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Should Pattaya Embrace Segregation?

Lucky Bones

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8 hours ago, Fairynuff said:

Actually it’s not. The fact is that vaccinated people are less likely to pass on the virus and less likely suffer severe illness. 

Actually there are recent studies that show infected vaccinated people can also carry high viral loads, so they can definately pass it on.


But in general i agree with your statement.

Of course the argument still stands that an unvaccinated person is more likely to be infected with a big viral load,

and then pass it on to a vaccinated person..

who could then suffer worse symptoms due to the strain or bigger viral load.


Any way you look at it, its very hard to argue that the unvaccinated aren't doing anyone any harm.

They are not only a risk to themselves, but are prolonging the time we all have to suffer these restrictions our governments are forcing on us.



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1 hour ago, Fairynuff said:

Where’ve you been that you’ve missed the most basic of information that’s been around for so many months? And then you ask someone else for a link ????. And then just to dig yourself in deeper.... classic deflection. I think you ought to move on before it gets any worse for you.

Still no link then? ...........

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way too many experts on this thread making statements they know nothing about 


data is still being researched by actual experts in order to answer all these questions - maybe they should just contact some of the posters on here and save a lot of time lol

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On 9/3/2021 at 10:40 PM, GrandPapillon said:

well, you know what to do next, vote your leaders out on the next election for being such cowards and petty paranoid authoritarians

Except enough people believe that such measures saved them from death and will probably re elect them.

I don't, but I'm in a minority.

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I've read a lot of the posts and few even mention Pattaya or the OP.


Given the thread is about Pattaya, it's silly to say that Pattaya should introduce segregation as people will just get fake certificates and carry on regardless. That'll probably happen in other countries that try segregation as well.

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Just as I expected, the usuals came out in force.

This thread was supposed to be about segregation in Pattaya.

Can we please get back on track?

The question is basically;

Do we need a 2 tiered system vacccinated in Pattaya to allow us to walk the sois?



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2 hours ago, Lucky Bones said:

Just as I expected, the usuals came out in force.

This thread was supposed to be about segregation in Pattaya.

Can we please get back on track?

The question is basically;

Do we need a 2 tiered system vacccinated in Pattaya to allow us to walk the sois?



The people to ask are the Thais. Expats may have a view on whether or not 'medical apartheid' (as many are calling it) is wise or fair or whatever, but my own admittedly anecdotal evidence is that it will be the Thais who don't want any un-vaxxed folks anywhere near them.



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44 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

So you're talking about individual rights. What about the individual's rights not to be put at risk?  I don't think people should be forced to be vaccinated but I do think those who refuse must suffer the consequences of their decisions. 


Segregation in some form is just about inevitable before long.  The argument put forward by some airlines is a good example of why - they are concerned for the welfare of their staff and the very real possibility of being sued by passengers who catch the virus whilst on their flights. I watched a TV programme a couple of months back which explained that provided you know the identity of all those you've been in contact with its fairly easy, through sequencing, to locate exactly who passed an infection on to you.  An airline takes responsibility for your safety the moment you set foot in their aircraft so them being sued is a very real possibility.


Another side of the same coin is in relation to employers - many employers in the UK are worried that they could be sued by their employees in the same way as the airlines.  Both groups are also concerned about the effect that allowing unvaccinated people the same freedoms as the vaccinated could have on their business.


Most countries are yet to complete their vaccine programmes but I think that as they start to do so, segregation will start to become common place in many walks of life.  Its already very likely that in the near future, unvaccinated people will not be allowed in to UK night clubs.


Its also important to note that medical segregation already exists. Take Yellow Fever for example - people from high risk countries are not allowed to enter some countries unless they've been vaccinated.


If people don't want to be vaccinated, that's their choice but they shouldn't complain when they find that their other choices become increasingly limited.

Isreal adopted vaccine passports.   How's that working out for them?   People who had 2 jabs are now the "unvaccinated" and only those who have had 3 jabs will be considered vaccinated.    Can you guess what happens next?


Natural immunity offers a higher level of protection than the jabs anyway and the vaccines do not prevent catching or transmitting it, so that makes the whole argument about suing people/companies a bit irrelevant.   




Those who want vaccine passports should just be honest and state why they really want it because it's not about health, nor is it about science.   This whole covid saga has given wannabe authoritarians an excuse to express their fantasies and it is becoming increasingly unpleasant.    

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Sadly I agree. A mate of mine in Aus is still paying money to his Thai honey. His Aus wife either knows nothing or stays shtrum. And he tells me Thais are stupid.

I say Thais are not stupid. Uneducated, possibly yes, but not stupid.

We are what we are.

The elders in my village are now <deleted> scared of me as a farang with a possible virus.

Time for me to move.








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13 minutes ago, bobbin said:

A well-reasoned argument in favor of a position I do not support..


Public health vs. individual health.. This pandemic is unprecedented in the lifetime of everyone alive today. Hugely disruptive and costly. Unprecedented measures to control it are justified. I have zero problem with watching adamant anti-vaxxers being forced into a more and more restricted lifestyle due to their choice. Restricted jobs, travel, access to food establishments, large public gatherings, etc. Choices have consequences.


But, as Tanomazu points out, the idea of requiring the (deliberately) unvaccinated to pay for medical care is a ridiculous step too far. For the reasons he elaborated. The slope is too slippery.

It seems some vaxers have acquired a peculiar zeal to want to force a vax on everyone, even though they admit the vaxes only offer limited protection, and it looks like many boosters will be on the way which will also only offer limited protection....

That there might be someone , for whatever personal reason, who does not want to participate in this whole ongoing medical procedure, just seems to make them angry...  

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1 hour ago, redwood1 said:

It seems some vaxers have acquired a peculiar zeal to want to force a vax on everyone, even though they admit the vaxes only offer limited protection, and it looks like many boosters will be on the way which will also only offer limited protection....

That there might be someone , for whatever personal reason, who does not want to participate in this whole ongoing medical procedure, just seems to make them angry...  

This is an example of a "not" well reasoned argument..


Essentially it says that anti-vaxxers should be able to choose to participate in a public health measure..


You had better buckle your seat belt.. it's going to be a bumpy ride for you. Choices have consequences.

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4 minutes ago, bobbin said:

This is an example of a "not" well reasoned argument..


Essentially it says that anti-vaxxers should be able to choose to participate in a public health measure..


You had better buckle your seat belt.. it's going to be a bumpy ride for you. Choices have consequences.

Do you realise that the majority of people who are arguing against these types of measures are those that have already been vaccinated and just see any medical procedure as a personal choice that has the square root of nothing to do with anyone else apart from their physician?    Coercion is counter productive and will result in less people being persuaded to get jabbed overall.   But then I tend to think that the people demanding this would be happy with that as it gives them an opportunity to "other" people and actively want to see a 2 tier society where for the first time in their lives they would be in the "superior" part of it.   

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9 minutes ago, bobbin said:

This is an example of a "not" well reasoned argument..


Essentially it says that anti-vaxxers should be able to choose to participate in a public health measure..


You had better buckle your seat belt.. it's going to be a bumpy ride for you. Choices have consequences.

Who said I was talking about me?...I think vaxes are a good idea....I was thinking of others, everyone has a different situation,I am sure you agree...

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