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Thailand reports again record high of 11,784 new COVID-19 cases


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11 hours ago, dinsdale said:

At this rate of climb this week or just after should get to 500,000 total and in around a couple of wks around 500,000 in 5 months. Prayut must really be looking over his shoulder now. This should never have been allowed to happen and responsibilty must start at the top and then work down. I've always said generals run armies not countries.

Prayut and his amigo's will have their "to go" bags ready for a speedy departure for a South American destination, you can bet on it.

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2 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

Wuhan style lockdown for Bangkok considered


Dr Opart says if the new infection rate remains high, there is a possibility that a lockdown like the one Wuhan imposed may be in the cards. This lockdown would entail people staying at home, disallowing travel, and food and water being delivered to people’s homes says Dr Opart. The doctor adds that the measure will slowly intensify until the situation is under control.



They really have to do something here.  This is completely out of control and believe me if you need a hospital right now you may be very disappointed to find that they cannot help you.  

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31 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

We're all gonna die...and the incredibly vast majority not from Covid, so well past time to resume living again before you do.


For me...never stopped! Live and let live. 

Are you sure you're not saying "Live and let em Die"?

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5 minutes ago, Blumpie said:

They really have to do something here.  This is completely out of control and believe me if you need a hospital right now you may be very disappointed to find that they cannot help you.  

There is no way they can arrange to feed a city of 12 million people every day. They can't even arrange a few vaccines given half a year to plan.

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35 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

The Thethaiger are not renowned for their reporting accuracy!

It's far too late for a Wuhan style lockdown - can't leave one's house for 6 weeks. How's that goignt o work in BKK ? Impossible and it's not going to happen. It's better to manage the situation as best as possible - bumbers ar rgoing to be high for months and I guarantee schools in BKK at least, will be shut the rest of the year. It's still a couple of years to get out of this situation, through vaccines and contiunal infections in the community leading to her immunity. Which could take several years due to leaky borders. Myanmar is in a very bad way. 

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41 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

The Thethaiger are not renowned for their reporting accuracy!

Thee of little faith but if you say so.


Did you read their source and the bottom of the articles? Takes you to this:


Complete lockdown in two months possible if COVID-19 figures do not improve – DDC

“If the new infection rate is still high in the next two months, there is a possibility that we might have to impose a lockdown, like in Wuhan, China, to control the spread of the virus, where people have to stay at home and are not allowed to travel, to a point where food and water will be delivered to homes,” Dr. Opart said, adding that the measures will gradually intensify until the situation is under control.



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5 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Thee of little faith but if you say so.


Did you read their source and the bottom of the articles? Takes you to this:


Complete lockdown in two months possible if COVID-19 figures do not improve – DDC

“If the new infection rate is still high in the next two months, there is a possibility that we might have to impose a lockdown, like in Wuhan, China, to control the spread of the virus, where people have to stay at home and are not allowed to travel, to a point where food and water will be delivered to homes,” Dr. Opart said, adding that the measures will gradually intensify until the situation is under control.



Thaipbsworld are not much better! Anything for a headline.

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27 minutes ago, rabas said:

There is no way they can arrange to feed a city of 12 million people every day. They can't even arrange a few vaccines given half a year to plan.

Exactly, its all talk, impossible to do, besides if it was done in Bangkok what about the rest of the country where its also now out of control? It would need to be done everywhere.

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14 minutes ago, DavisH said:

It's far too late for a Wuhan style lockdown - can't leave one's house for 6 weeks. How's that goignt o work in BKK ? Impossible and it's not going to happen. It's better to manage the situation as best as possible - bumbers ar rgoing to be high for months and I guarantee schools in BKK at least, will be shut the rest of the year. It's still a couple of years to get out of this situation, through vaccines and contiunal infections in the community leading to her immunity. Which could take several years due to leaky borders. Myanmar is in a very bad way. 


Edited by tlandtday
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4 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

So long as your happy we know you don't like to read such things and question credibility as a distraction

Not sure why you think it's a distraction. I'm just questioning the credibility of the reporting or, possibly the translation.  Let's see if it's followed up by more reputable news organisations.  I'm not a big fan of the fringe media, but they do manage to generate interest and 'clicks' which is what they're aiming to do.

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14 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Not sure why you think it's a distraction. I'm just questioning the credibility of the reporting or, possibly the translation.  Let's see if it's followed up by more reputable news organisations.  I'm not a big fan of the fringe media, but they do manage to generate interest and 'clicks' which is what they're aiming to do.

Provided with two links to same report and you question the credibility and call them fringe media..5555


Exactly wait and see if its reported in one of the  "reputable news organisations" then feel free to comment on them, in the meantime you should put me on ignore because no doubt I'll be posting more links to fringe media soon


EDIT now on new thread:


Edited by Bkk Brian
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1 minute ago, Bkk Brian said:

Provided with two links to same report and you question the credibility and call them fringe media..5555


Exactly wait and see if its reported in one of the  "reputable news organisations" then feel free to comment on them, in the meantime you should put me on ignore because no doubt I'll be posting more links to fringe media soon

You think Thethaiger is mainstream media?  I disagree, but then some people believe everything they read in The Sun (apologies if you're not British). Brian, I would never put you on 'ignore'.  I read this Forum particularly for your posts and a few of the others who are posting here every day.  It would be very dull without you!

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2 minutes ago, anchadian said:

1 Sandbox case with 101 patients now in hospital.


WEEK ONE: 24 local + 1 sandbox = 25 cases

WEEK TWO: 38 local + 9 sandbox = 47 cases

WEEK THREE: 33 local + 8 sandbox in five days

#COVID19 #โควิดวันนี้ #Thailand




Are sandbox cases tourists?

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6 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Provided with two links to same report and you question the credibility and call them fringe media..5555


Exactly wait and see if its reported in one of the  "reputable news organisations" then feel free to comment on them, in the meantime you should put me on ignore because no doubt I'll be posting more links to fringe media soon


EDIT now on new thread:


Well, I believe it was ThaiPBSWorld that posted that false headline about antibodies declining by 50% every 40 days for an study that lasted 60 days. It also repeatedly called Sinovac vaccine ineffective when the only doctor it quoted said "less effective". I think that article also included a comment from an actress and the wife of an actor. Not journalism's proudest moment.

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2 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Are sandbox cases tourists?

Yes thats the  number of tourists entering who tested positive, although thats not all on arrival, some are also after the first or second test a week later and there is also another that tested positive after day 13

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#SamuiPlus update on Monday: 1 local case and 0 Samui+ cases


Day 1: 9 people on 3 flights

Day 2: 1 person on 1 flight

Day 3: 0 people on 0 flights

Day 4: 5 people on 2 flights

Day 5: 2 people on 1 flight

70 people from #PhuketSandbox are now on Samui (+15)




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Just now, placeholder said:

Well, I believe it was ThaiPBSWorld that posted that false headline about antibodies declining by 50% every 40 days for an study that lasted 60 days. It also repeatedly called Sinovac vaccine ineffective when the only doctor it quoted said "less effective". I think that article also included a comment from an actress and the wife of an actor. Not journalism's proudest moment.

In the Bangkok Post headline to: "Sinovac-produced antibodies 'halve every 40 days' 13th July.


However, seeing as you are also questioning the media I would also not bother looking for that article.

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12 hours ago, wensiensheng said:

If true, I wonder why they aren’t vaccinating more people everyday? 10m AZ plus 10 mil sinovac, equals 20 mil in total per month, which is roughly 600k or so a day.


It would suggest that there is another bottleneck.

How about lack of funds to pay for it?

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11 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Are sandbox cases tourists?

Has anybody heard how Staphanie is after being ordered out of her Hotel and into Quarantine.  A fine display of "thank you for coming but now you are fkd"  These turkeys know only how to undermine and destroy, there should be a day reckoning for thesr plicks.

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21 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

You think Thethaiger is mainstream media?  I disagree, but then some people believe everything they read in The Sun (apologies if you're not British). Brian, I would never put you on 'ignore'.  I read this Forum particularly for your posts and a few of the others who are posting here every day.  It would be very dull without you!

Did I say Thai Tiger is mainstream? I actually think its the worst form of journalism out there, 95% of its articles are a copy and paste job from another more reputable news source. The source is normally more credible and at least they do link to it.

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4 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Did I say Thai Tiger is mainstream? I actually think its the worst form of journalism out there, 95% of its articles are a copy and paste job from another more reputable news source. The source is normally more credible and at least they do link to it.

OK. I thought you were disagreeing with me calling it fringe media.  And it seems they just picked it up from ThaiPBSWorld anyway.  


Time for bed now. Looking forward to tomorrow's thread. Goodnight sir.

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33 minutes ago, anchadian said:

1 Sandbox case with 101 patients now in hospital.


WEEK ONE: 24 local + 1 sandbox = 25 cases

WEEK TWO: 38 local + 9 sandbox = 47 cases

WEEK THREE: 33 local + 8 sandbox in five days

#COVID19 #โควิดวันนี้ #Thailand




Most of the tThe print is too small for me to read. Which box is for deaths?

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1 hour ago, Enoon said:

British Army (just like all agencies with relevant capability/expertise) operating under the direction of UK government, who run the country.


That is the norm in such "emergencies".


Thai government owned and directed by Thai military.


Big difference.



I don't think so . For sure the brief or project target came from the UK government who had little if any input into the exercise accept for the funding and delegation . The UK army and NHS leaders merged well and delivered a huge task in a short time . As regards the Thai government being owned and directed by the Thai military ,  that should provide an easier route as there are no other parties involved . However even at this stage the Thai vaccination procurement and rollout show no signs of success or of having the nation's  confidence . If Thailand does not go into a lockdown soon and wait for the vaccine to be innoculated , there will be a serious amount of casualties .

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45 minutes ago, Bobydog said:

Has anybody heard how Staphanie is after being ordered out of her Hotel and into Quarantine.  A fine display of "thank you for coming but now you are fkd"  These turkeys know only how to undermine and destroy, there should be a day reckoning for thesr plicks.

Well, she decided to travel knowing the rules, or should have known the rules. So it was her risk.


Personally I think anyone traveling under the sandbox scheme is nuts. But it’s up to folks what they choose to do. Can’t really complain if it all goes wrong.


and no, I haven’t heard how she is, nor would I expect to do so. She wasn’t ill, just had to go through 2 weeks quarantine I believe. Assuming we are talking about the same Stephanie.

Edited by wensiensheng
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1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:

Thee of little faith but if you say so.


Did you read their source and the bottom of the articles? Takes you to this:


Complete lockdown in two months possible if COVID-19 figures do not improve – DDC

“If the new infection rate is still high in the next two months, there is a possibility that we might have to impose a lockdown, like in Wuhan, China, to control the spread of the virus, where people have to stay at home and are not allowed to travel, to a point where food and water will be delivered to homes,” Dr. Opart said, adding that the measures will gradually intensify until the situation is under control.



 The part of the sentence where Dr Opart added that measures would “gradually intensify until the situation is under control”, spells out one of the reasons why Thailand is in such a poor state now. Incremental measures, introduced only when the situation worsens, absolutely guarantees that you are behind the virus every step of the way. It creates a lengthy period of restrictions that never seem to work because the virus is running away from you faster than you can catch up.


the sad part is, even now, a supposed expert doesn’t seem to get that. Maybe I am doing him a disservice and he was taken out of context, but to me it goes to the heart of the flaw in the governments policy response.

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