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Thailand unveils plans to cope with Omicron COVID variant outbreak


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Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health has unveiled plans to cope with a potential outbreak of the COVID-19 Omicron variant next year, including the reactivation of the home isolation program, as the main way to accommodate the infected, and community isolation facilities in Bangkok to shelter infected children, said Dr. Somsak Akksilp, director-general of Medical Services Department, today (Monday).


He stressed that both home and community isolation facilities would be the right response in the first 1-2 months of an Omicron outbreak, as information from many countries indicates that this rapidly spreading variant is not as life-threatening as the Delta strain. Most Omicron patients develop symptoms associated with upper respiratory tractinfection, such as fever, sore throat and dry cough, although there are some cases of mild lung infection but, after about three days of treatment with Favipiravir, their conditions improved.


In case there are more cases of serious lung infection, Dr.Somsak said that there will be about 11,000 hospital beds available.


Full Story: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/thailand-unveils-plans-to-cope-with-omicron-covid-variant-outbreak/


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1 hour ago, snoop1130 said:

Most Omicron patients develop symptoms associated with upper respiratory tractinfection, such as fever, sore throat and dry cough

The word 'fever' is missing from most descriptions of Omicron symptoms around the world, not all of them - but most of them.


If you're looking for active cases of Omicron, fever is not a good way to identify them which leaves the temperature scanners largely redundant.


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1 hour ago, Trip Hop said:

A totally short sighted and narrow minded opinion if ever I’ve heard one

Thanks oh wise one.


Do everyone a favour and get a booster once you save enough money to travel to Thailand.





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45 minutes ago, Capella said:

I've had covid for the past few days, presumably omicron, as it's sweeping through Australia where I am at the moment. 


I've had a low fever on and off. The others symptoms are those of a heavy cold - stuffy nose, sore throat and a cough. 

Don't agree, most cases in Australia are still delta inNSW they had a few with just one dead I live in WA and we have just 7 cases and none is omnicron.

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6 hours ago, Trip Hop said:

A totally short sighted and narrow minded opinion if ever I’ve heard one?


This virus is going to be with us in one form or another for quite a few years yet and if it doesn’t burn itself out, the only way out of it is eventually achieving herd immunity. However whilst this will take some time, with the use of vaccines and controlled periods of exposure, it is achievable. The virus will mutate and spread regardless, whether it be through controlled/uncontrolled migration or possibly even a home grown Thailand mutation? Therefore to lockdown indefinitely is just delaying the inevitable whilst killing the economy.


What they should have done is stopped thinking that they are far superior to every other nation in the world, acknowledged the seriousness of the virus earlier and invested in some decent vaccines a lot sooner than they did?

The virus is expected to always be with us, likely weakening and annual flu shots available for it. 

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2 hours ago, alyx said:

But they haven't...

In any case look at other "hermetic" countries such as Laos... they know the same fate 

Problems with Laos and nieghboring countries is that it's so porous along the entire border.


Thousands of people crossing everyday.  Probably more than the there were legal crossings even before COVID-19.


Anyways, this current virus is so contagious theres no way to avoid it.



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1 minute ago, Fairynuff said:

By the time I reached 8th or 9th post I could see that the Forum scientists had it all worked out. No need to read on, I have all the misinformation I need to make some ill informed decisions.

And where did you get the information or knowledge from that led you to that decision?

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1 minute ago, Fairynuff said:

Whatever plan they come up with it can only be better than the just do as you please plan England came up with. At least the rest of the UK has some sensible management whilst England had 113,000 case today.

I am not a fan of the confused presentation the devolved government responsibilities has created in the UK. Some are showboating. The best front to present would be a united one.  

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