurring, but fully vaccinated persons are under-represented.)
  • no deaths among those who have completed 2 doses


Seychelles most vaccinated nation on Earth but Covid-19 has surged (cnbc.com)



Official response from WHO (Dr. Kate O'Brien):


[This is a] more complicated situation than the top-line messages. ...  But as we know ... some of the cases that are being reported are occurring either soon after a single dose, or soon after a second dose, or between the first and second doses. ... That evaluation is ongoing and we're supporting and engaging with the country to understand the situation.





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6 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

I think that the upper age limit of 60 YO has also been removed.


The PM was fortunate.


The WHO's independent panel of experts said in a statement it recommended Sinovac's vaccine for adults over 18. There was no upper age limit as data suggested it is likely to have a protective effect in older people.




They did the same with Sinopharm.


Same data issues with both Sinovac and Sinopharm i.e. insufficient information specific to upper age groups.


WHO was faced with the choice of approving only for under 60's or all adults. A strict reading of the SAGE findings would have argued for the former, but it is probable that as more data becomes available it will confirm effectiveness and safety for the over 60's (no real reason to expect it to differ much from under 60's) and rather than issue a restricted ruling now only to broaden it later they opted to authorize for all adults.

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30 minutes ago, gearbox said:



The Seychelles case is one of the favorite  topics of the anti-Chinese trolls. They also never mention that 43% of the administered vaccines  were AZ.

Also ignored by these trolls was that 63% had either not been vaccinated or had only one dose. 


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Here are some of the details contained within the WHO's approval:


"WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) has also completed its review of the vaccine. On the basis of available evidence, WHO recommends the vaccine for use in adults 18 years and older, in a two-dose schedule with a spacing of two to four weeks. Vaccine efficacy results showed that the vaccine prevented symptomatic disease in 51% of those vaccinated and prevented severe COVID-19 and hospitalization in 100% of the studied population.

Few older adults (over 60 years) were enrolled in clinical trials, so efficacy could not be estimated in this age group. Nevertheless, WHO is not recommending an upper age limit for the vaccine because data collected during subsequent use in multiple countries and supportive immunogenicity data suggest the vaccine is likely to have a protective effect in older persons. There is no reason to believe that the vaccine has a different safety profile in older and younger populations. "



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6 hours ago, Phuketboy said:

The one thing most people are not understanding is that these vaccines have only been approved by the FDA for "Emergency Use" as stated.  People seem to skip over this.  Approval for emergency use, will last 2 years, while the manufacturers regularly update the FDA on the effectiveness and safety over this time.  Not one covid vaccine is fully approved and will not be until this period is up.  While these vaccine are only approved for emergency use they are still regarded as, in trial.

A couple of inaccuracies there. Vaccines only stay on an EUA for as long as it takes to gather enough data to apply for full approval. There is no fixed time period of two years.


Pfizer-BioNTech already submitted their request for full approval at the beginning of May and Moderna is expected to do the same very soon.


Also, vaccines on an EUA are not still in trials. Vaccine trials are where a few thousands of volunteers are split into two groups, one receiving the actual vaccine, the other receiving a placebo. Every single volunteer is then tracked individually over a period of time to see if they become infected.


That is not what happens with the people getting the vaccines based on the EUA, so those vaccines are not still on trial.

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6 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


The Seychelles is one of the obvious examples of the Chinese vaccines not being effective and is usually ignored by the Chinese sycophants and paid online trolls.

I would wager good money less people got infected after being injected with one AZ jag than got infected after being injected with one Chinese junk vaccine. 

It's more complicated than this.  The biggest problem there was they let their guard down.  Stopped wearing masks and social distancing.  Not enough were vaccinated.  And as we know, even if you are vaccinated, with any of the current jabs, you can still get sick and pass on the virus.


The Chinese jab isn't the best, but it's better than nothing.  Far better than nothing actually.

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3 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


Hey if you are happy to get injected with a Chinese vaccine then you go for it tiger.

I will wait for a western vaccine to be available even if I have to pay for it myself.

At least the western countries didn't cause the pandemic to begin with.

Actually, Western countries kinda did help the pandemic to begin.  Look at the UK and the US.  Down played the severity of the virus, didn't lock down, made masks political....and in the end....they paid the price.  And allowed the virus to rage.

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10 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:


The Seychelles is one of the obvious examples of the Chinese vaccines not being effective and is usually ignored by the Chinese sycophants and paid online trolls.

I would wager good money less people got infected after being injected with one AZ jag than got infected after being injected with one Chinese junk vaccine. 


This is being investigated by the Seychelles authorities,  they have sent samples to Kenya for lab analysis. This is a science matter, not wagering and pub talk.

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10 hours ago, webfact said:

In a statement, the independent panel of experts


A true reporter would have found out and revealed the names of these panelists. That is where the real story is in this topic.

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7 minutes ago, John Drake said:

revealed the names of these panelists


Here it is, the top secret list they didn't want you to see:


SAGE Members

  • Hanna Nohynek: Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), Finland (Chair of the Working Group);
  • Folake Olayinka: John Snow Inc (JSI), Virginia, USA.


  • Muhammed Afolabi: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK
  • Celia Alpuche: Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica, Mexico;
  • Hyam Bashour: Al Sham Private University, Syria;
  • David Durrheim: University of Newcastle, Australia;
  • Ruth Faden: Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics, USA;
  • Nicholas Grassly: Imperial College London, UK;
  • Sonali Kochhar: University of Washington, USA;
  • Eusebio Macete: the Manhiça Health Research Centre, Mozambique
  • Kayvon Modjarrad: Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, USA;
  • Sarah Pallas: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA;
  • Mary Ramsay: Public Health England, UK;
  • Peter Smith: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK;
  • H. Keipp Talbot: Vanderbilt University Medical Center, USA;
  • Cristiana Toscano: Federal University of Goiás, Brazil;
  • Yin Zundong: Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, China.

Ex Officio Members

  • Klaus Cichutek: Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Germany (Chair WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization (ECBS)):
  • Peter Figueroa: University of the West Indies, Jamaica (Chair PAHO Regional Immunization Technical Advisory Group);
  • Adam Finn: University Bristol, UK (Chair European Technical Advisory Group of Experts on immunization (ETAGE));
  • Gagandeep Kang: Christian Medical College, India (Chair South-East Asian Regional Immunization Technical Advisory Group);
  • David Kaslow: PATH, USA (Chair Product Development for Vaccines Advisory Committee (PDVAC));
  • Ziad Memish: Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia (Chair Eastern Mediterranean Regional Immunization Technical Advisory Group, Member of the Strategic and Technical Advisory Group for Infectious Hazards (STAG-IH));
  • Christopher Morgan: Jhpiego, Australia(Chair Western Pacific Regional Immunization Technical Advisory Group)
  • Saad Omer: Yale Institute for Global Health, USA (Member of the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS);
  • Helen Rees: University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa (Chair African Regional Immunization Technical Advisory Group).

WHO secretariat

  • Annelies Wilder-Smith
  • Joachim Hombach
  • Melanie Marti


WHO | SAGE Working Group on Covid-19 vaccines (established June 2020)

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24 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

Actually, Western countries kinda did help the pandemic to begin.  Look at the UK and the US.  Down played the severity of the virus, didn't lock down, made masks political....and in the end....they paid the price.  And allowed the virus to rage.


That's all in the past. Hopefully many valuable lessons were learned everywhere. It could have been worse, if for example the virus was much more deadlier.  I hope it all ends soon, sick and tired of it.

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22 minutes ago, Fromas said:

Here it is, the top secret list they didn't want you to see:


Part of what these forums do is direct information to people. You've done so. Good.

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Posts constantly denigrating Sinovac vaccine have been removed, make no mistake if this continues members doing this could be dealt with as per forum rules: 



In addition to the guidelines posted below and those detailed in the Thaivisa forum rules and following the announcement that Thai government will invoke emergency powers in order to help deal with the COVID-19 situation in the country, Thaivisa requests members posting on the forum to abide by the following:

 Do not post news or any form of content, including video, audio, images, social media posts that contains messages that may cause people to be afraid or intentionally distort information, causing misunderstanding during the COVID-19 pandemic.   

Any posts or topics which our moderation team deems to be scaremongering, deliberately misleading or has been posted to deliberately distort information will be removed without warning. You may also be subject to a posting suspension or have your profile permanently suspended from the site. 

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Let's take a look at who is paying for the party:


Can`t see China Russia or Thailand.
As far as we can judge from the list, WHO is, in fact, "Western Health Organization" with a dominant British influence. So we could suggest that 100000000000000000 proofs was needed for a Chinese vaccine to be approved. And despite this, the vaccine of the competitor (China) was approved. That exactly means that the vaccine is at least extremely effective and safe.

Edited by friendofthai
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6 minutes ago, friendofthai said:

Let's take a look at who is paying for the party:


Can`t see China Russia or Thailand.
As far as we can judge from the list, WHO is, in fact, "Western Health Organization" with a dominant British influence. So we could suggest that 100000000000000000 proofs was needed for a Chinese vaccine to be approved. And despite this, the vaccine was approved. That exactly mean that the vaccine is at least extremely effective and safe.


Isn't Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Xi's man?  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/democracy-post/wp/2017/10/25/another-week-another-scandal-at-the-united-nations/

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8 minutes ago, Misty said:

Which kind of throws cold water on friendofthai's contention that the WHO is somehow under the thumb of its chief contributor, the UK. In fact, its candidate lost out to Tedros.

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18 minutes ago, friendofthai said:

Let's take a look at who is paying for the party:


Can`t see China Russia or Thailand.
As far as we can judge from the list, WHO is, in fact, "Western Health Organization" with a dominant British influence. So we could suggest that 100000000000000000 proofs was needed for a Chinese vaccine to be approved. And despite this, the vaccine of the competitor (China) was approved. That exactly means that the vaccine is at least extremely effective and safe.

Not only was Tedros selected to be the head of WHO with Chinese backing, but why is it that China is not listed as a contributor. We know that the US is out because of Trump. What's China's excuse?

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25 minutes ago, friendofthai said:

Let's take a look at who is paying for the party:


Can`t see China Russia or Thailand.
As far as we can judge from the list, WHO is, in fact, "Western Health Organization" with a dominant British influence. So we could suggest that 100000000000000000 proofs was needed for a Chinese vaccine to be approved. And despite this, the vaccine of the competitor (China) was approved. That exactly means that the vaccine is at least extremely effective and safe.

I did a little further research and what you linked to are voluntary contributions. Not assessed contributions.

The latest report for assessed contributions was from 2019 and showed that China, Russia, and Thailand all paid what they assessed to owe.. The US did not. And I suspect that's why the UK and Sweden made such a large voluntary contribution. To make up for the America's dereliction.


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8 hours ago, Phuketboy said:

Show me one that has been fully approved. I'll won't wait while you are trying to find it, because I don't have that much time.  There are a few that have applied for full approval, but there are non that have been full approved.  They are currently an "Emergency Use Only" medication/vaccine. 


Both Moderna and Pfizer have appliied for full FDA approval



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34 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Not only was Tedros selected to be the head of WHO with Chinese backing, but why is it that China is not listed as a contributor. We know that the US is out because of Trump. What's China's excuse?

I can show you a simple reason. There are two models of the world order - the neocolonial model and the  model of multiple sovereign countries. The world is balancing between the two models and that provoke growing military tensions between those countries that like the neocolonial model and others that would prefer the  model of multiple sovereign countries.

The colonial/neocolonial model suggests that there should be a 2 groups of countries in this world:
1. Countries with superior rights - they could be called "metropolises", "developed countries" etc
2. Countries with inferior rights - they could be called "colonies", "vassals", "developing countries" etc

The model of multiple sovereign countries suggests that China Russia Iran and, maybe, some European countries would get true sovereignty and independence.

WHO is using such terms as  "developed countries" "developing countries" too often that ( in opinion of China and Russia) clearly demonstrates her belonging to the neocolonial model in which China is a "developing country" with inferior rights. Of course China wants to become a country with superior rights. But to accomplish this in the colonial model, China should have its vassals or its own dependent countries, which is a natural thing for any western country but against Chinese main principles. So China prefers to move towards the model of sovereign countries in which there is no place for neocolonial institutions such as WHO.

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2 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

Actually, Western countries kinda did help the pandemic to begin.  Look at the UK and the US.  Down played the severity of the virus, didn't lock down, made masks political....and in the end....they paid the price.  And allowed the virus to rage.

The lies told wrt PPE in the early stages still angers me. 

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