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England WILL NOT win Euro 2020/2021

Mike West

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10 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:



Sterling was tripped. Could he have stayed on his feet ? - thats possible, but he was already knocked off balance by two players he’d already beaten. IF this was outside of the Penalty Area no one would be arguing that this was a foul.


By whom? Because Sterling definitely was not tripped by any Danish player. He got a mild hip contact, of the kind that is NEVER a penalty in another game. Sterling took a dive and the refs fell for it. Poor refereeing. Denmark was robbed.

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5 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


You mean...  this team that were not good enough took the game to extra time and penalties... 


One thing is certain, they are clearly a better team than you are at intelligent and critical thought. 



There is no reason to knock any team which made the knock out phases - with the exception of a few all teams were excellent with extremely fine margins separating them. 


Italy were the better team in the final, just as England were the better team against Denmark.


Room for improvement, yes. Room for criticism, little. 


Well done England, congratulations to Italy.



But the worst performance was that of the manager.

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5 minutes ago, Excel said:

But the worst performance was that of the manager.

A manager who too his team to the final ??


Had the works class premier league players scored their penalties the same critics would Lourdes Southgate as a genius.


There’s a much fine line between success and failure than there is between intelligence & stupidity as many of the comments thus far example. 




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4 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

A manager who too his team to the final ??


Had the works class premier league players scored their penalties the same critics would Lourdes Southgate as a genius.


There’s a much fine line between success and failure than there is between intelligence & stupidity as many of the comments thus far example. 




Agreed and anyone who suggests that any national manager is good and successful yet that has never won any of  the the main global football tournaments is indeed stupid to the extreme.

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13 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

IF you can’t see that there was contact then we have watched different footage. 

VAR reviewed it. You have no argument other than ‘you don’t agree’…


When you took your referees qualifications…..,  erm… 

IF you can see a trip then you need to take off the come-on England glasses. There was no trip on Sterling. NONE.


Yes, VAR reviewed but they got it terribly wrong obviously, as the entire global roster of experts, referees, players, coaches all agree that it was not a penalty.



Edited by Tanomazu
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1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

This was the same referee (and Linesman) who also didn't see the second football on the pitch that was maybe only 3 meters away from Sterling as he started his run to the goal line.

Maybe he thought that the ball wasn't interfering with play and therefore there was no need to stop the game 

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1 hour ago, Mike West said:

omg, he DIVED, get the f over it. YOU LOST, No Eurocup for England now and not in your lifetime. Go back to crying yourself to sleep every night. ???? 

You seem much more interested in Englands National team than I am .

  Yes England lost in final  , on penalties as well .

Your hatred of England surpasses my support for England .

You lost many times with various different teams in the tournament and you cowardly hid when England won 

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28 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

A manager who too his team to the final ??


Had the works class premier league players scored their penalties the same critics would Lourdes Southgate as a genius.


There’s a much fine line between success and failure than there is between intelligence & stupidity as many of the comments thus far example. 




I wouldn't talk about intelligence if you seriously believe Sterling was "tripped" by a Denmark player.


The fact is that England has the most valuable squad of all teams that played at Euro 2020, the squad with the deepest roster of talent. The England squad is worth 1.63 BILLION USD. Italy's is worth 957 million. Denmark is worth 396 million. Yet England still needed the ref's help to defeat Denmark, with their most valuable player not even playing.




Twice now Southgate has failed in a major final/semi-final. Twice he let his team sit back after taking a 1:0 lead and having a golden chance to win the game. Only to blow it with negative tactics. He let a 19 year old take the final penalty.


I don't think Southgate is some kind of footballing genius.

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I'm not a big sports fan, but I tune in for the iconic finals of everything except cricket.

I have never heard boos in any other tournament by a home crowd unless there was a egregious foul.


It seemed Italy could not look at the ball and Wembley went into vile yobbo mode. Booooooooo!


As a Brit -but not an Englander, it's shameful and embarrassing.


England fans specifically among the UK teams, are the world's most ungracious winners too.


Without fail, there's always some chav or two thousand that have to twist the knife, little German girls being fair game too.


For that reason alone, glad Italy spared the world more of that behaviour last night..



Edited by chalawaan
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On 7/7/2021 at 4:35 PM, worgeordie said:

Well Mr. West I hope you are around to eat your own words.

regards Worgeordie

He is a dick and knows that a stopped clock is right twice a day. 

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7 minutes ago, chalawaan said:




Without fail, there's always some chav or two thousand that have to twist the knife, little German girls being fair game too.





That was one twitter post by a young Black man which was disliked by everyone else 

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1 minute ago, Tanomazu said:

A mural honouring footballer Marcus Rashford has been vandalised with graffiti following England's defeat to Italy in the Euro 2020 final.




Sancho is also cursed in the graffiti placed on the mural.

Doesn't help when your PM and Home Secretary are both racists.

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55 minutes ago, Tanomazu said:

A mural honouring footballer Marcus Rashford has been vandalised with graffiti following England's defeat to Italy in the Euro 2020 final.




Sancho is also cursed in the graffiti placed on the mural.

Did you make that last bit up yourself ?

It wasn't reported in the report 

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1 hour ago, Surelynot said:

Doesn't help when your PM and Home Secretary are both racists.

OK, fair enough, I thought that you were saying there was racist graffiti involved because you mentioned racism , there was no racist graffiti, just abuse of Rashford and Sancho because they both missed penalties and they are both Manchester United players . 

  May have been written by Manchester city supporters 

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14 hours ago, Mike West said:

Awwwwww cwy baby, you mean the exact same way Sterling did against Denmark for the "penalty"? the one that robbed the Danes of their spot in the final?  so it's ok when England does it? Bunch of hypocrites you lot. 

Nice tackle

WhatsApp Image 2021-07-12 at 09.53.32.jpeg

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5 hours ago, Tanomazu said:

By whom? Because Sterling definitely was not tripped by any Danish player. He got a mild hip contact, of the kind that is NEVER a penalty in another game. Sterling took a dive and the refs fell for it. Poor refereeing. Denmark was robbed.

You know full well there was contact by two players- from behind too.  It was soft, yes, perhaps wrong, but in no way was it scandalous, and you have to do a little more than hold on for grim life before you can claim to have been robbed.

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22 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

You know full well there was contact by two players- from behind too.  It was soft, yes, perhaps wrong, but in no way was it scandalous, and you have to do a little more than hold on for grim life before you can claim to have been robbed.

There was contact by one player, the one who touched Sterling on the hip. As you know there is no "no-contact" rule in football, it is perfectly acceptable to have slight contact.


The second Danish player did not trip Sterling at all. He threw himself on the floor.


England played better against Denmark, as you would expect from a team worth 1.6 billion USD against one worth 370 million, whose star player is absent due to heart issues. However, Denmark was robbed in as far as without the non-penalty given by the incompetent dutch referee Denmark would not have lost the game. This sure is clear to everyone.

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I just watched the penalties back on youtube. Man oh man reading the comments it seems the whole world is happy england lost. Shameful behaviour from the mob in and outside the stadium. Not unlike the mob you used to see in 'sportsbars' in Pattaya. Fat, bald, loud and full of ink swearing 2 times in every sentence. Very pleased the Italians won and more pleased the english lost.

Edited by MayBeNow
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16 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


He’s just a half witted troll.... worthy of nothing other than laughing at.


Well done England, amazing performance against an excellent team. 

Well done Italy for bringing the result home.


Both teams could have won it, Italy edged it on the performance stats and looked the stronger team. 


English football can go forwards with pride, as can many nations who performed well in the Euro’s. 


A great tournament is what football is about and lets not forget its just a game, other things matter a great deal more - an almost miraculous recovery from Christian Eriksen and the relief of the footballing community drive this home. 






"Both teams could have won"? LOL Do you know anything about football? guess not. 

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13 hours ago, Excel said:

But the worst performance was that of the manager.

First up, Italy played well and deservedly won, penalties et al.


England had played some good football up until the final, and they did continue that mode in the first half, but the manager made a couple of fatal errors IMO.


Trying to sit back on a 1-0 lead for the most part of the game was a big mistake, and it was noticeable how the English game plan changed, with a lot more hoofing of the ball upfield, thereby losing possession and allowing Italy to get back on the attack, and Italy are masters at the "possession" game, and it showed.


For me bringing on Saka and playing him in the position in which he played for the best part of his game, was also a mistake, because he was in no man's land for quite a while and made no impact on the game, and the only time when he took on the older Italian left side defender, he was pulled back, so he had the beating of him, but only tried it once, when he should have taken him on an skinned him alive time after time.


I felt for Harry Kane, because he looked absolutely shattered and had no spark or willingness to take people on or even get in the position (on the shoulder of a defender) to be able to get a clear sight of goal.


As for the penalty takers, well they certainly wouldn't have been my first choice, but they had talent enough to be able to execute it on the night, but didn't. It reminds me of something my doctor told me a long time ago when I was considering an operation, when he said that I should seek out a doctor/surgeon who had performed the most operations of that type, because they had the experience, and for me that an analogy applied to the penalty takers.


So England miss out on a trophy yet again, and remain the "also-rans" on the international football scene, and that is surprising given the amount of talent available in English football, and all it needs is for a forward thinking and clever manager to be able to mould that talent into a trophy winning team.


As for the English fans, well there has always been an element of "yobbism/racism" in amongst them and it's been there for many decades, and I remember playing a game against Crawley town back in my youth (in the 60s) in a floodlit game, and we were defending a corner and I was standing by the wooden goalpost, when several coins clattered into the post right next to my head, and after we cleared the ball I bent down to see what they were, and they were old-style pennies which had been sharpened so as to cause a lot of damage when they struck you. English football fans!!!!!!


Well done Italy, sad for the English to come so far and lose, and hopefully a new manager will take up the reins.

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2 minutes ago, xylophone said:

First up, Italy played well and deservedly won, penalties et al.


England had played some good football up until the final, and they did continue that mode in the first half, but the manager made a couple of fatal errors IMO.


Trying to sit back on a 1-0 lead for the most part of the game was a big mistake, and it was noticeable how the English game plan changed, with a lot more hoofing of the ball upfield, thereby losing possession and allowing Italy to get back on the attack, and Italy are masters at the "possession" game, and it showed.


For me bringing on Saka and playing him in the position in which he played for the best part of his game, was also a mistake, because he was in no man's land for quite a while and made no impact on the game, and the only time when he took on the older Italian left side defender, he was pulled back, so he had the beating of him, but only tried it once, when he should have taken him on an skinned him alive time after time.


I felt for Harry Kane, because he looked absolutely shattered and had no spark or willingness to take people on or even get in the position (on the shoulder of a defender) to be able to get a clear sight of goal.


As for the penalty takers, well they certainly wouldn't have been my first choice, but they had talent enough to be able to execute it on the night, but didn't. It reminds me of something my doctor told me a long time ago when I was considering an operation, when he said that I should seek out a doctor/surgeon who had performed the most operations of that type, because they had the experience, and for me that an analogy applied to the penalty takers.


So England miss out on a trophy yet again, and remain the "also-rans" on the international football scene, and that is surprising given the amount of talent available in English football, and all it needs is for a forward thinking and clever manager to be able to mould that talent into a trophy winning team.


As for the English fans, well there has always been an element of "yobbism/racism" in amongst them and it's been there for many decades, and I remember playing a game against Crawley town back in my youth (in the 60s) in a floodlit game, and we were defending a corner and I was standing by the wooden goalpost, when several coins clattered into the post right next to my head, and after we cleared the ball I bent down to see what they were, and they were old-style pennies which had been sharpened so as to cause a lot of damage when they struck you. English football fans!!!!!!


Well done Italy, sad for the English to come so far and lose, and hopefully a new manager will take up the reins.

Maybe Harry Kane has been concerning himself too much about how his agent is doing negotiating a record multi million pound transfer deal than concentrating on the game ?

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18 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


You mean...  this team that were not good enough took the final to extra time and penalties... 


One thing is certain, they are clearly a better team than you are at intelligent and critical thought. 



There is no reason to knock any team which made the knock out phases - with the exception of a few all teams were excellent with extremely fine margins separating them. 


Italy were the better team in the final, just as England were the better team against Denmark.


Room for improvement, yes. Room for criticism, little. 


Well done England, congratulations to Italy.



Denmark was and is the better team. 

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11 hours ago, MayBeNow said:

I just watched the penalties back on youtube. Man oh man reading the comments it seems the whole world is happy england lost. Shameful behaviour from the mob in and outside the stadium. Not unlike the mob you used to see in 'sportsbars' in Pattaya. Fat, bald, loud and full of ink swearing 2 times in every sentence. Very pleased the Italians won and more pleased the english lost.


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