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Erectile dysfunction treatment

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I've never used or felt the need for pharmaceuticals but experimented with this because I have a young girlfriend and wanted to be in top shape:

Google "watermelon rind natures viagra". There are many recipes online for pickles,  salads ,  juices.  Also visit watermelon.org

Not sure if it would work for the original poster. Its free and abundant year-round here in Thailand.

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2 hours ago, millymoopoo said:

Years ago I used to brew kombucha.

Made with tea, sugar and a kombucha plant.

I had a friend who enjoyed it too, I often used to give him a few bottles every week.

He called it 'stiffener'. It doesn't take much imagination to think why.
I found it had a similar effect on me.

I'm 67 and Mr Pinky still stands to attention most mornings, and as required.

Maybe a natural assistance could be better and more sustainable than chemicals.

Note: I expect the kombucha needs to be 'home brewed' as I've not heard any reports of the now available commercially brewed drinks having the same effect.!

Sadly, some recipients develop strange behaviors.



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16 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

So I'm looking for other treatments


I had similar issues to you when I was in my late 40's, when I was single and needed to assistance with the blue pills, but then without them I was having the same issues, semi if you like without assistance, then out of the blue one day I had a mild heart attack and they inserted a stent, since that day 13 years ago, it has become a mongrel, fortunately for me and others, it doesn't have teeth and if we had sex twice 3 times a week, it wouldn't be out of the ordinary.


My wife often jokes with me when were having a tiff, and will say things like if it wasn't for your hard *^&%$ I would have left you along time ago, with my reply being something on the lines of, but what about the ATM, with her coming back with, it's been broken for a long time ????


All jokes aside, you could go into a hospital and tell them your having chest pains, who knows, they might put a stent in, solved all of my problems in that department, alternatively you could see a Cardiologist, but unless your a suitable candidate, don't think they would even consider it. 

Edited by 4MyEgo
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6 hours ago, petermik said:

A "professional" in what exactly Charlie......plenty of "amateurs" here would be happy to help with the OPs problem...????


        I take it you mean , Hands on Amateurs . 

           Why else , would we travel 6000 miles ....

         Oh , that said , Los  has Elephant Treks , etc ..

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6 hours ago, rcuthbert said:

Perhaps your gal/s doesn't turn you on anymore.

Boner pills require adequate stimulation in order to work properly.


 My old gal , has a sister , younger more.

  Under 30 .  Worked well for me .

   Nuff said ..

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6 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

Have you tried Caverject injection? 


I've taken Viagra and Cialis. In my opinion there is no comparison with Cialis from an efficacy, duration of action, cost and level and nature of side effects, being much the superior agent. However during the last couple of years my libido has waned markedly. My wife is menopausal and has little interest in sex either.

It's not really an issue for me or for her. We are both ultra affectionate people but find we don't want or need vanilla sex any more. We tend to try kinky stuff these days when we are in the mood.

I tend to disbelieve men in their 60s and 70s claiming massive sexual potency who claim to have sex a few times each day.

They do because they've spent their lives starved of sex and especially affection. That's precisely why this ace is still popular with old gits.


Any normal male lost their virginity in their teens and had laid waste to many a maiden not all that concerned to take another victory lap.


We used to have to charm them into bed. Here it's all just a financial negotiation with a desperate mother.


Reliving a youth never had.

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2 hours ago, Makoshark said:

Have you had your "FREE" testosterone tested.  It is a lot different then just a testosterone test.  Go to Bumengrad Hospital.  VitaLife Center.


Its worth it ! ! ! !

Is this different from the blood test the Dr gave me?

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25 minutes ago, georgegeorgia said:

The doctor mentioned that before telling me about this P shot thing ...I may consider that combined ..in Bangkok clinic 

Well i would first try one of them to see the effect before trying something else.

What will they charge for a P-shot and for shockwave therapy?  This isn’t cheap in Europe. Which clinic in Thailand is doing these ?

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The Cialis began petering out for me after being scripted for it 17 years... 

I only went onto Cialis in the first place was because the Dr convinced me to cease the Caverject jabs due to the scarring...  I suspect though the scarring itself was behind why the Cialis started failing afterwards...    If one does try the Caverject; I did mention on another similar Topic that I maintained a 'pictorical' sketch record of all the jab locations (for minimising repeated jabs in the 'same' spot(s) 

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1 minute ago, Tony125 said:

Might try ordering  L-Citrulline say 1,000--1,200 MG tab  30 mins before exercising or sex. It opens arteries  and boosts nitric oxcide in blood


Why do people take L-citrulline? L-citrulline boosts nitric oxide production in the body. Nitric oxide helps your arteries relax and work better, which improves blood flow throughout your body. This may be helpful for treating or preventing some diseases

Yes... and Citrulline Malate does work better that L'Arginine powder 

 (but beware of what else you are taking at the same time!!


 -  concurrent usage alongside Viagra can be deadly

 (entering excessive Low blood pressure territory)

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2 hours ago, scammed said:

let it go. you said it yourself, you are nearly 60,

at this point in life you should be in your slippers and pajamas by 8 pm and worry about poop hardness

rather than dick hardness

Sex and Seniors: The 70-Year Itch



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What you just shared I have the same problem which started about 10 years ago, I am now 73.


Most doctors will tell you your testosterones level is good and you wonder then why do I have all the symptoms of low T. I have been through many supplements that supposedly raise the T level but they don't work. I was using Androil 40 mg twice a day along with low dose Tadalafil (Cialis) 5mg a day, which helped. Last month I was told that the Thai government has banned the Androil and can no longer purchase over the counter. I am currently looking for a clinic that sponsors TRT. Cialis...Hum I am totally confused on this one. I can purchase Viagra over the counter but not Cialis, can anyone explain that to me.


Good luck with your ED.

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Good Lord....asking that type of question on TV takes the cake....like all the old farts are experts on getting the old boy UP? ????????????


Lifting the weights unless it is with your pecker does little or no good! ????????


Stay calm and just enjoy the view......????????????????

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17 hours ago, HarrySeaman said:

Cialis never worked for me, and neither did Levitra.  The only oral medication that worked was Viagra.  Now that I am older and have no choice to take certain medications for a heart condition not even Viagra works worth a damn.  Vacuum-assisted erectile devices and penile implants hold no attraction for me.  Intracavernosal injections caused nothing but an aching pain in my penis.  Intraurethral suppositorie use the same medication as is injected but are less effective so I have never tried them.


I finally accepted the fact that I am simply not going to get erections anymore, but that doesn't mean that I can't still enjoy a satisfying visit from an attractive and cooperative younger lady when I feel like it.  As they say, if you can't do anything about it just lay back and enjoy it.



I would appreciate it if you care to elaborate on this statement. Either on the thread or in PM.

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18 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Hi Sheryl. What was the fourth article you intended to share?

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19 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

He's already said that doesn't work for him

Maybe that's because he got it through the post, usually from Canada, or bought them on the street. I keep blocking them but they still keep coming back, though it hasn't been too bad lately, and no! I have never bought by post or on the streets. only from a parmacist.

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4 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Maybe that's because he got it through the post, usually from Canada, or bought them on the street. I keep blocking them but they still keep coming back, though it hasn't been too bad lately, and no! I have never bought by post or on the streets. only from a parmacist.

We had a "Mens Health" expert came and gave us a talk at work and he warned us about the "Canadian" Viagra. Often not from Canada and laced with cocain to get you addickted.


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6 minutes ago, Dazinoz said:

We had a "Mens Health" expert came and gave us a talk at work and he warned us about the "Canadian" Viagra. Often not from Canada and laced with cocain to get you addickted.


I'm just glad I never tried it then.

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