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Has Thaksin finally found a way of returning to Thailand ‘through the front door’?


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3 hours ago, candide said:
4 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

Conflicts of interest or abuse of power are both corruption.

Conflict of interest without knowing there is a conflict of interest because there is a law stating you are not in a situation of conflict of interest. Is it corruption?

Ask a lawyer if you want specifics of this particular case.   My comments were based on the judgement of the court, not on the legal areas of his defence or prosecution.   You may think that you are qualified

on those finer points, I am not.


Convictions for conflicts of interest and/or abuse of power in the context of this thread, which is what my comments concerned, are convictions for corruption.   

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6 hours ago, Neeranam said:

In Thailand, one needs to be corrupt to become a billionaire. not saying that's bad but.

Or....an accepted member of the club. 

Which could easily lead anyone to be suspicious. 

It's possible that the long tenured witch hunt directed at Khun Thanathorn might be a misdirected ruse to distract. 


Remembering that the traditional Thai theatre remains the same, as the players might be interchangeable - 

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4 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Like I said before, I do not know much about Thaksin, but I think it is very obvious going by what I have read here on TVF/AN, and what I have heard from other people, that Thaksin would be preferred to the present Unelected PM by a long way.

You write you don't know much about Thaksin but it seems you rely on comments in this forum and what you heard from other people. Do you think there are better ways to inform yourself about facts? And then with the facts in mind you can make up your mind.

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3 hours ago, possum1931 said:

and just how much has this unelected PM made since he forced his way into power in 2014 after saying there will be no coup? How much has he pocketed from this C virus alone from the ASQs, $100,000 insurance scam, the vaccine situation etc, etc?

His offshore and foreign bank accounts must be bulging some.

Do you have any evidence for your accusations?

Or do you base them on rumors?

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23 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Do you have any evidence for your accusations?

Or do you base them on rumors?

I am just saying what I think, I don't think anyone has the authority to look at anyone's money in an offshore account. That is why the money is there.

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4 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

let's say that I'm certain that if there was a general election between the unelected PM and Thaksin now, Thaksin would win easily.

And what does that prove? Maybe more people, especially up country, like Thaksin. But Thaksin is still a wanted criminal. And that status won't go away by majority vote.


And last but not least. I think it's almost funny when many people think Thaksin would have handled Covid better. Why? He was not in power and he didn't have to make, often difficult, decisions. It's obviously easy for Thaksin to criticize others and pretend he would have done it better. Would have, could have and all that.

If Thaksin is such a great guy why is he not PM anymore and hiding outside of Thailand? The short answer is: he could still be PM if he wouldn't have been so greedy.

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1 minute ago, OneMoreFarang said:

And what does that prove? Maybe more people, especially up country, like Thaksin. But Thaksin is still a wanted criminal. And that status won't go away by majority vote.


And last but not least. I think it's almost funny when many people think Thaksin would have handled Covid better. Why? He was not in power and he didn't have to make, often difficult, decisions. It's obviously easy for Thaksin to criticize others and pretend he would have done it better. Would have, could have and all that.

If Thaksin is such a great guy why is he not PM anymore and hiding outside of Thailand? The short answer is: he could still be PM if he wouldn't have been so greedy.

I can't disagree with that, after all, he was a top politician, and they are all the same, money mad.

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1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

And something similar was said about Thaksin when he was in charge. At that time he was not convicted because he controlled anybody who could have prosecuted and convict him.

I am sure at some stage we will have a new government and maybe at that time someone wants to prosecute Prayut. Let's wait and see.

As you are experienced with Thailand, you surely know that the judiciary is not controlled by the government. Cookies can help but one only needs to have enough money to offer some. So Prayuth will never be convicted, unless he pisses off someone from the higher circle (that's the reason why Sondhi got problems despite being a yellow shirt).

Edited by candide
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On 7/29/2021 at 2:56 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

Thaksin obviously cares.

Like: How much money can I make out of this.

Do you really think he needs more money after being retired for 15 years and in his 70s? He doesn't need to come back to Thailand. He does care about what's going on now - as most Thais do, but can't do anything about it.

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12 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Ah, OK. Thanks for that. For a moment, I thought you were being serious.

Come on! It's just pure coincidence that he appointed Suthep as deputy PM, and also that he chose to kill around 100 people in order to make sure Prayuth be appointed defense minister!  ????

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15 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Well everything seems to be opening up now in the UK, and there is no compulsary mask wearing, crowds are getting back into football matches, and as far as I know, there are many more deaths here in Thailand.

So yes, I would say that the UKs handling of the C virus, while not perfect, is much better than Thailands.

Thailand started well but has failed badly since. The UK started badly but is doing much better now due largely to the vaccines.

This isn't over yet so it's difficult to say but as things stand the number of deaths in the UK is far above Thailand with a similar population. I would say that means Thailand has done better overall although that could change. I'm assuming that the number of deaths is accepted as one of the main ways of measuring success. If you look at financial help then the UK has done surprisingly well particularly considering we have a Conservative government which has gone against it's ideology in providing help. 

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On 7/30/2021 at 7:29 AM, OneMoreFarang said:


Only three until now?

Justice obviously takes a lot of time.

It certainly does when you have money and influence as we have seen with Red Bull.

Its the same the world over even in my homeland.

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6 hours ago, candide said:

Both sides used violence. However there's a very important difference you fail to notice. Yellow Shirts always used violence in order to prevent elections to be held (2014) or to contest the legitimate outcome of elections (2006/2008), while Red Shirts always used violence in order to get elections. It's not at all the same!

B.s on that one i remember that the Yellows wanted YL to step down and hold elections. The red mob was send out to bomb them. Both sides have their evil men. My friend who was middle class came with her friends to the protests and got intimidated and they even threw ping pong bombs. She was lucky she was not in the area with the real bombs thrown by the reds. 


Sorry stop covering for the red thugs.

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8 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Do you know what he said before he became PM? I remember it. He said he is already super rich and he won't need more money. And that is why he will be an honest PM who is not interested in more money.

And then it didn't take long before had to admit what he called an "honest mistake" that somehow he forgot to mention that he was hiding many millions in the names of the maid and other low level employees.

Do you really think he changed and now he doesn't care about money anymore? I don't!

But but but, the money that found its way into the driver, housekeeper and gardener bank accounts were but an honest mistake  - now that must be true because Thaksin said so. 

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15 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:
17 hours ago, NanLaew said:

Ah, OK. Thanks for that. For a moment, I thought you were being serious.

I know, it's a ridiculous idea to even hope that the majority of Thai people will vote for an honest and educated man.

I certainly can't argue that he's a member of the male species.

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10 hours ago, robblok said:

B.s on that one i remember that the Yellows wanted YL to step down and hold elections. The red mob was send out to bomb them. Both sides have their evil men. My friend who was middle class came with her friends to the protests and got intimidated and they even threw ping pong bombs. She was lucky she was not in the area with the real bombs thrown by the reds. 


Sorry stop covering for the red thugs.

Good grief, what a pansy. You wouldn't have lasted five minutes in Teruel.

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