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Another lockdown being considered by CCSA


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15 hours ago, connda said:

It depends on the "fun." 

As Kissinger stated, "Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac."

Think of all the fun the power-elites are having by making the commoners dance at the ends of the strings the elites pull while the elites force the commoner's businesses to close as "non-essential" while diverting small-businesses customer bases to their corporate friends who are "essential."  And making sure that any fun activities that the commoners enjoy are shut down or made illegal.
And throwing commoners in jail for having fun?
Now THAT's fun.  Well, for those inhuman pond-scum.

"Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac baby."

True that. There do seem to be some sinister forces at work. Very little policy at this stage seems to be truly about the welfare of the public.


Diverting great resources to the sandbox opening, knowing it would only mean a few thousand tourists a month.


Allowing construction sites, and large factories (such as the massive cluster pineapple plants) to remain open, and then giving construction crews advanced notice of the impending closure. 


Forbidding restaurants from opening, or allowing them or resorts to serve alcohol. Totally random policy.


Absolute refusal to accept science based facts, when enacting policy.


Policy enacted to favor big corporations, and utterly crush the common man. Pure and absolute sadism, with regard to policy.

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1 hour ago, paulikens said:

the lockdown junkies on here are loving it.   the covid cult regins supreme  

So in your mind opening up and inviting in tourists so that the bars can be opened and entertainment venues opened is a better idea?  I am not a fan of a lockdown but to in order to stop this thing from taking off more than it already has, besides a failed vaccine program, how would you undertake the treatment of Covid, unless of course you are just a denier and believe it only affects the old and unhealthy.  Please expand on your view.

Edited by ThailandRyan
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54 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

It is a perspective... I worry more about Covid.

It is one of many perspectives and why we discuss things so all the information is out there.  Many of us can agree to disagree on issues and many do see both sides of the subject.  Is it harsh and detrimental, sure it is, but then is letting the virus rip on through and chance ending up like India was a few months ago worth the risk to save the economy and peoples businesses without the government truly stimulating the economy.  It is on the knives edge that we are precariously balanced.

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Prayuth and Anutin should hold a press conference immediately. We are submitting our resignations, effective tomorrow. This completely got away from us. We now realize how in over our heads we were, this entire time. We are permanently retiring from politics, as we want the nation to move forward, we have more money than we could ever spend, and now realize that with us in control, forward progress is impossible.


We are very, very sorry. We are stubborn and obstinate men. We have been big bosses for a long time, and been surrounded by yes people. So, it very hard for us to be humble. 

But, we have seen the collapse in the export market.

We have seen the utter demise of the tourism industry, that some blame us for.

We have seen that millions are out of work, and we fear this economic meltdown will last many years. Did we cause that? Well, we admit we are at least partly responsible. 


Now, back to reality!


What kind of defective, intellectually incapacitated leadership makes a plan like this, to shut down the construction sites, due to Covid infections, warns the workers in advance, and then makes no provisions to lock down the sites long enough to determine who is infected? And allows thousands of super spreaders to exit Bangkok, and travel throughout the nation, contributing to the situation we see today. 


Are they deliberately trying to sabotage any chances of recovery? Or, are they really and truly this inept, and this unable to lead, effectively? If the latter is true, Prayuth and Anutin are the two most dangerous people in Thailand right now. 


Get out! Get out now. You are the two most despised people in Thailand. 

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16 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

are you sure about it? do you even know what is going on in all thailand?

anyway, when i said starvation i meant poverty, depresion, desperation, ext.

i once asked a poor girl from isarn what the people there do if they need expensive

health care or special diet ext. and they cannot afford it?

she answered innocently: they die.

this is indeed what happans to many poor people when they get a serious illness, or need more nutrition than the twice daily som tam. but nobody counts them. the statistics are just


Granted, poverty and inability to access expensive healthcare are a problem in Thailand. But then, that situation existed pre-COVID.

Twice daily som tam? I'd say my GF's diet, in terms of protein, carbohydrate, minerals etc. is more varied than mine.

Noted my question about whether you have lived in a Thai village remains unanswered.

Edited by Lacessit
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16 minutes ago, Dart12 said:

whats killiing more people daily long term? 

'Daily long term' is an oxymoron.....but I figure I grasp what you try to say.

We will not know this for some years..at the moment I suspect the disease is well ahead at 4 mil plus.

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It has just been announced Prayuth is donating three  months of his salary, for his countrymen. To help alleviate their pain. Wow. 360, 000 baht. That should help end their anguish. 


This multi millionaire, a man who nobody really knows his true net worth, as it is likely hidden overseas, could donate 50 million baht and it would be like most of us buying a Filano scooter. Same applies to Anutin and an unnamed person. 


Yet, do they act? Do they care? Where is the moral authority here? 

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11 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

Yes, I am currently at my local hospital for a routine (Diabetic Clinic) visit. Nurse showed me this and said " lockdown come".


She was also horrified that I had not been vaccinated (refused 3 times) and has put me on the list - if not today, then in the next few days!


Well that one didn't work out - she came back an hour later, very apologetic and embarrassed (genuine too I reckon) to tell me that The Ministry of Public Health official had said no!

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9 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

So in your mind opening up and inviting in tourists so that the bars can be opened and entertainment venues opened is a better idea?  I am not a fan of a lockdown but to in order to stop this thing from taking off more than it already has, besides a failed vaccine program, how would you undertake the treatment of Covid, unless of course you are just a denier and believe it only affects the old and unhealthy.  Please expand on your view.

@ThailandRyan what every true lockdown junkie says "im am not a fan of a lockdown"   you are a fully paid up member of the covid cult,or you have stockholm syndrome one of the two.    

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2 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

Well that one didn't work out - she came back an hour later, very apologetic and embarrassed (genuine too I reckon) to tell me that The Ministry of Public Health official had said no!

Is this not an international human rights issue at this point? 

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7 hours ago, paulikens said:

@ThailandRyan what every true lockdown junkie says "im am not a fan of a lockdown"   you are a fully paid up member of the covid cult,or you have stockholm syndrome one of the two.    

Gotta get my fix as you say I am a junkie, wonder if the heroin minister can help me out here, and ensure only his product makes it in through the lockdown restrictions.  Glad I have a view from the top and of course will still be able to run in the morning at the parks, use my pool, and of course still shop and supply the families we support on the side Sois around us who are suffering because of the economic fallout.  When you announce a lockdown and people are able to flee to the hills it is either done by plan or they have no clue, but it does allow those that have family elsewhere to head there to ride out the storm and at least get food and sustenance.  What has been put in place are restrictions and nowhere close to a lockdown, but then you new that and just decided to bait me because you can never have a true dialogue.  Enjoy.

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See if I got this straight. Gov't allows infected contruction workers from closed sites to head back to Isaan to infect the population then wants to lockdown Bangkok. A bit like closing the barn door after the cows get out, I think. Or maybe they wanted to infect more people like the Songkran fiasco. i am so confused

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On 7/9/2021 at 10:54 PM, paulikens said:

@ThailandRyan what every true lockdown junkie says "im am not a fan of a lockdown"   you are a fully paid up member of the covid cult,or you have stockholm syndrome one of the two.    

Covid cult?


You mean like the medical community and scientific researchers?

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