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Should Pattaya Embrace Segregation?

Lucky Bones

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On 9/3/2021 at 9:19 AM, ezzra said:

Aussie states are run by mini dictators whom in order to preserve their legacy and reputation are subjecting the citizens or archaic rules of hard rolling knockdowns with complete disregards to human's rights of freedom, so much so that a mate of mine who live in Thailand went to Oz for a few months vacation and now want to cut it short and come back saying Better we weather the Covid in Thailand with all it's infections and casualties rather than live in that big prison called Australia...

Aussie states have often had checks between borders - they even had different gauge railways!


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The solution is so simple. There should be no segregation as it doesnt make any difference to the spread. The vaccinated can still get it and pass it on. Only diff is that the vaccinated have less severe symptoms and more likely to survive it. 


The solution is for the medical community to forget their medical oath of the unvaccinated patients and not treat them. Much like signing that 'do not resuscitate' thing.


Unvac patient : Doc I cant breath!

Doc : Too bad bro! But I stand with u tho in your beliefs!


The ones refusing to be vaccinated should make known their stand. The 'unable to be vac' (due allergyy , access etc) should be exampted.


Edited by mmaaarrrkkk
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2 hours ago, mmaaarrrkkk said:

The solution is so simple. There should be no segregation as it doesnt make any difference to the spread. The vaccinated can still get it and pass it on. Only diff is that the vaccinated have less severe symptoms and more likely to survive it. 


The solution is for the medical community to forget their medical oath of the unvaccinated patients and not treat them. Much like signing that 'do not resuscitate' thing.


Unvac patient : Doc I cant breath!

Doc : Too bad bro! But I stand with u tho in your beliefs!


The ones refusing to be vaccinated should make known their stand. The 'unable to be vac' (due allergyy , access etc) should be exampted.


I'm ok with that as long as the critical vaccinated patients get the same non-treatment. After all, they also made a choice that didn't protect them.


Yeah, yeah, we know. Less likely to occur to the vaccinated, but still happening none the less. Just ask Israel, Iceland, etc. etc.

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15 minutes ago, frantick said:

I'm ok with that as long as the critical vaccinated patients get the same non-treatment. After all, they also made a choice that didn't protect them.


Yeah, yeah, we know. Less likely to occur to the vaccinated, but still happening none the less. Just ask Israel, Iceland, etc. etc.

nope u dont believe and dont want the vaccine? And still expect us to save u? Sorry bro, you are on your own . i have vaccinated people to save


Many people ; incl me , would prefer not to take the vaccine , but at the moment , its the best of the options we have on hand. If i am using my body and future to test a vaccine for the unvac , why should u have the benefits if the same thing hit both of us?


Make your own bed , lie on it

Edited by mmaaarrrkkk
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17 minutes ago, mmaaarrrkkk said:

nope u dont believe and dont want the vaccine? And still expect us to save u? Sorry bro, you are on your own . i have vaccinated people to save


Many people ; incl me , would prefer not to take the vaccine , but at the moment , its the best of the options we have on hand. If i am using my body and future to test a vaccine for the unvac , why should u have the benefits if the same thing hit both of us?


Make your own bed , lie on it

So you admit to being a test subject. My work here is complete.

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9 minutes ago, frantick said:

So you admit to being a test subject. My work here is complete.

give me an option


the world is not black and white as most dumbass think it is


Still dont understand what your last post has to do with treatment? 


You dont want to be vaccinated and still want to tax the hospitals? Sorry bro , off to the 'not to treat' ward you go

Edited by mmaaarrrkkk
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6 hours ago, mmaaarrrkkk said:

give me an option


the world is not black and white as most dumbass think it is


Still dont understand what your last post has to do with treatment? 


You dont want to be vaccinated and still want to tax the hospitals? Sorry bro , off to the 'not to treat' ward you go

I pay taxes and health insurance for all of my 'dumb' lifestyle choices, same as everyone. If you want to change that, well let's ignore the fat people, smokers,  etc., let's start with loggers, pilots, oil rig workers, etc. Death counts yearly very close to covid stats. 


Death by choice. Stop trying to force people into your safe space.

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6 hours ago, frantick said:

I pay taxes and health insurance for all of my 'dumb' lifestyle choices, same as everyone. If you want to change that, well let's ignore the fat people, smokers,  etc., let's start with loggers, pilots, oil rig workers, etc. Death counts yearly very close to covid stats. 


Death by choice. Stop trying to force people into your safe space.

Well said. They took the "miracle" vaccine that will keep THEM safe, but that's not enough for them to FEEL safe. They are still fearful, IMO. IMO lots of fearful people, out there.


You make a good point about smokers, fat people etc, that CHOOSE to be unhealthy, but seems that they are paragons of virtue compared to the evil ones that will not vax.

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