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51 minutes ago, xylophone said:

You did post a link to the FLCCC Alliance information, whose information has also been dismissed as "suspect" at best.


What's Behind the Ivermectin-for-COVID Buzz?



And I responded to your post with links and quoted from those links, but if you believe what has so far been unproven "science" with more than enough evidence to show that the papers published on the trials/results are faulty, with one paper being withdrawn completely, then carry on.


So the essence of your medpage link is "these bad boys have the audacity to try and save their patients without waiting for an authority figure to give them approval".


As it says in that article, one of the Doctors had to resign from one position because he was using a non-approved treatment for Covid. For anyone that knows, that non-approved  (at the time) treatment he was using was steroids, which is now accepted worldwide as a standard treatment.


I think much of the concern in forums like these is philosophical. Those that need an authority figure to give them approval are mortified that others may be making decisions for themselves.


As for your assertion re Ivermectin studies, once again, you're just using what the media (authority figure) tells you rather than looking for yourself.


There are numerous (recent and older) studies that are highly suggestive that Ivermectin is useful both as a prophylactic and treatment, but as they are not large studies they are all disregarded. Many are not from Western countries, and some people seem to automatically disregard them for this reason. If people want, I can post links to these actual studies (not the media dumbed down interpretation) and people can read and decide for themselves, but considering this thread was actually started as a request just to find Ivermectin, that might be overkill.


Hopefully the upcoming Oxford trial is well structured and definitive one way or the other, but until then IMO it is a no brainer for the unvaccinated to consider Ivermectin, especially seeing the high safety profile, and infrequent suggested regimen.


So we'll just have to agree to disagree.

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On 7/24/2021 at 11:14 AM, fearless1 said:



100's of millions of people are taking doses of ivermectin right now that are greater and more frequent than what I outlined. This is happening all over in different areas of India, South America, etc. There have been zero reports of side effects and in every area it has been administered cases of covid have plummeted. I have looked at the graphs of multitude of countries and areas where it has been administered and it is remarkable.

Evidence ? Sources ?

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On 7/23/2021 at 6:19 PM, suzannegoh said:

That's good feedback.  How much Vit D and Zinc should be taken in addition Ivermectin, and how many of the 5mg Ivermectin pills do you take per day?


Also, you say no side effects, which is great, but I was wondering if it's safe to drink alcohol when taking it.  I'm sure that it's not recommended to do that, but have you?

Search online "I-MASK+ Prevention & Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for COVID-19"


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On 7/27/2021 at 10:02 AM, orang37 said:

Evidence ? Sources ?

Peer-reviewed study of the efficacy of Ivermectin published in the American Journal of Therapeutics: July/August 2021 - Volume 28 - Issue 4

Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis to Inform Clinical Guidelines

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.This site was on MIMS......you are supposed to be in the medical professional  to access the site--- but they do not always do a good check.

I joined it a few years back as an Ambo (which I am not) Infectious disease site





Ivermectin useful for treating mild COVID-19

11 Feb 2021

A 5-day course of the Food and Drug Administration-approved antiparasitic agent ivermectin appears safe and effective in the treatment of adult patients with early-onset mild COVID-19, a study has reported.

The study randomized 72 adult SARS-CoV-2 patients (mean age, 42 years; 54 percent female) to one of the following treatment courses: oral ivermectin alone (12 mg once daily for 5 days; n=24), oral ivermectin (12 mg single dose) in combination with doxycycline (200 mg on day 1, followed by 100 mg every 12 hours for the next 4 days; n=24), and a placebo (n=24).

Fever, cough, and sore throat were the most common symptoms observed, and the proportion of patients .

Edited by sanuk711
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57 minutes ago, ArcticFox said:

I've noticed then when anyone questions any part of the established covid narrative, even if they provide statistics and studies that are verifiable - instead of providing intelligent counter arguments (in this case those arguing that Ivermectin protocols are a danger but supply no links, data, or science to back up their claim) they instead go immediately to personal ridicule (trolling) and ad-hominem attacks.  Very sad.  If you have counter evidence to a claim, provide that evidence.  But Lord, let's keep this civil?

So for those who believe Ivermectin is akin to "Eye of newt and toe of frog" here is the latest peer-reviewed study of the efficacy of Ivermectin that has just been published this month (July 2021):
Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis to Inform Clinical Guidelines from the American Journal of Therapeutics: July/August 2021 - Volume 28 - Issue 4 - p e434-e460


The problem is that there are still conflicting reports out there, with just as many saying that there is no evidence to suggest that ivermectin should be used for Covid treatment and even scientists disagreeing with each other.


And the link you quote from American therapeutics also contains some "get out" clauses, such as: –

Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.

One may wish to note that the recently discredited paper on ivermectin and Covid was pulled because it contained unsubstantiated claims and other information about ivermectin, AND this paper by the FLCCC, was posted on the American Therapeutics website (your link)– – doesn't say a lot for the integrity of the American Therapeutics!

And this makes interesting reading if you would like to click on the link, and I will just copy a couple of paras from it......

The most robust summary of the evidence for ivermectin in COVID-19, published in June, goes one step further. It found available evidence showed ivermectin didn’t work.

This review carefully examined ten higher-quality (randomised-controlled) clinical trials, which involved more than 1,100 patients with COVID-19 being treated with ivermectin.

The researchers excluded many of the low-quality (observational) studies some commentators have used to support ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment. This was because observational studies cannot control other clinical factors that might influence how people respond to COVID-19, such as other treatments and supportive care.

This major review concluded ivermectin did not reduce death from any cause, the length of stay in hospital or people’s ability to clear the virus. The review also said ivermectin was safe but “not a viable option” to treat Covid 19.



Edited by xylophone
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4 hours ago, ArcticFox said:

This is what this really comes down to.  If you contract Covid what's your personal game-plan.


For those who think like I do, you tune out the ridicule and steer your own course.  Ocean explorers of old were ridiculed by those who accepted the established wisdom and knew that the oceans ended in a waterfall at the ends of the world and beyond that "Thar be dragons."  Only fools failed to accept that Truth!

Believe what you need to believe.  I'll do the same.  I'll respect your decision.  And you?

Just remember..... there's probably a lot more of those who steered their "own course" and just disappeared than those that rewrote science.  The odds are far worse odds than those for craps.

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2 minutes ago, ArcticFox said:

I expected nothing different.  Hubris.  Ignis aurum probat.

I expected nothing different from you either, and whereas I respect the medical profession and the doctors, nurses and frontline staff in what they're trying to do, all you can do is to knock them.


In your case, "ignorantia sit beatitudo", so keep on believing that an anti-worm pill will save the world – – yeah right!

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On 7/24/2021 at 7:25 AM, canthai55 said:

When I was undergoing treatment for Hep-C I was on two different pills once a day.

One of them cost the Gov't $1000 each

An entire course of treatment, with generic pills manufactured in India, was US $200. But you could not buy them in N. America - Hmmm I wonder why ?


correct.   the one a day pill , usually taken for 3 months, in the US will cost close to 100 thousand dollars.

And hep c  positive people are often turned down by their insurance companies .  It is one big mafia.....


Where is mr gates on this disease ?    the "foundation" could easily eradicate hep c if it pleased them

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11 hours ago, tonray said:

Doubtful it will. They'll be onto the next great super cure that the 'vaccine companies' don't want us to know about...oh brother...maybe Vegemite ?

Future president DeSantis is now pushing Regeneron as being the clear alternative to vaccines and masks.

Edited by suzannegoh
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