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When do you think Omicron will become dominant in Thailand?


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14 minutes ago, champers said:

How would anyone know? The only people found with Omicron so far have been those tested when trying to enter the country. Have all the people on the same flights as those found infected been monitored and re-tested 2 or 3 days later? I have seen nothing to suggest that is the case. Thailand has stopped publishing daily testing numbers; don't test, don't find. If symptons are not serious or life threatening why would anyone test themself?

Yes most likely it is already here. But even if so it still takes some time to be the dominant strain. But not much time.

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22 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

both unvaccinated

Chips of the old block, aren't they?


But to answer the OP's question, I fear that the timing might be perfect for a massive contamination during the New year celebrations. Once more egg on the silly faces of the government, who should see the need to curtail the event right now.

Edited by Boomer6969
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1 hour ago, Boomer6969 said:

Chips of the old block, aren't they?


But to answer the OP's question, I fear that the timing might be perfect for a massive contamination during the New year celebrations. Once more egg on the silly faces of the government, who should see the need to curtail the event right now.

Why did you need to say that , I have had two AstraZeneca Jabs. if that's

what to referring to.

regards worgeordie

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22 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

Why did you need to say that , I have had two AstraZeneca Jabs. if that's

what to referring to.

regards worgeordie

Sorry Mate, I misread some fatherly pride in your post.


Maybe you should think about cutting them out of your will.

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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

The Thai government is doing the right thing to try very hard to keep Omicron out of Thailand.


Explain to me how allowing europeans to enter under 'test and go' scheme is trying very hard to keep it out?


Have you seen what's going on in UK / Hollan / Germany to name a few.....

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17 hours ago, sleepwalker999 said:

Over Christmas, it will be a repeat of last year. I have 4 days of teaching at school left before the break and then I'd imagine I will be back to working from home again come January if not then by February for sure. 

Without a doubt

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I've been thinking about this a bit. It's too early to tell if Omicron is more or less deadly than Delta. I've seen intelligent arguments for both cases by people that know a lot more than I do. SA demographics skew young, and there were lots of Delta infections there, so these are confounding factors. We'll know a lot more in a few weeks.


It would be nice to know when it will hit Thailand the hardest, so I can time my booster for maximum protection ????


That's assuming a third shot's effectiveness wanes over time. Throw into the mix that they may tweak vaccines against Omicron at a later point, and it might be better to wait a bit.


I'll probably get a booster around the new year. Other than that, I don't think about it much. Life goes on.

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55 minutes ago, apetryxx said:

Why there is this obsession over any variant of Covid is beyond me. I guess some folks just enjoy hysteria while the government enjoys control.

I guess you forgot about the millions dead from Covid.


I understand that for some people, it’s difficult to understand the impact of the virus unless it has affected you personally. Let’s hope it never does.


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17 hours ago, worgeordie said:

So this is going to be a 3 times annually thing .....???? getting jabs,

the West seems to be in full panic over the Omicron , but in

South Africa were it originated, they don't seem to be too worried

about it, even the Doctors saying people more  easily  infected but way

less hospitalizations and serious problems. not as bad as Delta.

regards worgeordie 

I don’t think South Africa is going to tell us much about Omicron. The UK will be a better test. Optimally, Omicron will wipe out Delta, but there will be few severe cases. That would be an excellent outcome.

Edited by Danderman123
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19 hours ago, Jingthing said:

My prediction: One month

Depends on what you mean by dominant?

More Omicron cases than Delta?

Delta is around 6,000 cases... Omicron has to go a long way yet to beat that.

I would predict at least 3-4 months or longer before significant numbers are noted domestically in Thailand. 

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19 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Oh ! t a rough guess..... could be, maybe ,next few weeks,

it just takes one person to be infected ,and it takes off.

it must be running wild in UK , last week ,both my son

and daughter caught it, live in different areas of UK.

she reports it's just like a bad cold...... both unvaccinated .

regards Worgeordie

Begs the question why?

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