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President of the India-Thai Business Association warns Thai government for losing major opportunities after India not included as a low-risk quarantine free entry country


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oh dear disregarding all these high quality tourists,thatll have to change as weve been told the unclean just dont spend enough.this absurd regime and its rediculous proclamations is getting down to bare boards.theyve screwed up the economy and theres very few options remaining.india is close and they wish to travel,the vulturine hordes will be released after the winter olympics,so those are looking like the best options as everyone else has been told theyre not good enough and have decided to go to places theyre welcome and dont have absurd entry requirements. all you need is a ticket and proof of a jab.aggh reality its a sobering wake up call,but as always an alternative reality will be imagined

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Sounds like the TAT's much publicised promotion camapaign to get rich Indians to come and dump billions of baht in Thailand is falling on stony ground.  They should just publicised bank account details and encourage the rich Indians to wire their money to Thaialnd instead.

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12 hours ago, ukrules said:

India is very well known for playing hard ball when things like this happen, they take it personally and have a track record of retaliation.

The UK notably kept the borders open to India until the Delta variant was well established in the UK. 

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“Thailand is the number one destination for Indians to come and get married with more than 300 major “Indian-Style” weddings that typically have hundreds of guests per year."


With the highest standards of social distancing, of course.....

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3 hours ago, RafPinto said:

What is 7/11 now doing with the millions of extra "straws and deodorants" they ordered in anticipation?

and those training courses in haggling and bartering that the 7-11 cashiers were taking may not be needed after all?

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2 hours ago, bangon04 said:

“Thailand is the number one destination for Indians to come and get married with more than 300 major “Indian-Style” weddings that typically have hundreds of guests per year."


With the highest standards of social distancing, of course.....

Here they come.


Some farangs should up their poor village wedding.


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