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More Omicron Cases Likely in January


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29 minutes ago, Oblomov said:

it's the hospitalizations and deaths that should be the first data to be scrutinized and reacted upon

Yes - they are increasing in Europe to a point that is over health services capacity. Te numbers are so huge that the death rates are increasing too.

On top of those in hospitals (taking up beds that others need too), there are the numbers of working days lost and even medical staff lost.

800,000 deaths in the USA almost ALL were non -vaxxed people.

The tax situation is fast going to become untenable without a NEW vaccine.

People with 3 jabs are dying of covid too.

Because of public resistance and politicians prevarication, this wave is going to be far greater than anything we've experienced before.


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2 minutes ago, Thunglom said:


Yes - they are increasing in Europe to a point that is over health services capacity. Te numbers are so huge that the death rates are increasing too.

On top of those in hospitals (taking up beds that others need too), there are the numbers of working days lost and even medical staff lost.

800,000 deaths in the USA almost ALL were non -vaxxed people.

The tax situation is fast going to become untenable without a NEW vaccine.

People with 3 jabs are dying of covid too.

Because of public resistance and politicians prevarication, this wave is going to be far greater than anything we've experienced before.


Deaths remain relatively stable in UK but the true number will be when the lag from increased rates of infection kick in - agree with you about the bed blocking as UK had a huge backlog in screenings and treatments for the extremely serious conditions such as cancer etc., where these is a huge benefit from early diagnoses through tests and screening.


Looking at number in UK, it remains that an overwhelming majority of fatalities are those with myriad and complex serious pre-existing conditions and the aged. One would hope the 30 million boosters administered so far will lessen the impact in those groups.


I don't think the public here resist pragmatic protocols to attempt to lessen the transmission rate but many of us have to balance our livelihoods, educations of out young as well as health in other areas so there's a balance that is hard to find and nothing to do with wilful resistance.


We'll all know more by the middle of January nut of course these vaccines were never designed for this variant and we'll have a hell of a job keeping pace with variants. 

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1 hour ago, Oblomov said:

you about the bed blocking as UK had a huge backlog in screenings and treatments for the extremely serious conditions such as cancer etc.,

UK NHS has been doing dramatic catch up on a lot of "queued" procedures - not all serious of course. I've had 3differentones done in the last 3 months - they were delayed because originally they were all booked within days of each other and had to bare-sceduled.

There of course has been shortage of medical workers from Doctors down to cleaners because of Brexit..

MY local hospital is working 7 days aweek on backlogs but they can't get enough staff from abroad to make up the teams in some departments.

thecpacity of NHS above normal is not that big, in Thailand they have beds but I very much doubt they will be able to organise them as they are not under one authority.


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2 hours ago, Thunglom said:

UK NHS has been doing dramatic catch up on a lot of "queued" procedures - not all serious of course. I've had 3differentones done in the last 3 months - they were delayed because originally they were all booked within days of each other and had to bare-sceduled.

There of course has been shortage of medical workers from Doctors down to cleaners because of Brexit..

MY local hospital is working 7 days aweek on backlogs but they can't get enough staff from abroad to make up the teams in some departments.

thecpacity of NHS above normal is not that big, in Thailand they have beds but I very much doubt they will be able to organise them as they are not under one authority.


It obviously varies by area but the London trust I'm familiar with is somewhat disrupted but all of our experiences are different. 


I live between London, Bali amd Bangkok so have wildly different experiences of each, and always find Bangkok the best.



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17 hours ago, possum1931 said:

One thing I would like to mention, I am only going to state what I have read during the time of this pandemic.

The Asian flu of 1957 had fatalities of about 2 million people world wide, at that time there was nowhere near the number of obese people the way it is today, don't know about smoking, but nowhere near the heavy drinkers and druggies there are today.


If back in 1957 there was the same amount of obese people, heavy drinkers and druggies there are today, how would things have fared back then? 

What if there were not the same obese people, heavy drinkers and druggies there are today?

would this pandemic have been anywhere near as bad as it is?


Anybody have any thoughts on this?

There was no social distancing, quarantines, or face masks in 1957. So, the virus spread very easily, although it was not as infectious as Covid. Also, no flu shots.


A very different situation than today.

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2 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Fortunately it has symptoms akin to a mild cold. Let's hope the official numbers keep falling and restrictions are sensible/minimal so we can all get on with our lives. 


Really... I have heard of symptoms like a flu, somewhat worse than a mild cold, and there appears to be a number requiring hospitalization in S. Africa. You seem to know more than the WHO yet provide no sources. Not saying you are wrong, but not beneficial to spread rumour without basis.

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36 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

Really... I have heard of symptoms like a flu, somewhat worse than a mild cold, and there appears to be a number requiring hospitalization in S. Africa. You seem to know more than the WHO yet provide no sources. Not saying you are wrong, but not beneficial to spread rumour without basis.

The number of fatalities in South Africa now is 50+. The trend is not good, although the numbers are still relatively low.

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8 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Really... I have heard of symptoms like a flu, somewhat worse than a mild cold, and there appears to be a number requiring hospitalization in S. Africa. You seem to know more than the WHO yet provide no sources. Not saying you are wrong, but not beneficial to spread rumour without basis.

this is Covid19 - SARS-CoV-2 (N.B.  - severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2). 

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14 hours ago, Chelseafan said:


Couldn't agree more.


Every day the BBC delights in telling us how Covid cases are on the increase whilst putting the more salient point, i.e. deaths, at the bottom of the article.




Deaths have been steady for a while at around 150 a day - To put this into perspective and I've mentioned this before 600+ people a day die from Cancer.


I wouldn't care that much but I'm forced to pay to watch/listen to the  BBC !!



...and the rather high rate [or average] of deaths associated with motor vehicles on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. 

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17 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

its looking very likely that we'll all be exposed to Omicron at some stage, then anyone who dies could possibly be called an omicron death

Similarly, most of us have been suffering once or twice by common flu.  Then once we die, it should be called a flu death - (for almost all of us)...

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44 minutes ago, Thunglom said:

What on earth is that? I suspect you have never had flu!

Oh come on... Like, seriously? Most of ppl don't feel a big difference between cold and flu because there is not much a difference. I know that cold is not a virus etc, but damnit, we are not on a scientific conference about 17 differences between cold and flu for the ones who know. The point is that the "terrible Omicron virus" everyone talks about causes such "awful" things like sneezing, running nose, u name it.


Is it a good reason to be afraid of the fresh air, other people, etc? I'm not even talking about education for the kids, businesses etc,, i.e. the serious stuff ????

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5 minutes ago, ViajeroLA said:

Most of ppl don't feel a big difference between cold and flu because there is not much a difference

there it is!! You obviously have no idea of the difference between a cold and flu.


and the UNBELIEVABLY you go on to say " I know that cold is not a virus " which is 100% wrong.


You clearly have absolutely no idea at all of what you are talking about.

(And that mens you have no idea either about Covid - even if you have had 3 jabs.)

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10 minutes ago, Thunglom said:

there it is!! You obviously have no idea of the difference between a cold and flu.


(And that mens you have no idea either about Covid - even if you have had 3 jabs.)

LOL. I am not "Most of ppl" I was referring to. But let's say you are right, I have no idea about differences between a cold and a flu.


So enlighten me pls professor, what makes "Omicron" such a huge threat to humanity? I mean, can you even suggest an exact threat like "we all die of terrible cold", not just smth like "it's an highly transmittable virus" 555

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