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Thailand Road Carnage: More booze bans and checkpoints needed - look at lockdown success


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3 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

Just slap a 50,000 baht fine, and a years driving ban on all those who are caught drinking and driving.

So the poor would not be able to pay and go to prison but the rich hisos can risk it. Confiscation of the vehicle and at least a 1 year ban for a first offence would be a lot better.

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3 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

Just slap a 50,000 baht fine, and a years driving ban on all those who are caught drinking and driving.


And if you kill someone then you should be given a minimum 10 year prison sentence. 


Everybody knows drink driving is wrong, so all offenders should be heavily punished. There are no excuses! 





That is not solve anything even you put 10 million fine! Only police can ask you more coffee money!

And same sht continue! They need change people's attitude and that is not easy.

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One reason for reduced deaths is there are a lot of people who cannot afford to put fuel in a vehicle, or may have sold their vehicle to buy food. When you see loads of people in food lines I would suspect that driving around and even drinking very much is not in their budget.

Edited by Joeb
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3 hours ago, edwinchester said:

I asked a couple of wifeys police friends why the law wasn't enforced......'not easy, too difficult' was the reply. Before anything actually changes the Royal Thai Police Force needs to be staffed by officers who actually care about the job they're supposed to be doing.

Their is so far you can go to make people wear a crash helmet or set belt but at the end of the day they dont kill anybody except themselves. Far better they concentrate on DUI etc those offences that can kill other people.


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33 minutes ago, Kevin Taylor said:

Oh dear

Now these people have had a taste of draconian lockdowns and oppressing peoples freedoms they want to do it more. I dunno does it make them feel powerful ? Why would you want to oppress the population.

Yeah, the government do that everyday, ????

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

She said that in previous years the death toll was about 20,000 annually but last year it was only 17,831.

With that 10% drop in road deaths quickly being compensated - and exceeded! - by skyrocketing Covid deaths.


Are you a milkmaid, Khun Rungarun? Or why else are you presenting us with such a naive calculation?

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Tell the sweety the truth - it is within the police network. 

A drunk Thai driver is to be fined THB 20'000 (same as farang, who pay this for years already), then do some community service and should it happen again, then confiscate the car/bike for one month against storage fees of THB 1'000/day. 

Trust me, you do this for a month and your drunk driving figure drops to 10% of your very lowest historical figure. 

But no, cream the farang, lift THB 500 from Khon Thai and let the carnage continue - hopeless corruption everywhere! 

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Just another way amazing Thailand can put a positive spin on road carnage, maybe with 40million less tourists, 50 or 60% of businesses closed, red zones, restrictions,  travel bans just maybe that's the reason and absolutely nothing to do with anything the Government, Police, checkpoints or boost bans

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This lady is out of sync, it wasnt the alcho ban that lowered the stats it was the curfew, they still drunk but at home and COULDNT drive after, and if her comments are reported  accurately " only 17831 deaths" is an appalling number and nothing to be proud of, but who has the figures of death related DUI, against death related idiots.

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39 minutes ago, 2 is 1 said:

That is not solve anything even you put 10 million fine! Only police can ask you more coffee money!

And same sht continue! They need change people's attitude and that is not easy.

It is easy, confiscate car 1 year inside, if they come our and do it again 5 years it will focus many peoples minds

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1 hour ago, Jimbo2014 said:

Thailand has one of the highest proportions of police to citizens - but they seem to be more interested 'side hustles'.  All it takes is to place working speed cameras on the roads.  They would pay for themselves in two days the way most Thai's drive! 

does anyone pay these speeding tickets ? Think i have paid one about 6 years ago, never paid one since


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4 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

It is not the alcohol.. it is the bad driving education or lack of education of it.....

I will not dispute the education comments.  Driver training here is pathetic.  And as far as the alcohol itself it would not be a problem if people drank responsibly.  However, many don't.  Some here start their days with a shot (or glass) of Lao Khao,  My wife's father (rest his soul) and her grandfather would end their day not with shots of whiskey but full glasses.  Fortunately neither of them drove cars or trucks.  Not against alcohol myself and maybe twice a year I will enjoy 1 or 2 Bloody Mary's but more often than not it's a soft drink without additives.  And, I still enjoy my times out with friends.     

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10 minutes ago, Almer said:

It is easy, confiscate car 1 year inside, if they come our and do it again 5 years it will focus many peoples minds

Still that is not point if police not do that! If they only put money in own pocket and let people go!

Corruption is main issue not size of penalty!

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Heres how to lower road accidents and deaths 

1 - all drivers car and motorcycle should have proper driver training and licensed. We all know this is not enforced at all and majority of Thais have no driving license

2 - actual traffic police that patrol and issue fines for speeding, illegal maneuvers, no seat belts, no license ect. This would require a overhaul of the police system, getting police that care, get paid a decent wage and don’t make all their money from extortion and bribes. There only traffic control now is setting up a road block in front of an ATM and fining everyone that comes through for their whisky money

3 - make stiff penalties for Drinking and Driving, 50,000 baht fine, loss of license (first need to enforce point 1) 

Edited by dkg224
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1 hour ago, 2 is 1 said:

Form every party where i have been 50% people who leave there drive drunk! Its Thai habit! Nobody care if you not get punishment from it! I have seen Thais from very high position driving drunk , teatcher's ,school director's, police chief's etc... Nobody dont care coz law is so weak and you almost always manage it whit 500 bth or less!

And there is the problem.

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5 hours ago, robblok said:

I don't agree on alcohol bans, but more checks are always welcome combined with harsher punishment of those who drink and drive (alcohol).


The conclusion of this analysis is totally wrong only taking into account what they think is the reason because they want that to be the reason.


Less traffic means less accidents, seems far more of a cause then less alcohol. At least logically but can't back this up. Of courese alcohol has something to do with it too.

"She said the lessons from lockdown were clear - more alcohol bans and more checkpoints meant fewer deaths. ASEAN NOW notes that far less traffic on the roads did not appear to be a major part of Rungarun's 'analysis'."


Yes, I think that far less traffic is a major contributor to less accidents, so - tell you what - instead of banning alcohol - why not ban traffic? Problem solved! ????

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5 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

It is not the alcohol.. it is the bad driving education or lack of education of it.....

I know someone who has just passed their driving "test" first time at the age of over 50, after only 15 hours tuition, and none at all spent driving at night, when conditions are a lot different to daytime driving - so yes, I agree with your  post. 

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Pure nonsensical drivel. What is needed are highway patrol, who actually patrol the highways. And pull over people for spectacularly reckless driving. I cannot go out on the highway for an hour, without a nitwit committing a driving atrocity. Yet, they are immune, since the highway patrol refuses to work. 

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