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Thai netizens mostly endorse Thaksin’s vow to return


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3 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

For anybody who likes to know more about dirty Thai politics I recommend this book.

It was written a long time ago but as far as I see not much changed in the Land of Smiles.



You should also read Thaksin: The Business of Politics in Thailand by the same author K. Pasuk and her husband Chris. 

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1 minute ago, Bert got kinky said:

Usually when you see foreigners saying they are Pro-Thaksin it is because their 'teerak' is from the Red Zone, so they are either brainwashed or henpecked into believing that Thaksin was and is the saviour.

Some arrive here and leave their brains in their home country, leaving their Isaan darling to run their lives for them.


You can't blame some foreigners for supporting Duterte's little brother Thakisin, when all of their political information came out of the mouth of a poorly educated farmer's daughter instead of doing some actual research.


I would love you to specify your utopia alternative 

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5 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Do you deny that Thai politicians pay people to vote for them?

You pretend you know it all but then you don't even know the basics. 

He didn't say that, did he. Everyone who's been living in Thailand for some time and has close contacts with Thai people knows that this happens in every election, national as well as local.

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8 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

I agree that had he been at the helm Thailand would not be in the pathetic mess it is in now, all caused by incompetent people acting as politicians. I am not sure the coup fan boys will agree !

On the contrary, he's the one that started all this incompetence. And don't forget how he ripped off all the Telecoms money by selling a government company to Singapore, and don't forget how he gave a free reign to the Police to kill anyone they wanted who they said could be a drug dealer or user without any proof or trial. I remember it well, anyone the police had a problem with was assassinated, bodies everywhere. This guy is banned from many countries, including the UK and was forced to sell his shares in Man City because he didn't fulfil the "foreign owner" criteria due to his mis-dealings. Taksin favours China (he is Chinese in origin) and shared Thailands wealth with other wealthy Chinese....pretty much happens everywhere....Taksin's return would be even more pro Chinese than the current leadership. They come in to help, but only help Chinese companies and individuals, so the money is funnelled back to China again, and the local countries where they are supposedly "helping" get overun by contol from China, and the real natives get bypassed and remain in the lower echelons of that particular society.

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Just now, Magenta408 said:

It would be interesting to compare before and after but that would be pretty much academic as Tony would not fit in during this current scenario. Personal opinion mind you.

That's the beauty for all the people who criticize any government.

They all can say: we obviously would have done it differently and much better.


Covid infections and restrictions and later Covid vaccinations are the prefect example.

Some people complain there are too many Covid cases - there should have been more restrictions.

And some people say there were too many restrictions - people lost their jobs.

Who is right? Both and nobody.


There is no and there was never a perfect way to handle everything concerning Covid. And any critic can claim in the hindsight he would have done a lot better. Yeah, sure!

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3 minutes ago, steverino said:

On the contrary, he's the one that started all this incompetence. And don't forget how he ripped off all the Telecoms money by selling a government company to Singapore, and don't forget how he gave a free reign to the Police to kill anyone they wanted who they said could be a drug dealer or user without any proof or trial. I remember it well, anyone the police had a problem with was assassinated, bodies everywhere. This guy is banned from many countries, including the UK and was forced to sell his shares in Man City because he didn't fulfil the "foreign owner" criteria due to his mis-dealings. Taksin favours China (he is Chinese in origin) and shared Thailands wealth with other wealthy Chinese....pretty much happens everywhere....Taksin's return would be even more pro Chinese than the current leadership. They come in to help, but only help Chinese companies and individuals, so the money is funnelled back to China again, and the local countries where they are supposedly "helping" get overun by contol from China, and the real natives get bypassed and remain in the lower echelons of that particular society.

Thaksin is not banned from the UK, he still lives there part time.


The company he sold to Temasek was ShinCorp and not a government company. I wonder who it was named after?

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3 minutes ago, Excel said:

Firstly he is not banned by the UK as he has entered many times and he and  his sister has a 10 year business UK visa anyway. You have stated many things but not one link to support your allegations . Please be reminded that defamation laws in Thailand exist for everybody.

Ouch, for Steve. It's a massive problem for thailand, the defamation laws. <deleted> about face.

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4 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

They intervened because their free money supply was cut off when Viroj was removed by Thaksin as CEO of KTB after it was found he was handing out loan forgiveness to the usual suspects to the tune of billions of Thai Baht. Other avenues of free money were cut off as Thaksin started to clamp down on malfeasance and corruption within state owned entities. 


It seems you have fallen for the resultant Sondhi media group propaganda which started as Sondhi himself was one of the beneficiaries of this loan forgiveness, both personally and for his failing media business, which had ran up debts to the tune of billions of Baht. Then there was the politicisation of the country's highest institution to somehow legitimise the anti-Thaksin agenda. 


You need to look deeper than the facile "Thaksin was corrupt" arguments to understand the root causes of the 2006 and 2014 coups. 


Thinking it was about corruption when they are all in it for self-enrichment and self-aggrandisement shows a fundamental lack of understanding on how Thais at that level of government operate and why. 

Exactly! And it should have been obvious to anyone, knowing that it eas Suthep leading the anti-corruption crusade! What a joke!

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8 hours ago, faraday said:

I hope he does come back, & despite his ermm...what's the right word.. financial aquistions, at least he doesn't have a gun.


Something has to change, before this adopted country of ours, is bled dry.




"at least he doesn't have a gun".

Are you sure about that?

If you've been here long enough, you will remember one of his ministers dining with wife and friends with an Uzi Machine pistol brazenly sitting on the dining table, which suddenly appeared to auto open fire, killing his wife, sitting opposite! 

So, if one of his ministers has such weapons, why would you think he wouldn't have one as well?



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5 minutes ago, Bundooman said:

"at least he doesn't have a gun".

Are you sure about that?

If you've been here long enough, you will remember one of his ministers dining with wife and friends with an Uzi Machine pistol brazenly sitting on the dining table, which suddenly appeared to auto open fire, killing his wife, sitting opposite! 

So, if one of his ministers has such weapons, why would you think he wouldn't have one as well?



He wasn't a minister, he was a senator.

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3 minutes ago, Bert got kinky said:

For me being freethinking is more of a Utopia than being told what to believe.


In these confusing times, conspiracy theories running wild, I have no idea what to believe. Fortunately, I'm very relaxed about that. I only have my own beliefs to attach to.

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1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

I have heard many similar stories of drug users being killed. Anyone who is OK with Taksin or his policies is either ignorant of the facts or has very weird ethics. 

Anyone with any ethics whatsoever probably shouldn't be citing any political body in Thailand. ???? It's more a question of any old port in a storm, or who provides any tangible benefit to the local and expat population.

Thaksin certainly was culpable of extra-judicial drug killings during his time in office (it was rumoured that his son was a junkie at the time, hence his anger), and also the massacres (Tak Bai) in the South, when the Army Rangers who had kept the peace down there for years with the Separatists were suddenly replaced by Thaksin's cop pals.

Business-wise, Thaksin did a heck of a lot for Thailand immediately after the '97 crash, paying off the crippling 'loans' to the IMF and World Bank, but his own venal instincts and hubris caught up with him big-time for the rice-pledging debacle when Yingluck was proxy PM.

Ever since Thaksin, we have had another robber-baron clique holding a gun to the country's head after initially heading a (popular?) coup to bring about peaceful accession of the new Elvis.. Since then, the laws, courts and supposed "Constitution" of this country has been corrupted beyond belief to keep the khaki snouts in the trough seemingly forever.  Thaksin seems like a saint in comparison, imo. ????

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3 hours ago, robblok said:

I don't h ave good words for the military, like I don't have good words for Thaksin. Was he held accountable for his policy that led to the deaths of innocents ? I don't think so, neither did the military for the deaths during the protests and coups. 


Would be nice to see them both accountable would it not. Or would you just want to see the military accountable ?

False equivalency.

Don't you remember who asked Thaksin to start the war on drugs? The Dems hurried the investigation when they found out it was a can of worms. Do you believe it was in order to protect Thaksin.

Fact is that the people opposed to the yellow/green network are always held accountable (for good or bad reasons), whole members of the yellow/green network are not, except when they <deleted> off someone from the highest circle (the case of Sondhi).

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43 minutes ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

I also know the real reasons for the opposition to Thaksin as I have alluded to earlier in this thread which nobody has bothered to refute. 

If we would try to correct everything you write that would be a lot of work. And for what? You wouldn't accept it anyhow.

Maybe just publish links to Thaksin's PR agencies. That saves us all a lot of time. 

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9 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

I agree that had he been at the helm Thailand would not be in the pathetic mess it is in now, all caused by incompetent people acting as politicians. I am not sure the coup fan boys will agree !

The same only different virus. A few years ago, we were told by "Tony" to continue eating Kfc Chicken as ever before, so that the turnover could hold up. Now we are told to receive the bat vaccine to ensure that the government maintains its pride towards big brother.


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Just now, OneMoreFarang said:

No, as much as I dislike Thaksin he didn't start it all. There were lots of greedy corrupt politicians before him.

No, as much as I dislike Thaksin he didn't start it all. There were lots of greedy corrupt politicians people before him.

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4 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

You're so anti-Thaksin no amount of facts refuting your wild allegations will sway you - total waste of time.

If you would read my posts then you would know that I am anti Thaksin but that I acknowledge that he did some good things for Thailand. And obviously I know that lots of people like him because he did some good things.


I don't blame you if you don't read all my posts. But then don't pretend you know what I think or write. You obviously don't know.

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