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super covid variant


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Realistic possibility’ of super Covid variant which could kill up to one in THREE people

THERE is a "realistic possibility" of a coronavirus super variant emerging which could kill up to one in three people, according to members of the Government's Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE).

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Sure there is a chance , there's also a chance of a zombie virus emerging , or alien invasion next week . Ebola is/was very deadly , and there was a massive outbreak few years ago . If they do find a disease like this , meaning killing so many , then you didn't see a lockdown just yet , and thew measures taken will be extremely dramatic , and they will succeed . In order of a successful virus , HIV comes close to perfection only lacking 1 thing which is that it is difficult to transmit . Should it have been a airborne virus , then we would have been in large problem since it can be undetected for soo long . The most successful virus in real is not deadly at all , it's like common colds , since basically nobody cares and it doesn;t kill the host . Good for the virus since it can reproduce itself , no problem for us so we don't hunt it down .

Everybody can download the virus game Plague Inc , i played it a few times long time before ( before it was such a big hit because of covid ) . There it is very easy to kill everybody on the planet , make it undetectable , spread easy and when enough people are infected let it mutate to symptoms and death , done .

btw , common colds are many times corona virus , covid will 1 day be like that also , and yes there is a 1 in a million chance that it develops to superkiller .

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11 hours ago, Ohyesuare said:

Viruses are not known to mutate to be more deadly and the ones that do are not successful in spreading/being dominant if they'd kill 1/3 of their hosts.


Actually, the real risk... is "recombination".


Coronaviruses are known to love "recombination" (it means mixing with other viruses).




"Coronaviruses have demonstrated a marked capacity to employ homologous recombination, a process by which viruses exchange genetic material in the context of a coinfection"


This event is "rare" (because when the Sars-Cov infects the host, another virus must be there at the same time)... but it's possible and coronaviruses have this ability.


Furthermore :

-the more people are infected in the world

-the more we vaccinate people (pressuring the virus evolution, its mutations in order to evade and multiply)


... the more likely, we could see a "recombination" event... that could lead to this famous "super variant/super killer".

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20 hours ago, Victornoir said:

We will not fall lower in the sensational soliciting with Daily Express as an indisputable reference.

Gold medal for 3Numbas.

its on all the news outlets inc sky et al

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