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School Children being told they have to be jabbed

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13 minutes ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

Lets see how the cookie crumbles. I understand your point. But if certain schools make up their own little policies........maybe they need to back up their confidence in what they are doing. Lets say the govt is wishy washy in its wording about students...as it seems to be at the moment. IF the school is taking it upon themselves to make the rules......then fine, let them back up their policies. Isnt that fair?

Fair whose being fair. 

If it was my school I wouldn't sign anything if the vaccine has been approved by W.H.O.

You would have to address to issues to the Thai govt or W.H.O.

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Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine approved for at risk children aged 12-15 years. From Monday 9 August, children aged between 12 to 15 years old with either specific medical conditions, who identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander or live in a remote community will be able to receive a Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine


Now...my son is not 'at risk' ....many many are not. 

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11 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

Fair whose being fair. 

If it was my school I wouldn't sign anything if the vaccine has been approved by W.H.O.

You would have to address to issues to the Thai govt or W.H.O.

Following on from your post, this makes good reading and I for one am satisfied with the amount of testing and vaccinations which have been done to prove the vaccines safe.......



Over 390 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in the United States from December 14, 2020, through September 27, 2021.

COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. COVID-19 vaccines were evaluated in tens of thousands of participants in clinical trials. The vaccines met the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) rigorous scientific standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality needed to support approval or authorization of a vaccine.

Millions of people in the United States have received COVID-19 vaccines since they were authorized for emergency use by FDA. These vaccines have undergone and will continue to undergo the most intensive safety monitoring in U.S. history.


This monitoring includes using both established and new safety monitoring systems pdf icon[PDF – 83 KB] to make sure that COVID-19 vaccines are safe.


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The risk to children is miniscule. I see what is going to happen. Schools will reopen and say kids that are jabbed can come back...but those that are not cant. Inspite of ALL the evidence that they are not at risk some will be ostracised. This is now getting silly. Adults can get jabbed, teachers...parents...if they get sick from Covid they will be ok, right?? The vaccine stops us getting ill right? So let the kids begin learning again. Dont force them to get jabbed. 

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5 minutes ago, xylophone said:

Following on from your post, this makes good reading and I for one am satisfied with the amount of testing and vaccinations which have been done to prove the vaccines safe.......



Over 390 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in the United States from December 14, 2020, through September 27, 2021.

COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. COVID-19 vaccines were evaluated in tens of thousands of participants in clinical trials. The vaccines met the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) rigorous scientific standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality needed to support approval or authorization of a vaccine.

Millions of people in the United States have received COVID-19 vaccines since they were authorized for emergency use by FDA. These vaccines have undergone and will continue to undergo the most intensive safety monitoring in U.S. history.


This monitoring includes using both established and new safety monitoring systems pdf icon[PDF – 83 KB] to make sure that COVID-19 vaccines are safe.


What can you tell me about the safety of the vaccines in the long term? I am asking specifically on behalf of kids....the ones that may not be able to give fully informed consent. Can you really tell them you KNOW that it wont have adverse effects? Can you point me to any long term studies?

Edited by 248900_1469958220
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8 minutes ago, xylophone said:

Following on from your post, this makes good reading and I for one am satisfied with the amount of testing and vaccinations which have been done to prove the vaccines safe.......



Over 390 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given in the United States from December 14, 2020, through September 27, 2021.

COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. COVID-19 vaccines were evaluated in tens of thousands of participants in clinical trials. The vaccines met the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) rigorous scientific standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality needed to support approval or authorization of a vaccine.

Millions of people in the United States have received COVID-19 vaccines since they were authorized for emergency use by FDA. These vaccines have undergone and will continue to undergo the most intensive safety monitoring in U.S. history.


This monitoring includes using both established and new safety monitoring systems pdf icon[PDF – 83 KB] to make sure that COVID-19 vaccines are safe.


I don't have a problem with vaccines, I think it would be fair to say of the vaccines in USA given how many were Sinovac the first vaccine produced I believe. 


As said before there's 4 types of vaccines produced last I looked maybe there's later ones now. 


Or previous ones alter or upgraded.


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I'm anti vax (covid) so it would be home schooling if I was in OP's situation.  


Since wife is in a  'cower & comply' mindset, you're screwed.


Good Luck, glad my kid is out of Uni already.

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There is no comparison between the risk to children of Polio and that of Covid 19. This is well established now. The question is, do the benefits of administering this vaccine to kids outweigh the risks. You cannot answer the question about the long term implications of this, no one can. Not ALL scientists are in agreement about this. There are many that warn against it. I am a concerned parent....it reasonable to ask these questions. I find the almost religious zealotry  surrounding these vaccines (not saying you) to be disturbing. Many Thai parents simply believe what is presented to them on the 6 o'clock news without question. Many are not aware of conflicting data or conflicting opinion. This seems to be intentional.  

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10 minutes ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

I find the almost religious zealotry  surrounding these vaccines (not saying you) to be disturbing.  

I agree 100%........There must be thousands of other disease in the world, and I guess all those disease put together don't match the vicious covid that almost everyone survives.......Its all very strange....

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6 hours ago, Johnny Mac said:

So the school my 12 year old attends are saying all pupils need to be jabbed? I'm not comfortable with this, but what choice do I have apart from moving her and it may be the same at others schools anyway?

I was reading an article from the World Health Organisation which you should find interesting as I am also not comfortable in having my 12 year old daughter injected, also my 7 year old down the track as the science is suggesting it is not a requirement as they are at low risk. So why vax them if they are low risk ?


The above said, those vaccinations should go to others who require it more than the kids in my opinion, like my wife.




6 hours ago, Johnny Mac said:

My wife being Thai will of course follow protocol and just do exactly what she is told with no argument.

I am sorry that is the way your wife is, that said, my wife will listen and trust my judgement, not follow protocol, so hubby 1st, governments last.


I am sure she would be on the receiving end if she went the other way because I believe it's all about how you present the facts/science, not what everyone else says or thinks and to be honest, I have ZERO confidence in the Thai's.


The above said, you should be able to reach common ground with your wife is she respects you and your opinion, but to be honest, I wouldn't stress too much about it, but it must be discussed at length.


We haven't decided yet, but I know if I said yes, she would agree or if she said yes, I would ask why ?


I have had 2 jabs of Pfizer, my wife is unvaxed and I have been gently trying to get her to get Sinovac and then AZ as the evidence is suggesting it is still 59% effective against Delta, considering everything else we have been told over the past 6 months, e.g. 13.8% efficacy was the last I checked before the 59%.


So she is now leaning towards it, but maybe in a week, I don't push, gentle nudge, after all it's her body that is going to get injected.  It's that, or wait for Moderna that we paid for back in June which I feel will be delayed until early next year after the October/November partial supply gets here which I would assume would go to the Hi-So's 1st, then wife down the line, and if she does get Sinovac and AZ then she can get Moderna next year as a booster if required or sell it.


Good luck, but don't allow the wife to make the decision on her own, this should be a joint decision based on the science, not emotion or what others are saying or forcing upon you.

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6 hours ago, tonray said:

So you would be willing to bet the risk of Covid is less than the risk of a new vaccine (which by the way has been administered to hundreds of millions so far successfully) that you 'think' might have long term effects when the probability of Covid long term effects are potentially devastating. And don't let anyone fool you with the "children are not a risk" BS....check stories of kids debilitated for life by long term symptoms. 


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6 hours ago, Johnny Mac said:

No. But those vaccines have been around for years so have a track record of being safe. I would say that is pretty obvious, to be honest.

Definitely pretty obvious.


The risks of this experimental vaccine are OK to take for 'owl <deleted>' like myself but my kid doesn't want to be vaccinated just yet.

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4 hours ago, Johnny Mac said:

Try telling my missus that.


You have to remember that no vax (regardless of why) would mean she can't go back to school. Making it sound easy by typing it out on a forum and it happening in reality are two different things.

I hope the link, information and my view assists you finding some comfort in reaching a common ground with your wife.


Remember at the end of the day, if YOU are not comfortable with this, then you MUST be HEARD, your wife cannot just turn her head as if to say bha, this child is both yours so who says the wife gets to make the decision, sorry, not wanting to be a marriage breaker, but I wouldn't tolerate that and my wife knows it, suffice to say that is why we openly communicate, if she doesn't agree, she will tell me in a kind and soft manner of speaking, if it gets to a boiling point then we can talk about it after sex, joke aside, you really need to sit down with her and speak about it, as far as school/s go, if and when the time comes, if we say NO, and they want to try it on, then they will lose and our kids not going to school is not the end of the world, they will tell you that too, they are loving being at home, albeit as much as a gas that it's been, having them at school has it's advantages, quiet times ????


This vaccine fiasco will not be around forever as more drugs are being developed and will take over the vaccines I would think, that said, with time, everything blows over, you just have to stand your ground if you don't want her to be vaxed until your comfortable, a year or two or three, what's the worst thing that can happen, she gets it and has immunity or something like that.


I think too much emphasis is placed on kids educations personally, not to mention the controls, take that away and your back in the box seat, suffice to say look outside the box, as for the wife, well what can I say, I don't fear mine, not suggesting you fear yours, but it does help to understand how to get them to agree through communication.


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4 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

As for the future my personal views would be to be more concerned with any further covid outbreaks and further strains appearing maybe caused by un-vaccinated people and children.

The un-vaccinated are not going to cause the virus to mutate as it can already affect them in its current state, it is the vaccinated that the virus has to work out how to make sick, and mutate in order to make them sick.

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15 minutes ago, Justanotherone said:
the classic polio stories... historical, polio was already WAAAAAY down, before any vaccine
read up how you get it, infected water and feces from other people
you clearly never heard of the polio vaccine in beginning still have LIVE particles (not dead/attenuated), by accident
and people GOT POLIO from the vaccine
and the famous SV40, aka 40 different virus from SIMIAN (green monkey) kidneys
that give boomers the high rise of strange brain cancers when they turn around 60...
for covid...99,98 percent survival rate, but still want to inject it into anybody
sick people and people with weak immune, SHOULD be injected
but not forcing young kids, or exclude them an educaction
and just to TURN TO NORMAL again
turning a blind eye to possible long term side effects...
this is the WET DREAM come true from BIG PHARMA
for 40 years they tried to convince everybody to take their at best 50 percent GAMBLE of what would be HOT next season
and now they have all the governments in their pockets to buy their stuff
and force injected into everybody
many of you will not know that governments had to give ambassies and others as collateral to big pharma
so big pharma could not be sued over damages
why does this government with THE RICHEST KING IN THE WORLD (66 billion dollars or a good 2 TRILLION BAHT)
only give 400.000 baht compensation for a death after vaccination, well, off course never proven to be a link, right...
when people die WITH covid, it was COVID DEATH
if people get disease after vaccination, IT IS NEVER THE VACCINE

The Black Death came from China too and was found in an area of China in 2016 from memory. 

Mix that with covid whow!! 

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2 hours ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

I find the almost religious zealotry  surrounding these vaccines (not saying you) to be disturbing.

I find the confluence of political affiliation, religion and anti vaccine zealotry to be disturbing.


You say that the polio vaccine has a long history and has been proven safe. Indeed it has... now. Would you have refused the vaccine when it first became available because it was not proven? Not many would and the reason is that it was not politicized.

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3 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

I find the confluence of political affiliation, religion and anti vaccine zealotry to be disturbing.


You say that the polio vaccine has a long history and has been proven safe. Indeed it has... now. Would you have refused the vaccine when it first became available because it was not proven? Not many would and the reason is that it was not politicized.

Again, compare the risk of Covid 19 in children to that of polio.  Stop comparing horrible diseases such as Polio to Covid 19. This comparison is just silly now, come on. We now know how the mortality rates are skewed to much older people and people with many comorbidities. IF and I mean IF Covid 19 was anywhere near as dangerous as Polio you would have my agreement. Rushing the vaccines out to older people for Covid 19...maybe. Pushing mandatory vaccination for kids. No. 

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11 minutes ago, 248900_1469958220 said:

Again, compare the risk of Covid 19 in children to that of polio.  Stop comparing horrible diseases such as Polio to Covid 19. This comparison is just silly now, come on. We now know how the mortality rates are skewed to much older people and people with many comorbidities. IF and I mean IF Covid 19 was anywhere near as dangerous as Polio you would have my agreement. Rushing the vaccines out to older people for Covid 19...maybe. Pushing mandatory vaccination for kids. No. 

Polio is a blip on the radar in terms of total worldwide deaths compared to coronavirus. I'm amazed you aren't aware of this. Here is some reading about polio and coronavirus.



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