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When Did It Stop Being OK TO Disagree??


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15 hours ago, Kanada said:

What was the point when people stopped being able to disagree with one another…

Some cultures are based on putdowns. Usually one liners.

To some people ad hominem is de rigueur. It makes them feel better.

Edited by VocalNeal
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10 hours ago, Denim said:

Yea but


Communism really is bad.


Bloke in 5th frame is just an attention seeking t**t seeking to make a name for himself by being controversial .


Young people today are so desperate for attention they will try any absurdity to get a few click subscribes.


If you liked this post dont forget to like , click and subscribe. Limited edition t shirts soon to be available to subscribed posters. Each purchase earns you 20 likes no matter what rubbish you post.


Buy now and be more popular.




You just don’t understand the importance of “likes” “subscribers” “followers” etc!

Theyre not desperate for attention…they’re making money (some are making a lot of money) and strengthening their resumes for jobs they might be striving for!

HR depts. of all major companies use social media standings to determine the strength of their job applicants!



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8 minutes ago, Kanada said:

HR depts. of all major companies use social media standings to determine the strength of their job applicants!

No wonder the western world is screwed if one has to be "popular" on <deleted> social <deleted> media to get a job.

IMO it's all going to end very, very badly, and I hope I'm not around when the <deleted> really hits the fan.

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11 minutes ago, Kanada said:

You just don’t understand the importance of “likes” “subscribers” “followers” etc!

Theyre not desperate for attention…they’re making money (some are making a lot of money) and strengthening their resumes for jobs they might be striving for!

HR depts. of all major companies use social media standings to determine the strength of their job applicants!



How many people are members of ASEAN now ?

I am just trying to work out how much money they should be giving me for each of my posts .

   I will settle for 100 US $ per post 

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8 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

 but you can't force them to listen

In a nutshell.

Post your opinion, and let the chips fall where they may.

What censorship tries to do is FORCE people to adhere to one principal, one idea. All others are banned.

IM not so HO that is what is happening today, with "Influencers" making peoples minds up for them. 

Post garbage, people see that X number of people follow you, and its "OH, he must know what he is talking about"


Just shows how many ignorant people there are in the world, trotting out the old concentration guard defense "But I was only following orders"

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The problem arises when people think that all issues they're interested in are MORAL issues (not just practical issues or intellectual ones). And if every issue worth talking about is a moral one, then anyone who disagrees with me must be an immoral person and there's no way he or she is going to convince me of anything.


I used to think this was a Lefty problem: All conservatives are immoral and therefore I speak in tones of moral outrage. Whereas (I thought) people right of centre were practical people who sounded condescending because they thought Lefties were just inexperienced (students!) and would gradually change as they grew up.


But now I see, particularly in Usofa, the same pseudo-moral outrage on the Right (Me! Me! Me! I can do whatever I like it is my right and noone's going to stop me).


So much for civilized discussion.

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i agree ,we should be able to intelligently debate any subject with an open discussion.thats not the case now,we see in many countries safe spaces in unis,well if u cant debate in a uni intelligently well where can you?suffocation of free speech.political correctness tries to close down free speech,its disturbing.revisionist history as fact!the list goes on.it has a political agenda theres no doubt in that.we see USA divided right from left like almost never before and the gap widens,why?media PC and this i always must be right and shutting out a fact that doesnt fit the agenda,theres many examples so i shant bore you but what of democracy???thats the disturbing part of all this.the essence of democracy in my view is thus....as de montesque the french philosopher so eloquently expressed it....'i may disagree vehemently with everything you say but i will lay down my life for your right to say it'.thats it and its going if not gone,

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On this site there appears to be a group who think that posting a balanced or alternative view is not allowed.

If it’s related to Thailand, it’s People, Culture, Legislation etc etc you are automatically branded a “ Thai Apologist” and sent to stand in the naughty boy’s corner.

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1 minute ago, StevieAus said:

On this site there appears to be a group who think that posting a balanced or alternative view is not allowed.

If it’s related to Thailand, it’s People, Culture, Legislation etc etc you are automatically branded a “ Thai Apologist” and sent to stand in the naughty boy’s corner.

and hang your head in shame as well??????????

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       What I find so disheartening is the total lack of civility these days.  It's not enough to just disagree, you also have to attack the person's character, as well.  It's distressing to see this everywhere now--with the American Congress being one of the worst examples.  But, it doesn't stop with politicians.

       Recently, Scarlett Johansson sued Disney for not releasing her new movie exclusively in movie theaters on its first release.  She claimed that by also releasing it on the company's streaming site, she lost potential earnings as her compensation was at least partly geared to movie theater revenues.  

       Disney's response was to ridicule Ms. Johansson as, basically, a spoiled, rich brat.  How dare she complain!  She's already rich!  She makes 20 million a picture!  Never mind how much Disney is making.  I was appalled that a billion dollar company would act like a 10 year old.  The person who approved that ridiculous press release should be fired.  Bad business both with your talent but also with the public.  Nobody likes a bully.  

      Outrageous that in a billion dollar company there was, apparently, not an adult on hand to say:  "Whoa, hang on here.  This not being adult, this is a child's response.  This is not the way to handle this. This is not being smart and reasoned; this is being very angry and very short-sighted.  In the case of her lawsuit, we keep our cool, we keep it business-like, we praise her as a wonderful actress, and then we politely argue the merits of our case." 

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

No wonder the western world is screwed if one has to be "popular" on <deleted> social <deleted> media to get a job.

IMO it's all going to end very, very badly, and I hope I'm not around when the <deleted> really hits the fan.

Popularity might be a tiny part of it but they can also check how you handle finances…how you write and spell (which is a big one)..…how people react to you and your personality…corroborate info you provided…drug use…how a person speaks about current employer…bragging about alcohol and other drugs!! A huge source of information available to a possible employer that could save them from making a hiring mistake !

If you’re a person with 50,000 followers I’d sure want you on my team and quicker the better……that means you’re an influencer and a leader and you know how to work you butt off!


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9 minutes ago, Kanada said:

Popularity might be a tiny part of it but they can also check how you handle finances…how you write and spell (which is a big one)..…how people react to you and your personality…corroborate info you provided…drug use…how a person speaks about current employer…bragging about alcohol and other drugs!! A huge source of information available to a possible employer that could save them from making a hiring mistake !

If you’re a person with 50,000 followers I’d sure want you on my team and quicker the better……that means you’re an influencer and a leader and you know how to work you butt off!


Any good employer should also know that many are far more extreme on social media as in real life. But yes it certainly can be used for that. Not so sure i agree with you about the 50k followers because some idiots have that many and more. But it can be an indication for sure but its not an absolute. It depends a bit on what kind of followers. 


If an possible employee of mine has 50k antivaxxers as followers it would mean that i would not consider hiring this guy. If he is reviewing IT stuff and has 50k followers good, if he is doing holidays and 50k followers, maybe good maybe not. 

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19 hours ago, Tanomazu said:

It's the whole point of a talkboard! If you don't have disagreement there's no point of having one.


But more generally, in society, social media has probably been a major factor, as people "block" those they disagree with, some do it on here as well, and of course that creates a small circle of like-minded people who then become snowflakes when their worldview is challenged. Being in a bubble of re-enforced views actually creates extremism, rather than avoid it.

I agree. Was going to say the same thing regarding social media but a different perspective.

When speaking behind a keyboard in anonymity some naturally combative folks have become downright obnoxiously belligerent and seem to disagree with whatever is posted. There are a few on these forums that way. When I get slammed by them I simply don't reply.

It's one of the many joys social media has bestowed in us.

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