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The websites have been annoying at times, even to the point of changing my birthdate?? and not allowing me to correct it... and then you sign up and never hear from them and you need to register on a new website... 


One friend just saw a line at the mall, got on it and got his jab... 

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1 hour ago, 1FinickyOne said:

One friend just saw a line at the mall, got on it and got his jab... 

I was just driving along Thepprasit on my way to Makro and noticed a long queue outside the SCB branch near the filling stations. There must have been 40 or 50 people in the queue, and I wondred what that was all about. A run on the bank, or maybe they're just offering a free vaccine with every new account opened, lol?

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7 minutes ago, Guderian said:

I was just driving along Thepprasit on my way to Makro and noticed a long queue outside the SCB branch near the filling stations. There must have been 40 or 50 people in the queue, and I wondred what that was all about. A run on the bank, or maybe they're just offering a free vaccine with every new account opened, lol?

On Monday, I was in a very long queue, perhaps an hour at Bangkok Bank on Jomty 2nd Road, perhaps 20 people but you get a number and it was easy to spread out.    But then yesterday, I was served almost immediately at the almost empty Bangkok Bank near Soi VC in Pattaya.  


Perhaps there is something special going on such as a government program or maybe just limited service as there was only 2 windows open in Jomtien.

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7 minutes ago, Guderian said:

I was just driving along Thepprasit on my way to Makro and noticed a long queue outside the SCB branch near the filling stations. There must have been 40 or 50 people in the queue, and I wondred what that was all about. A run on the bank, or maybe they're just offering a free vaccine with every new account opened, lol?

Just collecting their Baht 3,000 a month furlough money from the Thai government.


It's been happening at the beginning of the month for a while now.

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31 minutes ago, Guderian said:

I was just driving along Thepprasit on my way to Makro and noticed a long queue outside the SCB branch near the filling stations. There must have been 40 or 50 people in the queue, and I wondred what that was all about. A run on the bank, or maybe they're just offering a free vaccine with every new account opened, lol?

I just had to transfer $$ through SCB and had to wait in a line outside the bank... I think some people saw a line and just got on it hoping for something free... 

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Bangkok Hospital Pattaya is for real. They called me yesterday and said I could get vaxxed today with A-Z if I wanted. I had to tell her I got my 1st jab in BKK last week, and she actually seemed a bit disappointed.


If you have a doctor there who has been treating you during this year, call them right now and tell them you're interested. Or, you might go back to that questionnaire and try again. Different browser, etc. If you are American, for Nationality you will find "American, US" eight countries up from the bottom of the list. Next available vax date is August 25th.

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16 minutes ago, mahjongguy said:

If you have a doctor there who has been treating you during this year, call them right now and tell them you're interested.

What a friend did and has his appointment August 10 (AZ, free).

He is registered patient, 79 yr, misc risk factors and just paid a six digit amount for an eye operation.

It's is obviously NOT for walk-ins without history at BPH.


Edited by KhunBENQ
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Yes, as has been stated repeatedly on numerous threads already.

BHP is giving free AZ shots to over 60s (and yes, that means "over 70s" too) but you have to see a doctor (at BHP) and be approved. That seems to be the fastest route. I saw a doctor on Friday and got my jab on Tuesday.

It seems if you register online, the appointment dates are much later than if you go in person.

Oh and, again, you need to have your passport. Not a photocopy or a library card or some other nonsense.

And I highly doubt BHP is giving out some "homemade vaccine" made in someone's bathtub or some other such nonsense.
Gahd, where do people get these BS ideas from ? Oh right, they overheard someone in the bathroom talking about something the friend of a mate heard from a guy who went out with a girl who had a cousin that went to school with a guy who swears it's all true.

And that somehow make's it the gospel truth ! 

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I attempted to register for the vaccine  a couple of months ago, i was told i was a v.i.p patient (having spent so much money at that hospital), i would be contacted when they open registrations .. I'm still waiting to be contacted....

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1 hour ago, actonion said:

I attempted to register for the vaccine  a couple of months ago, i was told i was a v.i.p patient (having spent so much money at that hospital), i would be contacted when they open registrations .. I'm still waiting to be contacted....

Again - BHP was not doing AZ vaccinations 2 months ago. Last month they did a short registration period for the Moderna vaccine. Before that was the botched gov't registration scheme that I think was cancelled when they realized they'd screwed up royally (by allowing anyone with a clue to see other people's registration information simply by changing a number in the URL).

For whatever reason, a lot of people say they were never contacted either while others were.

Which does not mean you can't contact them.

I was never contacted but I know they know who I am because they call me the day before each appointment.
And when I went to the hospital and asked the doctor I was seeing about the AZ vaccination, I was scheduled for a shot 4 days later.

But hey, what do I know ? 

Maybe it's better to just sit home and do nothing and see how that works for you.

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3 hours ago, actonion said:

I attempted to register for the vaccine  a couple of months ago, i was told i was a v.i.p patient (having spent so much money at that hospital), i would be contacted when they open registrations .. I'm still waiting to be contacted....

Maybe try this BPH registration link from a couple of days back. May still be open appointment slots.



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I put this post in the Coronavirus forum, thought I should put it here too (maybe some Pattaya guys don’t look there????



I just got an sms from Bangkok Hospital Pattaya with a internet link. I am an existing patient. I filled out the form that came up (had difficulty with dob section, but completed it). There were no spots open til Aug 26. I pressed submit and off it went. Then it told me to take a photo of the form which didn’t work so I called them and they sent an email confirmation. I asked if my Thai wife could get a shot? No, only foreigners. And the shot is free, paid for by the government. Happy but …. my French landlord got J&J, and Pfizer shots are turning up in Bangkok … see recents posts.


The link sent me here:

chok dee

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IF you are an existing BHP patient ONLY and over 60 and/or with pre existing conditions

Phone 1719 and tell them you want to receive the AZ vaccine.

U need to give them your Hospital No. & Passports No.

They will give u a date and time for your vaccination which is free.

After U receive your first dose they will give U a time & date for your 2nd dose.

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12 hours ago, roger101 said:

Thanks dabhand just registered for August 17th.

How are people getting appointments ahead of me when I did this many days ago..... some form of prioritization going on here I guess.

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1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

How are people getting appointments ahead of me when I did this many days ago..... some form of prioritization going on here I guess.

Maybe they are prioritizing the "younger/healthier" applicants ahead of the "may not be around long enough to get the vaccine" types ?

I thought it a bit strange as well to see some people getting appt's next week while others who registered earlier were getting dates near the end of the month.

Could be just the nurse/admin staff punching in names in the first open slot they see on the screen without looking at the actual date ?

Or it's a conspiracy ! They want the "young'uns" jabbed and ready to hit the bars when they re-open !  w00t.gif.d2b48c81b8b0be9b1929dd8275b3c0dc.gif.198664e92de1d2532ed01fd2da9c79ea.gifw00t.gif.d2b48c81b8b0be9b1929dd8275b3c0dc.gif.198664e92de1d2532ed01fd2da9c79ea.gif

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4 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

Could be just the nurse/admin staff punching in names in the first open slot they see on the screen without looking at the actual date ?

Well it appears there for the user to select and I picked the earliest option... no nurses involved.... the option is presumably triggered by age, or underlying conditions or prior patients get earlier options. Don't get me wrong, at least it is this month, and I am happy to get that. 

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4 hours ago, jacko45k said:

How are people getting appointments ahead of me when I did this many days ago..... some form of prioritization going on here I guess.

Noticed that. Possibly a combination of increased slots /day and cancellations (block bookings now released, or other options now taken up?). As noted above, no appointment priority as it is self chosen. 


Out of interest, anyone give me an idea as to where exactly Building D is located in the BHP complex? Thanks.

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34 minutes ago, dabhand said:

Noticed that. Possibly a combination of increased slots /day and cancellations (block bookings now released, or other options now taken up?). As noted above, no appointment priority as it is self chosen. 


Out of interest, anyone give me an idea as to where exactly Building D is located in the BHP complex? Thanks.


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1 hour ago, dabhand said:

Out of interest, anyone give me an idea as to where exactly Building D is located in the BHP complex? Thanks.

When you follow the road into BHP, you go past the main entrance, follow the road as it curves to the left then to the right and go past the Emergency Entrance (The car/moto park will be on your left).
You can see Building D at the far end of the road. (It's also where the Dermatology clinic is.)

For the vaccinations, when I was there they had everyone meet at the far-right side of the building, where the wheelchair ramps are. There's a covered area with chairs, a coffee shop on the side and across the crosswalk is the 7-11.

The nice ladies in blue were in that area where the wheel chair ramps are, handing out the forms we had to  fill in, which were similar to the online forms.

Keep it simple.
If they ask you to fill in the form, just do it. Don't argue that you already did it online (etc etc) as they probably won't understand what you are on about and will (probably) not let you proceed until you do fill out the form anyways. The ladies at the entrance don't have access to the online system anyways.

When you get upstairs and go to the "registration" table, the girls there have computers and may see that you've filled the form out online but at that point it won't matter.

Remember to bring your passport. I don't know if they'll even look at you if you don't have it with you (the original, not a photocopy). 

Keep in mind that if you show up without it and they won't let you proceed without it, you will no doubt have to start all over again from scratch by making a new appointment.

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On 8/4/2021 at 2:07 PM, KhunBENQ said:

What a friend did and has his appointment August 10 (AZ, free).

He is registered patient, 79 yr, misc risk factors and just paid a six digit amount for an eye operation.

It's is obviously NOT for walk-ins without history at BPH.


I've heard that BHP have been doing walk in vaccs for the last 2 days.

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25 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

I've heard that BHP have been doing walk in vaccs for the last 2 days.

4 minutes ago, couchpotato said:

think you heard wrong...

Me too.

There was a post just yesterday (or the day before ?) from a 74 y.o. dude that tried to "walk in" and was "turned away" (but at least he got some exercise so he wasn't too upset apparently).

But hey, if you've got time to waste and don't mind rejection, give it a try !


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16 hours ago, Kerryd said:

There was a post just yesterday (or the day before ?) from a 74 y.o. dude that tried to "walk in" and was "turned away" (but at least he got some exercise so he wasn't too upset apparently).

I saw a post yesterday (elsewhere) of a guy who said the registration was only for those over 70, not over 60 as the form stated. Said he had been turned away at the hospital.... so always glad to hear people getting jabbed (in  their sixties, age related, between now and my date at BHP). 

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On 8/6/2021 at 2:52 PM, Kerryd said:

Me too.

There was a post just yesterday (or the day before ?) from a 74 y.o. dude that tried to "walk in" and was "turned away" (but at least he got some exercise so he wasn't too upset apparently).

But hey, if you've got time to waste and don't mind rejection, give it a try !


Hmm, I'll check the sauce, but I also heard that the French Embassy were vaccinating their people at BPH (and have seen the vaccination certificates) so it could be mixed up with that.

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On 8/6/2021 at 8:33 AM, Kerryd said:

Maybe they are prioritizing the "younger/healthier" applicants ahead of the "may not be around long enough to get the vaccine" types ?

I thought it a bit strange as well to see some people getting appt's next week while others who registered earlier were getting dates near the end of the month.

Could be just the nurse/admin staff punching in names in the first open slot they see on the screen without looking at the actual date ?

Or it's a conspiracy ! They want the "young'uns" jabbed and ready to hit the bars when they re-open !  w00t.gif.d2b48c81b8b0be9b1929dd8275b3c0dc.gif.198664e92de1d2532ed01fd2da9c79ea.gifw00t.gif.d2b48c81b8b0be9b1929dd8275b3c0dc.gif.198664e92de1d2532ed01fd2da9c79ea.gif

NO    They want the" yung uns" up first,they will be alive longer than the "old uns" so hitting the wallets longer and harder

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