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A nightmare is unfolding.....

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House is half built, way out in the sticks, nothing but rice fields as far as the eye can see.


A trader has bought a small strip of land right up against our boundary, opened a small cafe and installed a massive loudspeaker system and karaoke machine.




My wife is going to speak to the village head, but I can't see that achieving anything. She says after that she will have to speak to the head of the district.


Note: The cafe owner knows what he is doing and has invested a good deal of money in the sound system, he is not going to just give it up because I ask him nicely.


This is potentially heartbreaking, my wife has sunk her life's savings into this house.


Any positive, constructive suggestions?


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3 minutes ago, thaitom said:

Oh my ******* god ! A living nightmare.  There is absolutely nothing you can do.  If this happened to me I know i would end up in jail or go missing( Dead) . seriously.  At this very moment someone is using a chain saw and it is driving me nuts, but you can't say a damn thing. And there is nothing that will sound proof your house enough ! oh **** ! , I am getting angry for you. Hire some Burma to **** the guy. Probably about 50,000. B .  

I am trying to keep calm, but I can see this resulting in a jail sentence for me.....hence the request for any suggestions.


What he is doing is totally unacceptable.

Edited by Will B Good
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OOoh so sorry to hear that. We moved away because of that reason from our nice House we built 7 years ago. We are now living 20kms away and the house is empty and the BIL is looking after it.


The reason we moved is because a guy who builds those Music Trucks setup shop (outside of the village, but indirect line with it) and he turns those machines on whenever he feels like it. Sometimes he even has parties that go on till late!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Edited by MJCM
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1 minute ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

I assume there no zoning laws for residential or businesses or industrial like in other countries.

Maybe make him an offer to buy the business or to keep sound down. I can't imagine he'd get much business in the middle of nowhere so maybe it will stop of it's own accord.  

If he isn't cooperative is there something you can put nearby on your side of the land to dissuade him. Some waste or something. 

My thoughts exactly!!!


Buying his land, however, means he could possibly move 20m and start up again.


I have in mind storing animal waste right next his cafe.........but any action like this leaves us wide open to retribution.......aaarrrgggghhhh.

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13 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

The house isnt finished, you are not living there yet, hos can you know just by visiting what its going to be like one assumes quiet nearly all day . ? Or am I missing somethjng ?

My wife is site manager, she is there everyday.

Edited by Will B Good
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3 minutes ago, Gsxrnz said:

This is not a joke - build a pig-sty up against the fence line and pack it to the gunnels with oinkers.  Tit-for-tat and a peaceful demonstration of your ability to fire broadsides if necessary.

Yep....thinking along this lines......it is just the retribution you invite that scares me off....for the moment. at least.

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2 minutes ago, MJCM said:

Up in the sticks no one cares. Our problem was that even the village chief was a frequent customer of that shop so he wouldn't do .....


If you were living in a small city then no issue, zoning laws yes, but in the sticks NOPE

I wondered about the relationship side of things......if they are friends we are dead in the water.

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Just now, Will B Good said:

It is staggering isn't it......what goes through their minds?


All forms of empathy seem to be totally absent from most people.

yes - this brings back memories of living in London with my wife and 2 year old. The amount of noise pollution and simple lack of consideration from neighbours was staggering. I feel for this couple...

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Just now, VocalNeal said:

Who paid for the town water and PEA electricity supply to be bought to that location? 

It is set back from a country road, very little traffic, but power lines run along the road and water supply is not an issue for us (I am told)

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1 minute ago, Will B Good said:

Yep....thinking along this lines......it is just the retribution you invite that scares me off....for the moment. at least.

The idea would be threaten (or politely suggest) that this is your intention.  An alternative may be to threaten (or politely infer) that you'll be erecting a huge noisy pump that may upset his patrons.  Either way, you have negotiating power.  At the moment you have no weapons in your arsenal.

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