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Nov 1st: Quarantine free countries named - one night must be in SHA+ or AQ hotel - curfew lifted, bars stay shut


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2 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Or the chip on shoulder comments who resent people who do longer travel sojourns for whom a few days in quarantine is not a burden

I spent 6 months in Thailand in 2019 and could retire there tomorrow if i wanted.

It seems to surprise some on this forum that people have different lives in different parts of the world.

The only person who has a chip on the shoulder is you.

No nightlife, no gogos and no fun seems to be your mantra.

Get a hobby, troll someone else and don't reply to things that have nothing to do with you.



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5 hours ago, aussiexpat said:

It is:


4. An insurance policy, with coverage clearly identified as no less than US$50,000, which should cover the cost of the treatment and other medical expenses associated with being infected with COVID-19, including in-patient hospitalisation for the whole duration in Thailand. *Except for Thai citizens who are entitled to the national health insurance system.*



So, where can insurance with $50,000 coverage be purchased?

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13 hours ago, yogi yogi said:

so if i stay in bkk i can stay in a sha hotel or aq hotel . my choice?? where does someone get a list of those in bkk>??


Just look https://asq.in.th

Now all asq hotels still have the 7/14 day packages

Not one is mentioning the 1 night package, will have to wait minimum till next week I think, month end to get it fully updated to the new rules


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13 minutes ago, Bkktodd said:

My god. One night wont kill you.  I ve done 3 quarantines 15/15/ and a 7 starting tomorrow. I think the one night become a question of many cheap charlies that should just consider somewhere else for cheap beer

Absolutely right. Won't kill any of us. It will dissuade many travelers and work against their goal of saving the high season. Also that PCR test on arrival is going to frustrate the process of going through the airport even if only a few planes land per day. It's also not honest to call it "quarantine-free" or say we are "exempt from quarantine" while it includes a one- to two-day quarantine. 

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9 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

Why’s that?

Imagine that getting swabbed at the airport is a process that takes, on average, about 3 minutes per person. A plane load of 400 people would take a total of 1,200 minutes of processing time (3 x 400). That's 20 hours of processing time added to the other stuff you have to navigate to get out of the airport. If they have 10 processing stations running simultaneously, that would cut the time to process that plane load to 2 hours. So, for an individual traveler, that could mean standing in a line for an extra 2 hours just for that one part (then, there is baggage claim and immigration and such). I would call that a frustration. As for the airport: what happens if more planes land in that 2-hour period? Those passengers would have to wait before even entering the line to get swabbed.

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22 minutes ago, JCP108 said:

Imagine that getting swabbed at the airport is a process that takes, on average, about 3 minutes per person. A plane load of 400 people would take a total of 1,200 minutes of processing time (3 x 400). That's 20 hours of processing time added to the other stuff you have to navigate to get out of the airport. If they have 10 processing stations running simultaneously, that would cut the time to process that plane load to 2 hours. So, for an individual traveler, that could mean standing in a line for an extra 2 hours just for that one part (then, there is baggage claim and immigration and such). I would call that a frustration. As for the airport: what happens if more planes land in that 2-hour period? Those passengers would have to wait before even entering the line to get swabbed.

I think the way I read it that when you land they take you straight to the hotel you booked and testing either there or near by. Cant imagine that they will do it at airport. 

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10 minutes ago, DaveE13 said:

I think the way I read it that when you land they take you straight to the hotel you booked and testing either there or near by. Cant imagine that they will do it at airport. 

I thought I had recently seen articles about their setting up swabbing stations at the airport.

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5 minutes ago, DaveE13 said:

I think the way I read it that when you land they take you straight to the hotel you booked and testing either there or near by. Cant imagine that they will do it at airport. 

OK , so exactly when will the test be done. You book the 1 night in the AQ but don't get there till say 6pm. Does that mean more nights in the AQ as they testing staff have left for the day ? What time will the hotels be doing tests ? Seems to me , unless the tests are done at the airport and you get the result in the hotel on arrival or morning after, the hotels are about to fleece the incoming as you cannot leave until you get your results.


I'm not even sure 'THEY' will be taking you anywhere. THEY will not be responsible for your travel to your hotel I would imagine. You'll make your own way there as I read it.


It's all nuts and nothing concrete.

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14 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

OK , so exactly when will the test be done. You book the 1 night in the AQ but don't get there till say 6pm. Does that mean more nights in the AQ as they testing staff have left for the day ? What time will the hotels be doing tests ? Seems to me , unless the tests are done at the airport and you get the result in the hotel on arrival or morning after, the hotels are about to fleece the incoming as you cannot leave until you get your results.


I'm not even sure 'THEY' will be taking you anywhere. THEY will not be responsible for your travel to your hotel I would imagine. You'll make your own way there as I read it.


It's all nuts and nothing concrete.

I've seen talk of swabbing stations at the airport (would be a nightmare) or at the hotels or at some place generalized on your way to the hotel. Right. If you get to the hotel early in the morning, when will they actually swab you? Seems to me that many people will end up having to book two days at the hotel rather than one even if the actual test to result time is around 12 hours. 

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Ok  the Philippines is not on the list, and this is nothing to do with health risks. The cat was let out of the bag a week or so ago, the countries "of low economic value" are not included. 

This being prejudice and nothing else.

However, is the understanding that I (an Australian) can still travel and enter but will because of that prejudice, have to do 10 days quarantine?

(AstraZeneca x 2 completed a month or so ago.)

My choiceis to head down to Melbourne for 21 days then return to Thailand from there, and hopefully fewer restrictions by then. There's the cost of that extra flight, but also avoudinf the risk of being infected while in Thai quarantine.

Ohh.. Another question: My home in Thailand is Nakhon Sawan province. I can't find anywhere whether it will be open to me or not. My friends in my town say there is no restriction when travelling to and from Bangkok, but of course I'm a big white boogy man.

Thanks. K.

Edited by TechnikaIII
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1 hour ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Repeat tourism used to be very common here. Many people I know come here 3 times a year...some once a year. It used to be great here. But the junta, police and army have ruined it.

Yes many people I know came 2-3 times a year too but of the 40m that visit each year, I'd be amazed if  more than 1% are repeaters.


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14 hours ago, JonnyF said:

I guess this is an improvement for people who need to see family, do business trips etc.


But I don't see many genuine tourists coming when they could go somewhere closer to home with less restrictions, where the bars and nightlife are open, and it's cheaper.


I'm not really sure what Thailand has to offer at this point.


I am planning to go but just because I want to reunite with my girlfriend and work online from Thailand.


But tourism?


Forget it. Still plenty of ridiculous requirements, and nothing fun going on. Anybody considering going there for tourism right now needs to go see a shrink. There are lots of places with less requirements and more things to do.


The test, by the way, is completely useless. If you get sick on the plane it won't show in tests for much longer, and since anybody traveling was already tested two days earlier, yeah, basically useless and another scam to make people spend money on tests and the AQ/SHA accommodation (I could stay with friends or my girlfriend, for example, but I'll have to waste money on this <deleted>)



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1 hour ago, JCP108 said:

Imagine that getting swabbed at the airport is a process that takes, on average, about 3 minutes per person. A plane load of 400 people would take a total of 1,200 minutes of processing time (3 x 400). That's 20 hours of processing time added to the other stuff you have to navigate to get out of the airport. If they have 10 processing stations running simultaneously, that would cut the time to process that plane load to 2 hours. So, for an individual traveler, that could mean standing in a line for an extra 2 hours just for that one part (then, there is baggage claim and immigration and such). I would call that a frustration. As for the airport: what happens if more planes land in that 2-hour period? Those passengers would have to wait before even entering the line to get swabbed.

Plane loaded with 400 people? No chance, lucky if there's 140 on it. ????

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6 minutes ago, Cherrytreeview said:

Being reported on another forum that someone has booked an airport transfer/test/one night stay at a hotel in Pattaya for 7700 baht.

Makes sense to keep people flowing through the airport but how can these travellers be monitored after arrival.

Might be like the UK. They call you and if they don't get a response in 3 hours they come knocking on your door looking for you. 

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14 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

I am wondering how many people will come. no word anymore about the Travel Pass or CoE... And if you are coming to Bangkok than you welcome to stay in the polluted air as bonus  

The rules need to be clarified as I read another news report that had many variants including a non vaccinated option, and also COE, being required, as to RT, PCR being required also 72 hrs b4 departure, that costs 450 NZ per person, so for 3 of us nearly 1500 dollars NZ b4 departure, wife and son have Thai citizenship, stay in quarantine, plus more test expenses and purchasing test kits. 


Then if returning to Nz up to 12000 NZ dollars for MIQ, that's if you can get a booking. Happy birday, Happy birday, Happy birday to you. 

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So even if there are direct flights starting to Chiang Mai in November - with no quarantine hotels in place,  it won't be possible to fly direct.


I'm guessing this 1-day "quarantine/not quarantine" hotel rule is not going away anytime soon...

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2 hours ago, Flink said:

Well be fair, those ASQ and SHA+ hotels paid a lot out in brown envelopes based on the figures provided by TAT as to how many million tourists would arrive. Now they're out of pocket so the powers that be (many of whom probably are shareholders) want to make sure they don't lose out completely. Keep them sweet by the promise that if someone on a flight tests positive on arrival they'll quarantine the whole flight manifest.

I am, sorry, but I agree this one day quarantine, take our RT PCR and buy our portable test kit, take our taxi to the hotel, even for returning Thai looks like costs could escalate with one positive on the plane. 

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2 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

No guarantee the Chinese will be along for some time to come.  They will not be letting people out to travel until at least next March and now they have a larger outbreak of Covid it will most likely be later than that.

Chinese also come to get out of tour bus, stand on beaches, smoke cigarette, get back into tour bus, travel to Chinese owned restaurant, eat quickly, back to bus, back to Chinese owned hotel, back to bus, tip driver and back to airport, oh along with shopping from Chinese owned factory shops. That's what they did when I drove tour busses in NZ. 

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1 hour ago, RichardColeman said:

OK , so exactly when will the test be done. You book the 1 night in the AQ but don't get there till say 6pm. Does that mean more nights in the AQ as they testing staff have left for the day ? What time will the hotels be doing tests ? Seems to me , unless the tests are done at the airport and you get the result in the hotel on arrival or morning after, the hotels are about to fleece the incoming as you cannot leave until you get your results.


I'm not even sure 'THEY' will be taking you anywhere. THEY will not be responsible for your travel to your hotel I would imagine. You'll make your own way there as I read it.


It's all nuts and nothing concrete.

I think at hotel or close by.  Remember these hotels won't be far from airport.  Anyway I'm going to wait until in the New Year to visit. 

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12 hours ago, Polaky said:

Takes a lot to please this crowd, they are trying, enough negativity!!!,

stay home and enjoy your lives.

The thing is, they shouldn't say anything until they are ready with the full details. When they confirmed no quarantine fron 1 November, I booked my ticket and hotel before the prices responded and went up.  I planned on spending NYE with my wife but already planned to 'quarantine' myself for 1 night and get a test.  I therefore booked to arrive on 30 December, spend one night in the hotel and start my trip home very early on 31 December - hopefully receiving my test result on the way.


Traffic on Mitraphap is crazy on NYE and getting off later than 6am can involve a very long journey.  I once arrived on NYE and it took me 9.5 hours to do a 2.5 hour trip.  I don't think it will be quite as bad this time due to Covid but who knows? Also, will all the testing centres be open over the holiday period? I may get my result back early, it might come in the evening.


And no, I didn't 'jump the gun', I didn't book on the first mention of 1 November, I waited until it was confirmed.  NO QUARANTINE means NO QUARANTINE in my book, I expected some conditions like testing and insurance but I didn't expect to be locked up for the first night - especially in country where the virus is already rampant.

Edited by KhaoYai
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2 hours ago, Kadilo said:

That explains why you said what you did.

It won’t be done at the airport. You are escorted to the hotel for testing once you clear immigration.

That is my understanding. . 

As per link below (posted earlier in thread and regularly updated) you are quite correct.



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I live in Canada (approved country).  I plan to travel to Mexico 8 days prior to travelling to Thailand (not approved country).  Any guess on the chance of “getting caught” and not meeting the 21 days requirement?  5%?  15%?  35%  55%? 75%?. Would the only means of detection be a passport stamp?  What would be the consequences of “getting caught”.  Trying to figure out if I should cancel my Mexico trip.  Thanks

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