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Vaccinations available for Australian nationals in Thailand


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On 7/17/2021 at 9:42 AM, irishman25 said:

Well done Australia stepping forward to help your people every country should now do the same you all know the reason look what is happening  

Will I am truly please to see that, but do not think they are so great it is the AZ that they are trying to get rid of cause hardly anyone down here want's it now Pfizer is meant to be coming, But I cannot get because I'm in my 60's so I might end up with nothing. I'm in NSW and we are in tight lock and might be till the end of August. two of my friends have been making home brew dame good drop can't keep up with demand's. Because one thing is for sure Scot Morison and his pals aren't going without. 

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36 minutes ago, Sharron Merrilees said:

Will I am truly please to see that, but do not think they are so great it is the AZ that they are trying to get rid of cause hardly anyone down here want's it now Pfizer is meant to be coming,




One of the UK's most widely used Covid vaccines may actually give a LIFETIME of protection.



AstraZeneca Covid vaccine gives powerful protection that may last a lifetime. 



That is according to a new study, which has analysed the long term impacts of the AZ jab.






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12 minutes ago, Aussieroaming said:

What absolute rubbish are you talking about. I didn't get sponsored health care, I got exactly the same health care benefits as you or anyone else because I paid for it through the garneshing of medicare payments through the tax system. 


I also had full private medical insurance for my family and myself because the Australian Government incentivises that, based on yearly income. As for your total nonsence about Australia wanting to punish you for daring to retire in Thailand....verbal diarrhea on your part. On the one hand you think that australian  permanent residents should be restricted in the support they get if they are overseas but on the other side you grizzle about being victimised by having to abide by Australia policy laws yourself. You aren't important enough to be personally victimised by the government, to them and to most other people you are a nobody.


And what rediculous statement did you make trying to relate paying taxes to citizenship? My comment in regards to paying my taxes refers to the relation set by the Australian Government between taxable income and medicare payment, which is a direct medical payment based on my marital status, number of family members and total taxable income. 


And what are you whining about expats living in Thailand for 40 years for and having to abide by Thai Immigration Policies, what has that got to do with my initial comment about getting support for a vaccine. There are pathways for foreigners to follow if they don't want to do 90 day reporting and leaving money lying in the bank and these include options to become Permanent Residents or Citizens, providing you meet the criteria. If expats (myself included) don't want to perue any of these avenues then they are treated as tourists on long stay. 


You are right, you don't know me and you have no idea why I chose to remain a permanent resident rather than taking citizenship. The Australian Government has had no problems with making me file tax returns and  taxing me on my overseas income while I have been working away from home for the Australian Company that I worked for nor did the government have issue with me travelling to and from work on a British Passport. The government doesn't care about my passport colour when I work offshore, it just cares about my status as a permnent resident for tax purposes and my compulsory medicare payments ( Australia's medical support system) has been directly linked to taxation. And if I have paid into my governmental medical system then why wouldn't I anticipate medical support for a vaccine, just like other medicare contributor.


I don't care about what you think, nor your personal opinions, who you are, what you whine about or which government department you think is victimising you.  



A twisted, insulting ramble.  Completely (deliberately) missing the points made while continuing the tirade. 

Long story short, you are not an Australian citizen, despite your belief that you should be one automatically through occupation.

Legally it doesn't work that way, so you don't get all of the advantages of citizenship.

Good luck getting vaccinated, it's difficult for most of us living here. 

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4 minutes ago, Nemises said:



You get the impression that it will be all afternoon queue?

Looks like many farang. You get the impression that few different nationalities?

Apparently USA, UK etc received same offering from their embassies.

Edited by DrJack54
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10 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:


You get the impression that it will be all afternoon queue?

Looks like many farang. You get the impression that few different nationalities?

Apparently USA, UK etc received same offering from their embassies.

Queue time about 2.5 hrs. 
Yep many farang. Yep many nationalities.  


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On 7/17/2021 at 2:10 PM, watthong said:

Good for you, "spurred me into action!!" shows that where there's a will - there's a way (though the way seems to be a bit more arduous for folks outside of BKK.)  One thing this taught me is not to rely on one's own government/ embassy when it comes to matter of survival, you do better with foot on the ground. On another thread some expat from Pattaya mentioned walking in (meaning without pre-registration) in groups at Bangsue Station and got vaxxed, even though not all of them are 75 and over.

Yes, I mentioned 'walking in' True. The under 75's were acting as 'carers' for the over 75's. That option was published to end today, 18th.

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On 7/17/2021 at 11:30 PM, Old Croc said:

These deportations are based on character, and usually association with criminal gangs. (mainly bikies)

Not saying it's fair, as the individual doesn't get much of a right of appeal, but it is lawful. The legislation, approved by Parliament  allows it.  The Minister holding the portfolio is a hard nosed ex-copper with delusions of grandeur beyond his capabilities, but he can lawfully make these decisions.

Just your opinion old mate. Most Australians think Minister Dutton, who is now the Defense Minister(do keep up old boy) did a great job controlling our borders and deporting criminals.

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On 7/17/2021 at 1:42 PM, jaideedave said:

I live in Pattaya and I don't think its a good idea to leave this relatively safe place to enter a deep red zone

Pattaya is of course in Chonburi.... a deep red zone. Also Banglamung, where Pattaya is located, is showing the 2nd highest new infection numbers for the Province. 

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21 hours ago, pattaya1234was said:

Yes, I mentioned 'walking in' True. The under 75's were acting as 'carers' for the over 75's. That option was published to end today, 18th.

You didn't mention the "acting as carers" part, that's mis(leading)-information by omission. I won't bother to track down the original quote but to paraphrase: a group from Pattaya walked in and got vaxxed, not all of them 75 and over.  If the latter group were "carers" (therefore not there to be vaxxed) they shouldn't have been mentioned. But since they were mentioned, they should have been indicated as "carers." 

Edited by watthong
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6 minutes ago, watthong said:

You didn't mention the "acting as carers" part, that's mis(leading)-information by omission. I won't bother to track down the original quote but to paraphrase: a group from Pattaya walked in and got vaxxed, not all of them 75 and over.

You are mixing up quotes from many people. On July 12 I posted that over 75's were being refused. 

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On 7/17/2021 at 9:45 AM, Will27 said:

If you look at my post, I was replying to the poster who said he could get the vaccine where he lives, not in Bangkok.

You are right, but I was asking where is it where the poster could get  the A/Z outside Bangkok.

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3 hours ago, watthong said:

You didn't mention the "acting as carers" part, that's mis(leading)-information by omission. I won't bother to track down the original quote but to paraphrase: a group from Pattaya walked in and got vaxxed, not all of them 75 and over.  If the latter group were "carers" (therefore not there to be vaxxed) they shouldn't have been mentioned. But since they were mentioned, they should have been indicated as "carers." 

Also 3 foreigners, 1 American and 2 from the UK-a group of three , all aged under 75 , went to Bang Sue on Friday 9th July. They all got vaccinated-they were not " carers" So please before you tear into somebody  check your facts. You should know that nothing in Thailand is 100% black and white.

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On 7/19/2021 at 6:41 AM, Albaby said:

Just your opinion old mate. Most Australians think Minister Dutton, who is now the Defense Minister(do keep up old boy) did a great job controlling our borders and deporting criminals.

Every opinion I express on here is mine. Apparently, old mate, you believe you speak for most Australians.

Incidentally, I once headed up the Criminal Deportation branch in my State which I believe makes my opinions more credible than you may think.

There is a difference between lawful, moral decision making and populous politics.

As much as I may personally agree with kicking out some ratbags, I also believe that cancelling a resident return visa without notice, when someone is on an overseas holiday, is draconian and not part of a democratic society.


I had forgotten that Dutton was now in a different portfolio, fair cop. 

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On 7/17/2021 at 8:50 PM, Old Croc said:

Not true. There is a qualification, it wouldn't be reasonable, or acceptable by the people, if someone could just enter the country and receive full benefits immediately.

Even citizens have to qualify for the full amount.


Age Pension - Residence rules - Services Australia

It’s true if you consider the assets test, you can have lived and worked in Australia all your live and paid taxes yet are then denied he aged pension.

The government has set the bar as to what you should own financially and when you look at the level it is now in my opinion you are hardly rich.

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On 7/17/2021 at 5:22 PM, DrJack54 said:

Several posts above show lack of understanding of the word Pension.

In Oz it refers to "old age pension".

This is not the case in UK or USA for example. I'm not from those countries but their use of the word Pension is completely different from AU.

In Oz we have superannuation. That is an amount that is taken out of your pre tax income. Currently think it's 9%. The government in turn matches that.

That is what many Australians retire on.

In any event all this is off topic. Nothing to do with thread. 

BTW permanent resident in my book means little. You have easy passage to obtain Au citizenship. 


Regarding the terminology whether you call it a pension or superannuation it’s the same thing.

I am afraid you are wrong in relation to compulsory superannuation in Australia, if that is what you are referring to and was introduced in about 1990.

It started off at 3% of your ordinary times earnings and was paid by the employer it was not matched by the government.

It gradually increased to 9% and I think now maybe higher.

For other employees employed by various levels of government or larger private employees most were/ are members of a pension fund into which both they and the employer contributed.

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9 minutes ago, StevieAus said:

Regarding the terminology whether you call it a pension or superannuation it’s the same thing.

It's not same thing at all.

In any event it's off topic.

This topic was about vaccination for Australian citizens. Stick to topic.

Did you obtain one on Sunday? 

A report would be useful.

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To put this in perspective the last figures show Australian 20,000 expats in Thailand, assume 10% have headed home due to Covid, this leaves 18,000 still in country. So with much fanfare there has been 0.55% of expats vaccinated on Sunday ,mostly from the greater Bangkok area. Assume 10% have been vaccinated by other means eg work Phuket, Samui programs. That still leaves 89.45% or about 16,000 persons, x2 = 32,000 jabs. Spare capacity of almost 1 million a week of the AZ in Australia as no one there wants it. Disgraceful the Australian government does not follow, not lead merely follow the example of France, China etc.



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6 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

It's not same thing at all.

In any event it's off topic.

This topic was about vaccination for Australian citizens. Stick to topic.

Did you obtain one on Sunday? 

A report would be useful.

Being a Director and Company Secretary of a very successful Australian Industry Fund for nineteen years, what would I know?

Subject closed as far as I am concerned.

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