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Will you wait for one of the Mrna vaccines such as Pfizer or Moderna or take what is available including Sinovac?

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1 hour ago, steve187 said:

i'm with you on this one, been waiting a long time so what's a bit more of a wait to get the better jab in my opinion

What do you mean by “better jab?”



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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Sinovac is objectively inferior to Pfizer for example, particularly with the Delta variant. Also Sinovac provides only a tiny bit of protection upon the first dose, you need to wait until weeks after the second dose to have pretty good protection. 

inferior in what why? In terms of falling severely ill and being hospitalized?


you need both doses of all these vaccines, pulling out figures for single doses is pointless as everyone gets 2 doses. 

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3 minutes ago, rabas said:

While the sentiment may be true for earlier variants, Sinovac is likely to be the first to fall to newer variants. 


Hundreds of Sinovac-injected Indonesian doctors contract COVID

Dozens hospitalized as concerns rise over efficacy against more virulent strains


This is not the only data coming in, and it's not just Sinovac, but variant vs vaccine is now a legitimate question.


There is a public health and public relations reason to broadcast to the public that all vaccines are equal. Because if people think they are being offered a lesser one, many won't take it. That's a real problem. But there is also objective reality. They really aren't all the same. 

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Just now, Jingthing said:

Baiting post ignored.

You're married to your narrative. Nothing productive can come from further engagement. 

but do you understand the efficacy figures, how they are measured and what they are measured against?



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3 minutes ago, josthomz said:


And it proves you must have skipped a lot of maths classes back at school. 


As of now, all doctors in Indonesia have been vaccinated, there are 146,000 doctors in Indonesia according to Google. 


So far 350 of them have gotten infected. 


(350 / 146,000) * 100 = 0.2% (rounded to the nearest tenth)


Oh WOW, an astonishing 0.2% of vaccinated doctors have gotten infected..... VaCcInEs UsElEsS, No PoInT In VaCcInAtInG , right? 


this is the point, this is why we are totally screwed. 

It’s like talking to kids who can’t do basic math 

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59 minutes ago, josthomz said:


And it proves you must have skipped a lot of maths classes back at school. 


As of now, all doctors in Indonesia have been vaccinated, there are 146,000 doctors in Indonesia according to Google. 


So far 350 of them have gotten infected. 


(350 / 146,000) * 100 = 0.2% (rounded to the nearest tenth)


Oh WOW, an astonishing 0.2% of vaccinated doctors have gotten infected..... VaCcInEs UsElEsS, No PoInT In VaCcInAtInG , right? 


Actually it shows you never studied statistics.


You've made the flawed assumption that they have a 100% chance of developing COVID-19 had they not been vaccinated.


To show your ridiculous your logic is, consider the following claim which applies the same logic as yours.

In a longitudinal study of 1000 people who barebacked ladyboys, 2 people were infected with HIV. 2/1000 = 0.2%. Therefore barebacking ladyboys affords 99.8% protection against HIV infection. This reasoning makes the same error as you, it assumes the chance of getting HIV is 100% had you not barebacked a ladyboy.


This is why you need a control group, so you can see what happens when you don't get vaccinated/<deleted> ladyboys for comparison.

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Assuming that my upcoming AstraZeneca appointment (next week) doesn't get canceled, I'll take that first, and possibly get an mRNA booster at some point. I'm still on a list for Moderna just in case.


I agree with those who wrote that Bangkok will get worse before it will get better. At previous levels (before the 3rd wave), I'd probably just have waited for Moderna and wouldn't have bothered with the government program at all.

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1 hour ago, josthomz said:


And it proves you must have skipped a lot of maths classes back at school. 


As of now, all doctors in Indonesia have been vaccinated, there are 146,000 doctors in Indonesia according to Google. 


So far 350 of them have gotten infected. 


(350 / 146,000) * 100 = 0.2% (rounded to the nearest tenth)


Oh WOW, an astonishing 0.2% of vaccinated doctors have gotten infected..... VaCcInEs UsElEsS, No PoInT In VaCcInAtInG , right? 


Following your logic, there are 7.9 Billion people on this planet, and 178 million unvaccinated of them got infected ( take note I said infected not died), so that is a whopping 2.25% of the world population that got INFECTED.


Let's mass vaccinate, NOT?

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Even in the UK about 10% of Delta variant infections have been people who've had 2 doses of a vaccine. I don't think there's any data about comorbidities yet though. So I suppose the main question for Indonesia would be whether the vaccine has been effective at preventing serious illness and death. Figures seem to show that deaths among medical staff have been greatly reduced and most cases are said to be asymptomatic. 

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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

At this point I would take a jab from North Korea if I could get it.

Vaccines delayed are vaccines denied if you get infected waiting for a better brand.

Yes, they aren't all the same, and some are more effective than others.

But there is the chance depending on research that we can "top up" later with some mixing and matching.

Same same...I would take any vaccine, but none is on the horizon. I was scheduled to get a Sinovac jab 1st this month, no vaccines available. Registered again, dead silence so far.

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