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77 OLD man will be married with a 20 y/o young girl


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1 hour ago, hotandsticky said:

He needs to be aware that if he has made provision for any family with a Will, that Will becomes null and void upon marriage.



A new Will is required, otherwise the wife benefits significantly from intestacy rules.

What rules are they? Brit rules?

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""C'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell"

My wife is 20 years younger than me, but the real story is my mother. When I was 27 my mother, 49, remarried a sailor the same age as I. I really wasn't sure which of them was the nuttier. I was sure it wouldn't last. They were still together when my mother died at 74

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18 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

I would argue society has an interest in whether it works out or not.


If he sinks his life savings into building a house, and things don't work out, and he returns to the UK penniless, he's either out on the street homeless or being cared for by some tax payer-funded social service. Either way, society has to pick up the tab. If he kicks the bucket while she's still pregnant with his kid, society suffers when the nuclear family breaks down, with increased risk that the kid will get in trouble with the law down the road. Obviously, if either one of them ends up murdering or severely injuring the other, society has to pick up the tab for incarceration, loss of economic potential, rehabilitation, etc.  Furthermore, the ingrained mentality that a girl can "always go turn a few tricks down in Pattaya" undermines academic achievement and work ethics in village communities.


To the extent that a comparatively wealthy foreigner can tempt a village girl into entering into a largely mercenary marriage in preference to marrying someone from the local community, or away from furthering her education or otherwise endeavoring to improve her earning potential this has an impact on the social fabric which shouldn't be swept under the rug. The clichéd pseudo-libertarian battle cries of "age is just a number", "live-and-let-live", "who are we to judge?", and "77 year-olds have needs too" are all just attempts to rationalize away and turn a blind eye to the cultural and societal damage these relationships more often than not cause.

I am from USA and so don't know how pensions work in other countries but for me I have never really worried about if things go south with me and the wife. Not worried becaused I planned. If for some reason my wife  has had enough of this old farang and some how manages to take all the property we own I wouldn't really be hurt. The pension comes  to me every month. Me, not her so I get income to live on  and would not be pennyless out in the street.  Could easily rent a condo anywhere  in Thailand and have enough money to live comfortably. If I die and we are still together she will get life insurance  and 70% of my pension but if we diviorce I can asign the life insurance to anyone  I want and cancell the pension benefits or transfer to new wife.  Ex-pats simply need to plan better.   "hope for the best but prepare for the worst"

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OMG, he looks rather naive in that picture and she looks like she means business - and looks way over 20, I might add.


I just hope this poor chap doesn’t end up at some point in the very near future stuck paralyzed and sitting in a wheelchair in the corner, wits fully about him still, being forced to watch as she and her ‘real’ Thai lover/boyfriend/husband go at it on the new pool table she just bought with HIS money. 

I hope he can still “get it up” for the few times he has left with her. And hopefully he arrives with enough ibuprofen to combat all the headaches she’s going to claim she has every time he wants to have sex. 

Edited by DBath
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31 minutes ago, DBath said:

OMG, he looks rather naive in that picture and she looks like she means business - and looks way over 20, I might add.


I just hope this poor chap doesn’t end up at some point in the very near future stuck paralyzed and sitting in a wheelchair in the corner, wits fully about him still, being forced to watch as she and her ‘real’ Thai lover/boyfriend/husband go at it on the new pool table she just bought with HIS money. 

I hope he can still “get it up” for the few times he has left with her. And hopefully he arrives with enough ibuprofen to combat all the headaches she’s going to claim she has every time he wants to have sex. 

The guy looks bored. Travel overseas next year and <deleted> 50 of them. Cost less!



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If I were this chap, I’d jump on a plane with whatever cash I had left and head straight for Thailand and the nearest bar girl place. (I realize that metaphor means an online chat room these days). 

You haven’t got enough time left to embark on seeking a meaningful relationship, especially with a woman who says she’s 20, but looks 40 or older. Your odds at this time point to major failure and disappointment, if you decide to proceed with your current plan, IMO. 

Set a new goal to carve as many new notches in your belt as you can before you ‘kick it’, and remember to keep plenty of viagra on hand.  Enjoy the ride old timer and what little time you have left (reverse cowgirl is probably best at your age).  

God willing, you’ll die on your back with a smile on your face - a bottle of viagra firmly clenched in one hand and a bottle of Jack Daniels in the other. 

Good luck!


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Single malt and bourbon!


77yo why get married? Goose decision.


Wait 3 months, fly to chiang mai or ubon or upon or khon keen and sleep with 50. 


She is 6/10 and looks 35yo. Find some 8s and 9s that are 25yo.


Even if he was 50yo makes no sense to marry her. She offers zero.

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Alright then  ????

I tell girls i am older than i am, girls tell me they are younger than they are.

But really, how can you plan a marriage if you never met?

This online dating, meeting stuff has gone too far IMO

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22 hours ago, GrandPapillon said:

I wonder what those pretty eyes are really seeing in the video chat ????

She’s probably pasted a yellow sticky note with ‘$$$’ written on it over his video box, so she doesn’t have to see his real face. 

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why is this news?  least of all Thailand.  see this in Beverly Hills all the time.  ran into a female tourist in CM who was complaining about all the old men Chiang Mai the other day.  had to set her straight. told her that she should have left her excess baggage back in London town

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22 hours ago, Tarteso said:

Is this ethic, Moral or logical ?

It can easily be win-win, so what's the problem?


We often hear about 70+ year old farangs in Thailand with their 18 years-and-ond-day old new fiancé, so same-same...:whistling:


I really looked forward to my 70 years birthday so I could be in the right age-group for a new 18 year old girlfriend, but then Covid-lockdown came, and the young birds were all gone...????

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2 minutes ago, Chris.B said:

Maybe he read 'Mandalay' by Rudyard Kipling?

I prefer 'The Ladies'


Now I aren't no 'and with the ladies,

For, takin' 'em all along,

You never can say till you've tried 'em,

An' then you are like to be wrong.

There's times when you'll think that you mightn't,

There's times when you'll know that you might;

But the things you will learn from the Yellow an' Brown,

They'll 'elp you a lot with the White!

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44 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I don't think he's a bad looking chap.

I was mostly being facetious, looking at it from ‘her’ point of view.

But let’s be honest here, BMT…neither one of them is going to win first prize in a beauty contest - even within their respective age groups - and I’m skeptical that she’s even 20 like she claims, but whatever. 


Everything I’ve posted on this thread has been for humor’s sake until now. 

Seriously though, that these two have yet to meet in person is just one fundamental mistake. I’m not saying it’s impossible for them to actually become ‘soulmates’, but it is improbable, IMO.

There are significant red flags with that much age gap. 20 years - even 25 - is one thing, but 47 years puts this on a whole other level. Hard to imagine them having much, if anything in common.

My wife is 16 years younger than I am and aside from me having trouble keeping up with her energy level, we’re a perfect fit. A 20 year-old in the sack I could handle very well, no problem, but not twice per day - as in some of those younger years. And I can’t imagine the difference in mindset between these two. 

The fact they have not met in person and are already planning a wedding to me is another fundamental indication things are not being well thought through - just another red flag. 

If it were me - at his age - I would probably go 100% the ‘monger’ route for the rest of my days. 


Miracles can happen, not saying they can’t, but the odds do not look good for this couple, IMO.

Edited by DBath
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Not as bad as a 55 year old marrying a 6 year old, we all know who that was and can still see the aftermath today. This will end up like Nong Nat and her elderly well off husband she proclaimed her love for. ????

Edited by clivebaxter
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Whilst I don't wish it on them, they both know the marriage won't last, not because of the great cultural differences but because of his actual age,


If we are thinking of "final" years (in his case) and I was able, then I might do something similar - it is a win-win in my opinion.


I hope there will be "many happy endings" for him and one for her (facetious remark - no malice intended)



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