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Omicron Spreads Fast Because It Is in Upper Respiratory Tract


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"spreads 70 times faster " .... does he also work for tourist department , adding a 0 more at the end is still the same ? In the Western world , specialists say it spreads 2-3 times faster , but in Thailand 70 times ...

Can't comment on being more on the upper area instead of lungs , besides that it does appear to be less dangerous .

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3 minutes ago, sezze said:

"spreads 70 times faster " .... does he also work for tourist department , adding a 0 more at the end is still the same ? In the Western world , specialists say it spreads 2-3 times faster , but in Thailand 70 times ...

Can't comment on being more on the upper area instead of lungs , besides that it does appear to be less dangerous .

I think he's been misquoted or misinterpreted. The data I saw was that the virus spread 70 times faster in the URT and 30 times slower in the lower lungs. I don't believe that he actually said that transmission was 70 times more.

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5 minutes ago, Stubby said:

Umm… expert virologists and epidemiologists ARE all over YouTube. In fact, they're the only ones who the Google God doesn't cancel. The one thing this pandemic has shown is that the global authorities no longer tolerate intelligent debate.

Only on YouTube? If they were at all credible their submissions could be found elsewhere as well. YouTube is a notorious source of misinformation and conspiracy theories. Nobody show believe anybody who is only found on YouTube and/or opinion only websites..

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11 hours ago, JimHuaHin said:

Ditto.   Just shows how far behind the news Thailand is.


This is not the first time that Thai doctors or "experts" have come out with COVID-19 statements which were first reported in Western or other Asian news sources weeks before hand.

...and usually come out as breaking news.


Thais use social media to find out whats happening.

State controled hasn't got much to offer but accolades to the junta and 1000's elderly generals.

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11 hours ago, tlcwaterfall said:

And will continue to keep happening as I suspect they have no original thoughts of their own.

They are afraid to say something first because they are most afraid of being wrong with the accommpanying loss of face.


Since most thais dont read western news, they think they are hearing breaking news on the topic by their thai experts

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1 hour ago, Danderman123 said:

Of course that’s not true.


There is debate right now about the severity of Omicron. You are just not paying attention.

Wrong! It's not a debate; it's the same old names with the same old faces spouting the same old line. 

"We just haven't got enough data yet to know for sure..." nods everyone outside of SA, irrespective of what they might think. 

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7 minutes ago, coolcarer said:

You’re not going to find many real expert virologists or epidemiologists with their own YouTube channel, they are far to busy with their work in this pandemic. Producing a channel is timing consuming and a full time job. it also creates a conflict of interest on the money to be made from youtube. 

If they appear on youtube it’s normally through a third party interview.

Correctamundo! It's the regular news channels they've already appeared on posting... no... pushing.... what's already been aired. They're all over YouTube, so that the message doesn't get lost. But the poor sods who oppose these views (I'm talking about other experts, no some radom vlogger) get canceled for daring to disagree. I don't understand why no one can see what's been happening.

Look, if there are opposing views from equally qualified experts, we should be allowed to hear them on the same platforms. It's so wrong to block them from public media. How the heck is the layperson supposed to make well-informed decisions when they're only fed one-sided narratives. Geesh!

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6 minutes ago, Stubby said:

Look, if there are opposing views from equally qualified experts, we should be allowed to hear them on the same platforms. It's so wrong to block them from public media. How the heck is the layperson supposed to make well-informed decisions when they're only fed one-sided narratives. Geesh!

What one sided narrative are you referring to? All media reported widely on the narrative expressed by Dr Angelique  Coetzee where she was saying it’s nothing to worry about. However is she right or wrong? That’s yet to be evidenced fully. All media has reported the findings of the studies carried out in South Africa.


The media has also reported on the studies of other countries such a UK and on WHO statements.


Do you really think there is a concerted effort to bury real studies coming out about Omicron? It’s highly transmissible, it may well be less severe but it may also overwhelm some countries putting the health service at risk, even if it does not they still need to plan for that. 

That’s as far as I know and as far as has been reported. What makes you think there is more deliberately being hidden by YouTube or any other media channel?

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7 hours ago, Mr Derek said:

Sorry but I disagree. We have been able to draw conclusions about omicron since it was first reported. The evidence is now perfectly clear. It is mild. No one is dying from it directly any more than they might die from complications of the common cold. We should count ourselves lucky that omicron has appeared. There is no danger of health services 'collapsing' (amongst other scaremongering). Prolonging the caution is demonstrably more harmful. Enough.

We can only draw conclusions about severity when we see further spread across the globe. I dont think we can draw conclusion from South Africa, as their population has largely been exposed to the virus already (and vastly under reported, at that) and many of the vulnerable have already perished. In contrast, most Australians have not been exposed to the virus, so we will see how the death rate goes there over the next month or so. 

If it turns out that the death rate is less than that caused by  (historic) annual flu, then countries should really open up. 

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7 hours ago, ozimoron said:

Whatever omicron mutates into.

The crazy amount of mutations in the variant omicron (i think it's 50 mutations in the almost 30000 letters long RNA sequence) could be a problem for it's ability to mutate into something we should fear, some experts claim.


Maybe the virus painted itself into a corner and now has nowhere to go?


Let's do a follow-up in a year.


This darn virus has surprised the experts before, so i will believe it when I see it, and we still have other variants on the lose for now.


Plus one of the theories how omicron mutated, is that it mutated numerous times in the same patient over a long period of time.


How do we know there are not other persons on the planet going through that exact same thing now?

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2 hours ago, coolcarer said:

What one sided narrative are you referring to? All media reported widely on the narrative expressed by Dr Angelique  Coetzee where she was saying it’s nothing to worry about. However is she right or wrong? That’s yet to be evidenced fully. All media has reported the findings of the studies carried out in South Africa.


The media has also reported on the studies of other countries such a UK and on WHO statements.


Do you really think there is a concerted effort to bury real studies coming out about Omicron? It’s highly transmissible, it may well be less severe but it may also overwhelm some countries putting the health service at risk, even if it does not they still need to plan for that. 

That’s as far as I know and as far as has been reported. What makes you think there is more deliberately being hidden by YouTube or any other media channel?

I give up!

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Yip. The poster who thinks for themselves but ignores science.

That's the way to go.

Take your guide from the people who have got every prediction wrong since the start of the pandemic.

Ignore the data/facts/qualified scientists/statisticians/mathematicians but be comforted that your stab in the dark is better than the people who developed multiple life saving vaccines and therapies during the pandemic.

You know the TVF epidemiologist know nothings are trumps.










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12 hours ago, Stubby said:

Umm… expert virologists and epidemiologists ARE all over YouTube. In fact, they're the only ones who the Google God doesn't cancel. The one thing this pandemic has shown is that the global authorities no longer tolerate intelligent debate.

Ony by one, yes. And that is exactly what we cannot trust. There is no peer reviewed material published there. 

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