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UPDATE: Thailand imposes tighter restrictions to slow virus spread - including curfew


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People are going Ting Tong there's a woman out in my soi at 6-30 am sweeping it, the other day she was on a plot of land besides me digging it that was 5-30 am and it's raining, Poor woman

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17 hours ago, robblok said:

No curfew but then what does this mean


Significantly, people in the maximum control zones will be asked for their cooperation in not leaving their homes between 10pm and 4am.Β 


if its not enforced then what is the point, even worse if its arbitrary enforced.Β  Love to see more clarification.

You got a long wait for that...

This is a soft lockdown, in other words nothing much has changed, do what you like all day and at night please don't go out unless you have to... very subjective.

meaningless, pointless and clueless.

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17 hours ago, Crossy said:

Can I buy BEER in the supermarkets??


Asking for a friend!


No matter how bad things get, we have to eat, we have to sh--,we need electric to run our computers and women have to shop. And yes they can get the beer.

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17 hours ago, Surelynot said:

Smacks of Bungling Bunter's approach to lifting all restrictions in the UK, but at the same time asking people to be sensible........ie if this goes pear shaped it is your fault not mine.

Agree with you 2000 per cent and yes as you say these politicians all around the same so nothing new there then.

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My relative got out of Thailand in time. He tells me that the situation is not good and he did not

want to be stuck in Thailand for the next 3 to 4 months. His Thai friends in Pattaya who work in the

hospital, let him know that it was time to leave if he was wanting to get out.Β  What ever you hear from the PM orΒ 

TAT, put a lot of salt on it.Β  In control? Well the numbers are rising. Vaccines coming soon, believe it when you get the shot in your arm.

Β  Or this.



Edited by metisdead
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18 hours ago, robblok said:

No curfew but then what does this mean


Significantly, people in the maximum control zones will be asked for their cooperation in not leaving their homes between 10pm and 4am.Β 


if its not enforced then what is the point, even worse if its arbitrary enforced.Β  Love to see more clarification.

Love to see more clarification. Have you forgot where you are?

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18 hours ago, Crossy said:

Can I buy BEER in the supermarkets??


Asking for a friend!


In the UK the off licences stayed open why the Dentist was closed at one point they was being so generous I thought they might even give amnestyΒ to soft soft dealers.

Edited by juice777
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Thailand now ranked 118Β out of 120 countries for it's handling of Covid-19, Air Asia today cancel all domestic flights in July, numerous international flights cancelled. The writing is on the wall.

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13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Thailand’s Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) imposed a number of partial lockdown measures on Friday, including a night-time curfew and a ban on gatherings of five people or more in Bangkok and five nearby provinces, to come into effect on Monday (July 12th), to curb the continued surge in COVID-19 infections and deaths.

Half measures, nothing in these latest regulations are going to make a blind bit of difference....Β 

expect the numbers [if recorded] to keep rising.

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15 hours ago, HandsomeTallFarang said:

Why stop at interprovincial? Does the virus suddenly respect county and district lines?


Why not restrict everyone to soi only? Or how about within one BTS station’s length away? Why not just put a bubble with a checkpoint every 500 meters?


Every one of these travel restrictions they do are arbitrary and do literally nothing. They’re just trying to save face, I don’t see why they are so petrified of COVID... it kills less than 1% of people who get it..Β 


There’s like 5 TV channels here that areΒ dedicated to COVID fear porn 24/7. Those channels show two things: Fear porn and big scary statistics, orΒ useless footage of workers spraying down stair cases with pesticide sprayers filled with sanitizer and stuff like that, as if that’s supposed to make anyone with a brain feel better.

What is the deal with recording and taking photos of uselessΒ activities here?Β It was the same at my gym, the staff would literally go around in pairs taking turns taking photos of each other wiping down a machine with a spray bottle. Or taking photos of useless paper sign in sheets that nearly everyone ignores. By the way, that’s another genius move right there. Make everyone touch the same pens so they can write their name on some paper.

This isn’t normal or rationalΒ behavior... but neither is riding three people on a mostly plastic Moped with no helmets. TIT.

I have lost 4 closeΒ relatives back in the UK and Ireland in the past 15 months and the lockdowns were more severe than what Thailand have introduced thankfully i managed to get my 1st AZ vaccine yesterday as the island i live on is meant to open up as a sandbox zone next Thursday i would love to know where you get the 1% from or is that just a figment of your imagination ?

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19 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

I'm not sure how they could ever consider completely closing supermarkets, no matter how bad it gets.

They are too essential to everyday life.





And they don't want to upset CP?

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50 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

My relative got out of Thailand in time. He tells me that the situation is not good and he did not

want to be stuck in Thailand for the next 3 to 4 months. His Thai friends in Pattaya who work in the

hospital, let him know that it was time to leave if he was wanting to get out.Β  What ever you hear from the PM orΒ 

TAT, put a lot of salt on it.Β  In control? Well the numbers are rising. Vaccines coming soon, believe it when you get the shot in your arm.

Β  Or this.



i had my 1st AZ vaccine yesterday but the island i live on is one of the designated sandbox areas due to open on Thursday which looking at the number of new Covid cases would be crazy if it were to happen we had zero covid cases prior to the government allowing Songkran to take place this year and within days we had nine confirmed cases

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14 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

shut up. do not spread panick. most deaths in europe happaned in the first few weeks

of the pandemic. now the worst is behind us. there are vaccinea and they are the solution.

you are correct but a certain minister here in Thailand stated the virus would blow away in the wind and did sod all about having a plan B which would of been to order enough vaccines to ensure the safety and well being of the Thai people and im not spreading panic when i say if they dont have a total lockdown they will end up having mass cremations as the temples wont be able to copeΒ 

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12 hours ago, spornb said:

As a moderator YOU should not ask such questions, tonight we bought three casea of Samsung for personal consumption over the next few months


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4 minutes ago, crazykopite said:

I have lost 4 closeΒ relatives back in the UK and Ireland in the past 15 months and the lockdowns were more severe than what Thailand have introduced thankfully i managed to get my 1st AZ vaccine yesterday as the island i live on is meant to open up as a sandbox zone next Thursday i would love to know where you get the 1% from or is that just a figment of your imagination ?

People are selective when it comes to statistics. I'm sorry for your losses. I have lost friends myself to covid who seem healthy and also have some still suffering effects of long covid months after they "recovered". As long as we know the reality, no point arguing with others here. Stay safe.Β 


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15 hours ago, The Cipher said:

If someone can't pay the rent, can't provide their family, what kind of life are they living?

Are you saying that Monks don't live a good life?Β  A good life is one where you're healthy and still alive.

It's common knowledge that the number of deaths from Covid in every country has been under counted,

not only the direct deaths, but also the deaths from people who couldn't get treatment for other things

because hospitals and ICU beds were full, so stating some stupid figures of percentage of people who 'revovered'

has zero basis in fact.
If the sight of all ICU beds being full, and trucks being used as temporary morgues because they regular ones were full doesn't bother you, then you have no compassion.Β  You can live poorly and recover from that, nobody can recover from dying of Covid.

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Just as significant in this exponential rise in confirmed cases, is the lack of vaccinations. Figures updated yesterday showed Thailand with only 13% of the population having been vaccinated, and a mere 4.6% fully vaccinated.


This problem is compounded by the use of Sinovac for many of the vaccinations, which is proving to be a vaccine that is mostly ineffective against the Delta variant. You can impose all the lockdowns and alcohol restrictions, you want, but until a large percentage of the population are vaccinated the infection graph will continue its upward trend Β  Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

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Yet another soft Lockdown.

These people just dont seem to register the fact that the Virus in order to be transmitted , has to be carried by something, or someone.

So where are all the restrictions on Travel ?

No restrictions for Bus, Train or Air, and the Motorways and other routes are still all open withoutΒ restrictions.

Good luck with these measures


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I'm back home now in Sweden as of today. Still no masks and ever open and a wonder feeling.Β 

Wife returned home (Pak Chong area) on Thursday and someone reported her to the authorities that she arrived home. On Friday morning she got a visit from the nurse in hazmat suite. Asked questions about tests etc. Luckily my test for my trip was enough. She had to post my test on her FB so that everyone could see I was negative. You can see how uneducated people are easy to put in fear by listening to this government.Β 

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