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AstraZeneca Side-effects


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On 7/4/2021 at 9:28 AM, Lorry said:

Try to get Moderna in the beginning of October,  instead of a 2nd AZ shot.

You probably won't get it so early,  but it would be the obvious solution. 

Many Moderna recipients report fever, headache which in some cases lasts for several days. Plus the sore arm.

Many Astra recipients report less or no side effects from 2nd shot. 

I had Astra in Austria. Was not well for about a week. But no rash just headache and feverish. 2nd one will be Pfizer. 

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On 7/5/2021 at 9:25 AM, BobinBKK said:

Pain surrounding the injection site or arm muscle is caused by the person administering the shot not knowing what they are doing. Unless the medication is actually known to cause a burning sensation upon injection there is reason to feel pain.

You are saying that most docs and nurses don't know what they are doing? 

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15 hours ago, sometimewoodworker said:

That is exactly as it should be.

Opiates are highly addictive when not used to control the kinds of pain they are designed for. As the USA has discovered to its detriment. 

I have had an opiate pain medication a few times and for the correct kinds of pain they are superb. 

When I first had shingles, I was in the USA and I was prescribed oxycodone. Not only did it help with the pain, I could actually get some sleep. I don't think you have ever had shingles. Not only is the pain excruciating, you can't sleep because of the pain. None of the medications given to me in Thailand have been sufficient to address the pain.  I'm not a junky looking for a fix.

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9 hours ago, Letseng said:

You are saying that most docs and nurses don't know what they are doing? 

Its how it was explained to me in the US when I received the shingles vaccine. The first shot hurt like hell. Never in my life had I ever experienced any pain what-so-ever from a vaccination. When I went for my second dose (same location) I explained my experience to a different pharmacy tech. He asked me who administered the first dose and he told me that person doesn't know what they are doing. The new pharmacy tech administer the second dose and I couldn't even tell he stuck a needle in my arm. Just going by what I was told and my own life experiences.

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10 hours ago, Letseng said:

You are saying that most docs and nurses don't know what they are doing? 

My experiences,

Thailand 50% or more of doctors and nurses don't seem to know what they're doing.

UK 25% or less of doctors and nurses don't appear to know what they're doing.


So in Thailand 'most' is probably correct.

Edited by BritManToo
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In UK, England;

Had both AZ shots along with just about everyone I know - no one has had any issues in fact the ony person who reported feeling unwell within a few hours with flu like symtoms lasting three days was the one who had the Pfizer shot so there you go just as a balance...


Maybe it was a Thai 'Original' copy of the AZ shot or the one made in India ??

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4 hours ago, pookiki said:

When I first had shingles, I was in the USA and I was prescribed oxycodone. Not only did it help with the pain, I could actually get some sleep. I don't think you have ever had shingles. Not only is the pain excruciating, you can't sleep because of the pain. None of the medications given to me in Thailand have been sufficient to address the pain.  I'm not a junky looking for a fix.

If you read and think about my post you will see that I have not suggested that you are. 

You are however suffering because, specially in the USA, OxyContin, oxycodone and similar opiates are prescribed almost like M&Ms often for conditions they are useless for so leading to high levels of addiction and death along with the profits for the drug companies. 

This is the reason why you can’t get it unless in hospital. 

In the U.K. Asprin&codine was available in 100 tablet bottles, now you will be quizzed by the pharmacist to get 10 or 20. The reasons are the same, abuse stops legitimate users having access. 

Yes I believe the condition you are describing, however you will probably need to find an excellent (probably expensive) hospital and physician, you may need to spend time in the hospital for assessment as well. Medication is available in Thailand, it is quite, to very, tightly controlled.  Professionals dislike being told their job. Medication is not advised in Thailand so people in general rely on the doctors knowledge. You know a treatment that works. You do not know if it is the best or most appropriate. 

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On 7/4/2021 at 2:27 PM, rabas said:


Goodness!  I do too.  I just looked after reading your post.  I got my AZ shot on the 23, had quite mild symptoms part of the 24th, the muscle was slightly sore for about 3 days.


Then last night, half asleep, I was surprised to feel a little tingle at the injection site. After reading your post I looked in a mirror and saw a very pronounced reddish patch that looks splotchy like a rash. It's about the size of a fist.


I could also measure a half degree C temperature rise from the  same place on my other shoulder.  I hardly ever get rashes, obviously from the shot.



I had my first AZ jab on Wednesday 7th. No side effects whatsover. However, my friends reported a sore arm around the injection spot. When I asked them about how the nurse administered the injection they said it was a definitive firm jab into the muscle, not a gradual penetration of the skin at a 45* angle, as it is supposed to be. Also when seeing some of the people receiving their jabs on the television news they are also being jabbed similarly to my friends. I guess I was lucky and had a nurse that actually knows the correct way to give an injection.

Edited by TigerandDog
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5 hours ago, BobinBKK said:

Its how it was explained to me in the US when I received the shingles vaccine. The first shot hurt like hell. Never in my life had I ever experienced any pain what-so-ever from a vaccination. When I went for my second dose (same location) I explained my experience to a different pharmacy tech. He asked me who administered the first dose and he told me that person doesn't know what they are doing. The new pharmacy tech administer the second dose and I couldn't even tell he stuck a needle in my arm. Just going by what I was told and my own life experiences.

A majority of people have a sore arm after receiving a covid vaccines. That does not mean the majority of Dr’s & Nurses do not know what they are doing. 

The reactions are nothing other than the body’s innate immune response functioning. 

Additionally, depending on the type of vaccine either the first dose or the second dose will result in a stronger reactions. 

Viral vector, deactivated & dead virus vaccines result in a stronger first shot immune reaction and a weaker second shot immune reaction. 

mMNA vaccines result in a weaker first shot reaction and a stronger second shot reaction. 


Your shots resulted in confirmation bias????.

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2 hours ago, sometimewoodworker said:

If you read and think about my post you will see that I have not suggested that you are. 

You are however suffering because, specially in the USA, OxyContin, oxycodone and similar opiates are prescribed almost like M&Ms often for conditions they are useless for so leading to high levels of addiction and death along with the profits for the drug companies. 

This is the reason why you can’t get it unless in hospital. 

In the U.K. Asprin&codine was available in 100 tablet bottles, now you will be quizzed by the pharmacist to get 10 or 20. The reasons are the same, abuse stops legitimate users having access. 

Yes I believe the condition you are describing, however you will probably need to find an excellent (probably expensive) hospital and physician, you may need to spend time in the hospital for assessment as well. Medication is available in Thailand, it is quite, to very, tightly controlled.  Professionals dislike being told their job. Medication is not advised in Thailand so people in general rely on the doctors knowledge. You know a treatment that works. You do not know if it is the best or most appropriate. 

I can tell you that oxycodone or Tylenol #3 were definitely appropriate drugs to be administered for shingles and the pain it causes.  The oxycontin epidemic it the USA was because of physicians prescribing it all too often under very specious circumstances with help of Big Pharma.  A medical professional can diagnose shingles correctly and a lab test can confirm it. Under those circumstances, appropriate pain medications should be available and given. Unfortunately, as you state, that will not happen unless a person is admitted to a hospital in Thailand.  Certainly, this is not the time for that to happen.  I can only repeat that I wouldn't wish this disease on anyone.

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31 minutes ago, TigerandDog said:

I had my first AZ jab on Wednesday 7th. No side effects whatsover. However, my friends reported a sore arm around the injection spot. When I asked them about how the nurse administered the injection they said it was a definitive firm jab into the muscle, not a gradual penetration of the skin at a 45* angle, as it is supposed to be. Also when seeing some of the people receiving their jabs on the television news they are also being jabbed similarly to my friends. I guess I was lucky and had a nurse that actually knows the correct way to give an injection.

Completely anecdotal confirmation bias.

An individuals response to a vaccine is individual and not related to the ‘angle’ of needle to the surface of the skin. 

An intramuscular vaccine is administered at 90* (less penetration through flesh to achieve their required intramuscular depth of penetration).


Where did you get 45* from ? 

A subcutaneous injection requires a 45* penetration angle.


You’ve mixed the two up & want to blame the nurses due to your absence of knowledge. 

Edited by richard_smith237
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3 hours ago, pookiki said:

The oxycontin epidemic it the USA was because of physicians prescribing it all too often under very specious circumstances with help of Big Pharma.

It was much more the lies by Purdue Pharma the developers of the time release version getting the version approved while claiming its safety. That along with advertising to consumers and the doctors interested in making vast profits by proscribing it to everyone and their dog. 

countries like the U.K. and Thailand that have, for decades, restricted use of this to hospitals have killed and addicted many fewer of the population. 

however as I mentioned, yes it worked for you, but there are other treatments. They may be as effective, or effective enough, and without the addiction risk. 

Regrettably if you must have the medication of your choice, your only course of action will be to go to where it’s available. Not to be desired but maybe unavoidable. 

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