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‘Joe Ferrari’, six former cops to be prosecuted over fatal torture of suspect


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I bet "....uncovered several suspicious matters...." relates to other VIPs involved in getting some of the rewards.....and they need more time to cover their tracks.  



Regarding the 400 smuggled luxurious cars, reportedly seized by Thitisan over the past several years and which earned him substantial rewards from the Customs Department, Pol Gen Suchart said that the investigation of the case is about 80% complete, adding that they had uncovered several suspicious matters relating to the reward claims.


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7 hours ago, smedly said:

we have what is called "public prosecution" in the west because these criminals commit crimes against the public

Yes, in the west! I assume you have done like many more, and chosen Thailand because it is different. I do not say they should not be prosecuted and locked up, but how they do it is not very important.

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This has taken a long time considering they have have a video of them putting plastic bags over a man’s head who happens to be dead.

No doubt been getting the story straight. Protecting those above on the take and dividing up a car collection and a lot of cash and IOU’s.

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4 minutes ago, gt162 said:

This police colonel "Joe Ferrari " will be replaced with another "joe ferrari". I think he stepped on too many toes from higher up for other reasons. 


Plenty of other colonels willing to take his position for the right price and play the game without messing with the system and his bosses. 

Sadly you are 100% right. They would of put this position out to tender and someone would of paid handsomely for this role / promotion. 
The boys above will still be getting their lick without a doubt.

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2 hours ago, gt162 said:

This police colonel "Joe Ferrari " will be replaced with another "joe ferrari". I think he stepped on too many toes from higher up for other reasons. 


Plenty of other colonels willing to take his position for the right price and play the game without messing with the system and his bosses. 

I think you are being a little presumptuous.  Would you fire a top sales person at work?   A genius IT guy who fixes all your problems?  A guy who just makes money for you and your business day in day out while others sleep and nap at work?  No way.  You promote them, lift them to the top where they will have the greatest impact.  Someone like that knows too much about your business, they know the inns and out, the clients and your personal taxes and ways your executives make money.  Thus it will be with Joe.  He may not come back as Joe Ferrari but he will come back as Joe BMW or Joe Private Jet.     

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3 hours ago, TheFishman1 said:

I think it was all just a misunderstanding TIT

It was. They thought they could murder with impunity. Maybe they already had before, who knows, so I can understand their misunderstanding. So that I'm not misunderstood, I'm not saying they had murdered anyone before.

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10 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

from link : 

Police have impounded about 131 million baht worth of suspected ill-gotten assets of Thitisan, which include a 57-million baht house in a Bangkok suburb, about two dozen expensive cars and 18 guns.


Guy sounds more like Scarface than a policeman

Agree but imagine what those 'up the chain of command' got, because I can't see them not knowing about Jo's good fortune and not expecting/wanting a slice of the cake!

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13 hours ago, smedly said:

make it public - open and honest for everyone to observe 

Ain’t never going to happen. All kinds of negotiations are going on behind the scenes as we speak, about who is going to pay whom how much. I’m surprised, by the way, that Joe didn’t “commit suicide” yet, or got shot while trying to escape, or accidentally stabbed himself in the back six times while cleaning his finger nails with a pen knife.

Joe Ferrari and his buddies don’t want to go to jail for too long, and they certainly don’t want to get whacked. In a corrupt system money always moves up the chain, so there are probably quite a few people up there who don’t want their names mentioned in the ongoing investigations. And then there are the judges, who can be either harsh or lenient, depending on how “motivated” they are.

We will never know what deals are being made between all the parties involved, but I’m pretty sure it involves a whole lot of fat brown envelopes, plus threats to Joe cum suis that they’d better keep their traps shut, or else.

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9 hours ago, mikebell said:

'Police have impounded about 131 million baht worth of suspected ill-gotten assets of Thitisan, which include a 57-million baht house in a Bangkok suburb, about two dozen expensive cars and 18 guns.'

Yet no one noticed till he was accused of murder!

There was nothing to notice, big houses, a garage full of cars, a vast collection of.......... is normal and doesn't raise a second glance. 

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6 hours ago, rudi49jr said:

Ain’t never going to happen. All kinds of negotiations are going on behind the scenes as we speak, about who is going to pay whom how much. I’m surprised, by the way, that Joe didn’t “commit suicide” yet, or got shot while trying to escape, or accidentally stabbed himself in the back six times while cleaning his finger nails with a pen knife.

Joe Ferrari and his buddies don’t want to go to jail for too long, and they certainly don’t want to get whacked. In a corrupt system money always moves up the chain, so there are probably quite a few people up there who don’t want their names mentioned in the ongoing investigations. And then there are the judges, who can be either harsh or lenient, depending on how “motivated” they are.

We will never know what deals are being made between all the parties involved, but I’m pretty sure it involves a whole lot of fat brown envelopes, plus threats to Joe cum suis that they’d better keep their traps shut, or else.

True. Prayuth is Mr. Misinformation. Transparency is not something he knows how to do. Remember, he is an army general. A position where you get away with anything, and do nothing. 

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