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Mor Prom app when vaccinated abroad


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As the Mor Prom app is going to be used as a "vaccine passport" as sorts, what is the procedure for returnees that were vaccinated abroad? Does the app accept uploads or will returning expats be barred from places that require vaccination proof?

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i was at BangSue on Tuesday, and i asked this question…. “how can i import vaccine data from jab received abroad into the MP system?”


The answer i got was that it is not possible to import data into MP from external sources. The MP platform only aggregates jab data from domestic sources like Central vaccination center, Thai Ruamjai and other similar programs.  


My guess - a guess only - is that you won’t get able to do so.. only because to do means that the RTG would then effectively assuming some liability for the legitimacy of data, that they can’t really verify independently. Now, perhaps if more countries went to an all “E-certificate” system, then it might be able to have one common platform- but as at now, you can’t 

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36 minutes ago, new2here said:

i was at BangSue on Tuesday, and i asked this question…. “how can i import vaccine data from jab received abroad into the MP system?”


The answer i got was that it is not possible to import data into MP from external sources. The MP platform only aggregates jab data from domestic sources like Central vaccination center, Thai Ruamjai and other similar programs.  


My guess - a guess only - is that you won’t get able to do so.. only because to do means that the RTG would then effectively assuming some liability for the legitimacy of data, that they can’t really verify independently. Now, perhaps if more countries went to an all “E-certificate” system, then it might be able to have one common platform- but as at now, you can’t 

The same issue is of course true vice versa... if somebody vaccinated in Thailand wants to import the data into an app from their home country for travel - not possible.


All you can do is use your home country app (or a paper copy of your certificate) and hope that the person checking it is intelligent enough to check (and read) what they see

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That might eventually be added as an afterthought. I wouldn't expect it anytime soon.


It's not exactly straightforward to get say an EU digital certificate after having been vaccinated in Thailand either. Meaningful international integration is probably months away, at best.

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1 hour ago, Swiss1960 said:

The same issue is of course true vice versa... if somebody vaccinated in Thailand wants to import the data into an app from their home country for travel - not possible.


All you can do is use your home country app (or a paper copy of your certificate) and hope that the person checking it is intelligent enough to check (and read) what they see

absolutely agreed… because data like this — which can be originated from any number of domestic sources before it’s aggregated nationally — it’s really isn’t so easily verifiable on a cross-border basis …  and even IF the data itself was verifiable, then there’s the issue of legitimacy of said data…. i’d be hugely surprised if you do see any major countries willing to include foreign jabs into their domestic paperwork/system and put them onto a formal government document where the other national government is essentially “attesting” to that data’s integrity. 


I continue to believe that the best chance we have for something resembling this is the use of the International Covid 19 vaccination certificate booklet — which is a near copy of the long recognized Yellow Fever Vaccination booklet… THAT to me is as close as I reasonably think we will see as far as having some form of uniformity whereby the country of jab becomes less of an issue - so long as it’s properly administered.

Edited by new2here
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1 hour ago, bbko said:

I'm guessing as the country opens up to tourists that were vaxed back in their home country, the mor prom app won't be a deciding factor for many establishments. 

Absolutely. If large numbers of people start coming in from abroad, there will realistically be no choice other than to accept foreign certificates, even if those can't really be verified. This is already the way things work in many other countries, where the folks checking at the door pretty much let in anyone with a plausible looking certificate from any nation. I'm not aware of any country that issues a certificate for vaccinations performed in a different locality.


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On 9/22/2021 at 10:37 AM, Swiss1960 said:

The same issue is of course true vice versa... if somebody vaccinated in Thailand wants to import the data into an app from their home country for travel - not possible.


All you can do is use your home country app (or a paper copy of your certificate) and hope that the person checking it is intelligent enough to check (and read) what they see

The UK accepts most foreign certificates and accepts them into the NHS app.

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On 9/22/2021 at 8:25 PM, khunjeff said:

Absolutely. If large numbers of people start coming in from abroad, there will realistically be no choice other than to accept foreign certificates, even if those can't really be verified. This is already the way things work in many other countries, where the folks checking at the door pretty much let in anyone with a plausible looking certificate from any nation. I'm not aware of any country that issues a certificate for vaccinations performed in a different locality.


I agree.. that’s why i tend to believe that in the short-term we will see that yellow/orange booklet-sized document (same style, size as the Yellow Fever Vaccination document) being the standard… 


I agree that it’s going to be hard, very hard to literally verify the authenticity of each and every document presented at the border - especially if each country issues their own uniquely designed document - but i think that if the document(s)- accepted are more harmonized - like using that document which mirrors the Yellow Fever document is one way to help that process along.


I think going forward, i DO think that some countries that are more technologically advanced might be able to migrate to a “E-document” which can be verified by authorities online… while lesser technologically developed countries might remain with the paper version. 

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The EU digital system has recently added Albania, Morocco, Israel and Panama to the countries whose systems can tie up together, and England will also be added in the next couple of weeks.  There will be more added in time and I wouldn't expect the yellow book to be in use too much.

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On 9/21/2021 at 8:44 PM, stubuzz said:

will returning expats be barred from places that require vaccination proof?

Assuming this becomes a reality - I'm not sure it will, you'd just show the same proof you did to obtain your CoE. If it was good enough to get you into Thailand as "fully vaccinated", it will surely be good enough to get you into Siam Paragon?



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