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Ex cop "Jo Ferrari" swears on his amulet it wasn't about money - just protecting the public


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"I have never been involved in any corrupt practices over money."  5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555!!!!!!!!!!

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9 hours ago, SooKee said:

I can't understand why the heck this guy is even still in custody!  He's sworn on his amulet!  Surely that should be the end of it?  ????

Yup, here's the pic of him swearing on the amulet, honest injun:




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As an older and wiser Asian man I want to first talk with his mother and father tell them what a stupid <deleted>> their son is!  If the article is written correctly there are so many holes I can drive all his vehicle through it all the same time.  Give me a few minutes in a room with him I'll slap his face a couple of times then put a bag over his head and get the true the whole true out of him within a minute I hope?????

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He will get away with it with just a slap on his hand as his father in law is one of the region top cop. That’s how he got to be promoted in such a short amount of time being this young.


Sad and lame excuse, the way he put the bag over the suspects head then tug it with all his force and beating the suspect. 

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12 hours ago, webfact said:

He took full responsibility for what happened. He said it was not about extorting money but about getting to the truth. Plus he didn't want the suspect to see his face.


He claimed the suspect was cuffed to stop him scratching away at the plastic bags. 

Oh well, everything’s ok then!!??

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12 hours ago, poskat said:

"Suwat said the former chief could not face the press in person so he spoke over the phone."


so he is a hard guy in the the interrogation room with the person cuffed, but spineless when it comes to being held accountable for his actions....

Typical thai

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The higher ups are discussing retraining officers.  Lessons include making sure no cameras are in the room when interrogating criminal suspects, do not kill suspects otherwise they won’t be able to pay the money that is demanded, and do not accumulate obscene amount of assets that cannot be explained away.  

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15 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

I would like to hear his explanation for the number of luxury vehicles he owns, and how he affords all the costs associated with them,( regardless of costs to purchase) let alone the property he must lives in to accommodate all the vehicles.

Is he a very astute investor and only a police officer to protect the vulnerable public from predators?


more like Bruce Wayne Ferrari, heheh

sounds like his lawyer crafted his best defense, he did it to keep kids safe

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No one should be tortured in police custody, there are plenty of other ways using drugs (yes I know illegal in the UK but in Thailand who knows). What happens if you torture an innocent person? Use of torture by police needs to be punished severely (more so than anyone who is not a policeman) even if he gets off the murder charge. What gets me was this torture was performed because of a picture on the victims mobile phone!!! There are numerous memes on the internet showing stacks of drugs confiscated during raids, it could easily have been one of them. I won't post a picture because you, dear reader, might get arrested and tortured if the police see it on your mobile phone.

Edited by RobU
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20 hours ago, jacko45k said:

When these types come up with these lies, like the overdose death certificate being 'temporary', do they think anyone believes them? Do they believe others are so stupid?

Maybe the sport’s car’s were on loan, just like the watches , and someone forgot to put the breathing  

holes into the plastic bags.

I can see now  this is all a big mistake.

A few months on the beach down south, a few bottles of black label

and, again ,Bobs your Uncle 

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22 hours ago, webfact said:

He said he didn't report the death of the man immediately because he was shocked by what happened. He was in a panic and didn't know what to do, he claimed. The CCTV was taken out of the room for the same reason

That's where the cover-up started.

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22 hours ago, webfact said:

"I didn't mean it to happen, I was just doing my job for the good of the public and to protect kids from drugs."

So he appointed himself, judge, jury and executioner?

And just happened to amass a huge car collection for the benefit of the public... 

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7 hours ago, koele2 said:

The higher ups are discussing retraining officers.  Lessons include making sure no cameras are in the room when interrogating criminal suspects, do not kill suspects otherwise they won’t be able to pay the money that is demanded, and do not accumulate obscene amount of assets that cannot be explained away.  

Open  an overseas bank account preferably in the Caribbean 

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All this sad and lame excuse is just acting to get a reduce sentence in court for “protecting” the public, especially the poor kids who use drug.


it’s all planned before he got arrested, they will probably those a couple million to the victims parents and get charges dropped as well. 

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