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Economist sees Thailand’s economy recovering next year


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35 minutes ago, webfact said:

If the spread of COVID-19 can be controlled well, 5-6 million tourists are expected to travel to Thailand. Monitoring is also needed for the export sector and for consumption.

That's interesting, an economist predicting near a third of the TAT's predicted figure of 2022 14 million.


And 3% is a dire prediction of the Thai economy for 2022, when the rest of the world is 4% up and 5 million tourists would be adding say 500 billion baht as well 



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3 hours ago, mahtin said:

My stepson has a degree in Economics from UTCC.

He works for a bank. He does not spout crystal ball nonsense.

Thais in these positions are (a) expected to know virtually everything about everything and (b) face no checks and balances on their opinions as Thais would never openly criticize each other, esp not people in this socioeconomic group.

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Dr. Tim viewed that fiscal policy will remain the main driver of Thailand’s economy next year, as there remains a need to stimulate the tourism sector and consumption that have slumped because of COVID-19.

Free money !!!   55


5 hours ago, webfact said:

If the spread of COVID-19 can be controlled well, 5-6 million tourists are expected to travel to Thailand.

That could be realistic .

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13 hours ago, webfact said:

BANGKOK (NNT) - Owing to improving economic signals, Standard Chartered Thailand now expects the Thai economy to expand by 3% in 2022.

Not if they continue to shine the spotlights on Covid and continue to dance to the The-Virus-Is-Gonna-Get-You minuet.  Nothing recovers until the "leaders" allow the country to live with Covid and move on.

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8 hours ago, talahtnut said:

The FED is pushing for $49 to 1 satang.

All these fiat currencies will end up being worthless. 


I'm stacking Ethereum to hedge against the inevitable collapse of the World economy and have been doing so since last March at $70. It's now at $4k and has gone deflationary with EIP1559 so I expect $6k by EOY and $10k into 2022.

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