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Thai study shows antibody levels after 2 doses of Sinovac drop 50% every 40 days


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37 minutes ago, placeholder said:

So we go from "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" to "Absence of evidence is evidence". Or "No A =A" Tell me, given your criteria, how is it possible to disprove your assertion?

If you want to know more about confidential information, I will at least send you this which is public




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6 minutes ago, misterjames said:

If it drops antibody levels by 50% every 40 days then it is utterly useless after 80 days.

Really? Or is it that a 50% loss every 40 days can be extrapolated at an incremental decay rate lasting a little longer?  I would sincerely hope for those who have had what is now apparent false assurance of even minimal health security against  C-19 will be provided  one way or other a more effective level of protection. It is not so difficult to  minimize risk for  many  but  Health workers in all capacities are now

likely  to be compromised.

In effect....Square 1  !


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45 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

You are wrong and telling lies.  It is less effective not utterly useless. You don't appear able to read

It's not effective against the Delta variant.  It wasn't very good against the Alpha at the beginning.  


Now there going to mix and match vaccines.  WHO strongly recommends against this.



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3 hours ago, misterjames said:

Not saying this happened but there has been official Chinese government documents submitted on research into viruses that target certain races for 10 years at least (that we know of).


(This is not a conspiracy the documents are out there as sky news reports)




"This is not a conspiracy the documents are out there as sky news reports"


It's not a conspiracy because it comes from Rupert Murdoch?


That is refreshing! 

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24 minutes ago, LosLobo said:

"This is not a conspiracy the documents are out there as sky news reports"


It's not a conspiracy because it comes from Rupert Murdoch?


No it's not a conspiracy because the Chinese government actually submitted those documents to the United Nations.


That is a fact. Nice try though

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1 hour ago, misterjames said:

If it drops antibody levels by 50% every 40 days then it is utterly useless after 80 days.

But that’s not what happens

The biggest drop in immunity with all vaccines is in the first few months after completion, but then it plateaus.

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1 hour ago, MrJ2U said:

It's not effective against the Delta variant.  It wasn't very good against the Alpha at the beginning.  


Now there going to mix and match vaccines.  WHO strongly recommends against this.



No. That’s not true at all




The WHO said it should be left to doctors to decide and not individuals.


why are you desperately posting misinformation about Sinovac all over this forum? 

It’s not not Normal behavior 

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Just now, FridgeMagnet1 said:

All vaccines work like this, antibodies drop quickly then plateau 

If you are going to claim that then you need to link to a source regarding the Sinovac plateau.


3 minutes ago, FridgeMagnet1 said:

why are you desperately posting misinformation about Sinovac all over this forum? 

You have just accused another member of posting misinformation so please post a source to your claims? 

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3 minutes ago, misterjames said:

If you are going to claim that then you need to link to a source regarding the Sinovac plateau.


You have just accused another member of posting misinformation so please post a source to your claims? 



Now there going to mix and match vaccines.  WHO strongly recommends against this.”


this is completely false. What the WHO actually said was:


The World Health Organization's chief scientist has advised individualsagainst mixing and matching COVID-19 vaccines from different manufacturers, saying such decisions should be left to public health authorities”


Do you understand?

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It's just a very badly written article. It says every 40 days the antibodies declined by half but it doesn't tell the length of the experiment. The headline and lead paragraph don't really align with the text.

  • Their antibody levels have dropped by half over an average of 40 days.
  • The antibody levels of those fully inoculated after 60 days are lower than those fully inoculated for fewer than 60 days.
  • The antibody levels within 60 days of the second dose are on a par with the efficacy of the vaccines against the original coronavirus variant, which is between 60-70% by average, but among those who are fully inoculated after 60 days, the efficacy of the vaccine dropped to 50%.

From what I read of what the researcher actually wrote, it looks like the experiment lasted 60 days. It could be bad editing. Also, it could be a reporter who doesn't have a science background. It's a mess.


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2 minutes ago, FridgeMagnet1 said:



Now there going to mix and match vaccines.  WHO strongly recommends against this.”


this is completely false. What the WHO actually said was:


The World Health Organization's chief scientist has advised individualsagainst mixing and matching COVID-19 vaccines from different manufacturers, saying such decisions should be left to public health authorities”


Do you understand?

I see no source for your claims regarding the Sinovac vaccine plateau in your reply.

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5 minutes ago, placeholder said:

It's just a very badly written article. It says every 40 days the antibodies declined by half but it doesn't tell the length of the experiment. The headline and lead paragraph don't really align with the text.

  • Their antibody levels have dropped by half over an average of 40 days.
  • The antibody levels of those fully inoculated after 60 days are lower than those fully inoculated for fewer than 60 days.
  • The antibody levels within 60 days of the second dose are on a par with the efficacy of the vaccines against the original coronavirus variant, which is between 60-70% by average, but among those who are fully inoculated after 60 days, the efficacy of the vaccine dropped to 50%.

From what I read of what the researcher actually wrote, it looks like the experiment lasted 60 days. It could be bad editing. Also, it could be a reporter who doesn't have a science background. It's a mess.


It’s the only study I’ve ever seen when the only figures quoted are from interviews with an actress and the wife of an actor.

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Just now, FridgeMagnet1 said:

It’s the only study I’ve ever seen when the only figures quoted are from interviews with an actress and the wife of an actor.

I forgot about the part. It was so bizarre I guess I just blanked on it. It reads almost like a parody of an original that no longer exists or is remembered.

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31 minutes ago, FridgeMagnet1 said:

All vaccines work like this, antibodies drop quickly then plateau 

Really? Thats the first I've heard. So with Sinovac what does it drop to and plateau to? Where is the study on that?

Edited by Bkk Brian
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 International Travel dilemma ! This is certainly not looking favorable  for the sinovaccians ! Boosters in the near future   , for those who wish to travel to  countries who are already  suspicious and skeptical  of the vaccine from china imop !

That country from where the virus came from was counting on the vaccine's success  around the world in their campaign to push their vaccine !

According to this article in Yahoo back in April, some experts from that country  had doubts and suggested trying different vaccs !

Very little is mentioned about the concerns of the  Chinese and their experts on the vacc's future, especially in dealing with the dreaded variant !



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Re plateaus,, I did a brief search and found this. It's about immunity acquired after being infected, not vaccinated, but still...

In the recent study published in Science, researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai used a database of immune responses from 30,000 New Yorkers who tested positive for the coronavirus between March and October and monitored 121 volunteers over time.

The researchers found that antibody responses peaked roughly two to three months after infection. And in 90 percent of the people who recovered, antibody levels subsequently dropped but remained stable for around five months, said Dr. Ania Wajnberg, an associate professor of medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine and a co-author of the Mount Sinai study.



Also, it goes on to quite Fauci who says declines in antibodies doesn't mean you aren't still protected.

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3 minutes ago, placeholder said:

The researchers found that antibody responses peaked roughly two to three months after infection.

For a start that post has nothing to do with Sinovac, secondly if it takes 3 months (90 days) for the antibody response to peak and Sinovac antibodies levels decline by 50% every 40 days.


It doesn't take a maths phd to realise the antibody levels of a person injected with Sinovac would be zero:D


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