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Are you experiencing “Pandemic Fatigue” here in Thailand?


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I think the whole world has Covid fatique and it's starting to show.


A lot of countries are starting to ease their restrictions now, even if they still have high numbers of Omicron.


That's probably a combo of Omicron being milder and not causing so much problems, but also because the governments know people are sick and tired of restrictions.


WHO also today recommended to drop all travel restrictions worldwide.  I hope the Thai government read that newsletter.....


Here in Denmark our numbers are through the roof.

Way higher than ever before during this pandemic, but still we eased some restrictions 3 days ago.  Now the opposition are demanding that the government drop the mandatory masks while shopping/ public transport, since Omicron are so much more mild.That's a pretty clear sign that some politicians know masks are not very popular, if they want them removed during the highest peaks we ever had. 


Austria just voted yes to mandatory vaccines, and i was a bit surprised to see that go through, now that Omicron has taken over.

I thought they would wait it out, because i think in a month or two most of Europe are back to normal.


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5 hours ago, Virt said:

I think the whole world has Covid fatique and it's starting to show.


A lot of countries are starting to ease their restrictions now, even if they still have high numbers of Omicron.


That's probably a combo of Omicron being milder and not causing so much problems, but also because the governments know people are sick and tired of restrictions.


WHO also today recommended to drop all travel restrictions worldwide.  I hope the Thai government read that newsletter.....


Here in Denmark our numbers are through the roof.

Way higher than ever before during this pandemic, but still we eased some restrictions 3 days ago.  Now the opposition are demanding that the government drop the mandatory masks while shopping/ public transport, since Omicron are so much more mild.That's a pretty clear sign that some politicians know masks are not very popular, if they want them removed during the highest peaks we ever had. 


Austria just voted yes to mandatory vaccines, and i was a bit surprised to see that go through, now that Omicron has taken over.

I thought they would wait it out, because i think in a month or two most of Europe are back to normal.


In NZ the PM was quoted on radio as saying there will not be any more lockdowns. Must be realising that lockdowns are very unpopular, and elections next year.



Be interesting to see how successful Austria is with such dictatorial mandates.

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No fatigue here.

Life in the boonies of Isaan carries on pretty much undisturbed.

Daily village routines continue unabated.

The only effect on me is that I've missed my 3/4 trips to Udon, Pattaya etc because of the lack of night time entertainment, as it was in early 2020.

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8 hours ago, bangon04 said:

"Fatigue also occurs if we do the same things repeatedly for a long time, she added."


like hourly media frenzy reporting of "record numbers of (asymptomatic) cases" maybe??

Fatigue?  I never look much on the record numbers what fatigue me are the leaders even the Doctors who all come out of the woodwork daily making the problem worse or adding to the problem.


My massage lady said the same thing or refer it?  " you come here everyday to see me you can butterfly no problem you come see me too much no good "????

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11 hours ago, MarkyM3 said:

I don't care which side of the political spectrum you inhabit. That's not the point. The point is about an open society and a free media.. of which Thailand has precious little of either, whether or not the country is nice to live or retire in.


Whether you like what the UK media represent is your issue. There is plenty of it available and no state censorship of it as of now. The BBC or Guardian represent a soft left view. Plenty of other independent media around.


You completely missed the point. 


And...ti address your political point...with 23k+ people crossing the English Channel in dinghies last year I'm glad the govt are finally waking up. Most Brits are fed up with it. 40k+ in 3 years via that route alone. The UK is one of the softest touches around. But you don't need to worry about it in any case, surely? Living in a country which accepts no refugees...????

You’ve completely gone off topic and whilst doing so shown me your lack of understanding what’s really going on in the Uk, and worse still where your politics lie. SOME Brits are fed up with it,  understandably so with the likes of the Mail, Express,Sun etc whipping up the hate. However many Brits are compassionate in spite of an extreme  right wing Home Secretary who’d do well to remember her family history.

This isn’t the place for this discussion anyway, so I’m drawing a line under it.

Edited by Fairynuff
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15 hours ago, MarkyM3 said:

Thought you were moving to Northern Cyprus?! 


Agree 100% with everything you say btw ????

I took a wrong turn and ended up in Mauritius ???? (North Cyprus, like Turkey is too cold in the winter for my delicate lungs..)

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1 minute ago, simon43 said:

I took a wrong turn and ended up in Mauritius ???? (North Cyprus, like Turkey is too cold in the winter for my delicate lungs..)

Wish you the best in your new home, Simon ????. Mauritius sounds like a better bet for now! 

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On 1/20/2022 at 1:36 PM, eeworldwide said:

Care to expand a little on your doom-laden theory?

What are the unintended consequences of lockdown?
Surely things are already starting to pick up and get better?


I think the end of Covid19 is clearly in sight now.

It may be, but the unelected soldier posing as a PM will want it to last as long as possible to save his own skin. The protesters anyone?

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On 1/19/2022 at 6:27 PM, Chomper Higgot said:

You seem to have missed the cultural attitudes Thai people exhibit towards the vulnerable people they know, their parents and grand parents.





Many (most?) Thais can’t be bothered to put a helmet on their kids before they stack three of them on the back of their scooter and drive off down some of the most dangerous roads in the world.
They aren’t better people, they’re just better trained. 

If the government hammered them with fear and consequences over road fatalities the way they have with covid, they’d follow those rules too, and many lives would be saved, but the elites don’t care, because their kids ride around in cars. 

If the vaccine had proven to be a silver bullet, and completely eliminated the possibility of being infected, the doors would have been wide open to tourism the day after the last rich Thai got their second jab. 

Edited by Ryan754326
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On 1/20/2022 at 1:18 AM, Chomper Higgot said:

I’ve said many times, I’m very grateful to have spent the period of the pandemic in Thailand.



The fact that you feel safer living in Thailand tells me that, aside from covid, you probably don’t have much to worry about. I guess it just comes down to lifestyle. 
As someone who drives a truck for a living, I’d feel much better working in the covid infested USA where the roads are relatively safe, than in Thailand where covid is less of a threat. 

Sorry to keep beating the road fatalities horse, but some of your posts seem to be suggesting that Thias are these responsible and compassionate people who put the safety and well-being of others ahead of their own interests. This might be true in the case of covid, but when they get behind the wheel, that sense of social responsibility disappears, and it becomes every man for himself. 

Edited by Ryan754326
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The fatigue comes from the fact that this monkey circus has continued for over 2 years now. It was interesting to observe at first, boring but still somewhat acceptable during the first year, just "going with the flow" and trying not to care. But after 2 years, when you realise it's been a significant amount of your lifetime, it's getting pretty tiring to watch this daily BS. I can only imagine what it feels like for those who've actually lost their livelihoods because of all the restrictions, that some "doctors" and "scientists" have drawn out of their hat. 



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On 1/20/2022 at 1:32 PM, Thaiwrath said:

I think most people are experiencing "pandemic boredom" rather than fatigue.

People want to get on with their lives, so let the vulnerable protect themselves, and the rest of us can carry on living.

The average age of death for covid Omicron was 82 most with comorbitities, in the UK, so its these people with chronic asthma, obesity, diabetes etc are at risk, have a look at Dr John Campbells daily videos he posts all the data from around the world there is a new one up that posts actuall Omicron cases from the number of admitted cases testing positive for Omicron and out of 170k cases only 17000 were for actual Omicron the rest were coincidentall, check the videos out he updates every day. The UK has displaced delta and Thai news today, pbs said its displaced in Thailand now so good news as people are getting less sick and aquiring natural immunity 


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On 1/20/2022 at 7:32 AM, Thaiwrath said:

I think most people are experiencing "pandemic boredom" rather than fatigue.

People want to get on with their lives, so let the vulnerable protect themselves, and the rest of us can carry on living.

True. But how else can they keep extending the emergency decree to control the peasants . And what else are the media going to scaremonger about..?

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On 1/21/2022 at 6:08 PM, kiwikeith said:

The average age of death for covid Omicron was 82 most with comorbitities, in the UK, so its these people with chronic asthma, obesity, diabetes etc are at risk, have a look at Dr John Campbells daily videos he posts all the data from around the world there is a new one up that posts actuall Omicron cases from the number of admitted cases testing positive for Omicron and out of 170k cases only 17000 were for actual Omicron the rest were coincidentall, check the videos out he updates every day. The UK has displaced delta and Thai news today, pbs said its displaced in Thailand now so good news as people are getting less sick and aquiring natural immunity 


In the USA, some 3,000 people a day are dying from Omicron.




i am sorry that your sources don’t mention this.

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On 1/22/2022 at 4:11 AM, SS1 said:

The fatigue comes from the fact that this monkey circus has continued for over 2 years now. It was interesting to observe at first, boring but still somewhat acceptable during the first year, just "going with the flow" and trying not to care. But after 2 years, when you realise it's been a significant amount of your lifetime, it's getting pretty tiring to watch this daily BS. I can only imagine what it feels like for those who've actually lost their livelihoods because of all the restrictions, that some "doctors" and "scientists" have drawn out of their hat. 



Agree 100% about the "BS".

Seems to me there are two sorts of people regarding covid- those that are unconditional believers and follow the dictat religiously; and those that don't.

Personally, i couldn't care less if the believers want to wear a full body condom and run around screaming that the sky is falling, but what "annoys" me is that they want to make everyone else conform to their opinion, and they spout inane slogans like "care for others" when it's pretty clear to me that not much caring is going on, when so many have lost jobs, savings, livelihoods, and in some cases their lives due to family violence and suicide, IMO caused by lockdowns.

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2 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

In the USA, some 3,000 people a day are dying from Omicron.




i am sorry that your sources don’t mention this.

Out of a population of many millions obviously many people will be dying every day, and while many may die WITH omicron, how many of those were fit, healthy and not obese with no underlying health problems?

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Out of a population of many millions obviously many people will be dying every day, and while many may die WITH omicron, how many of those were fit, healthy and not obese with no underlying health problems?

That is not the real question. Covid Deniers like to focus on the physical state of the deceased, but it's more appropriate to consider that someone with a chronic condition that might kill them over 10 years who is then infected and dies from Covid didn't particularly want to die prematurely. 


Taking your position to the extreme, everyone dies, and Covid just makes the process quicker, so what is the problem? 

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On 1/21/2022 at 4:49 PM, Ryan754326 said:

The fact that you feel safer living in Thailand tells me that, aside from covid, you probably don’t have much to worry about. I guess it just comes down to lifestyle. 
As someone who drives a truck for a living, I’d feel much better working in the covid infested USA where the roads are relatively safe, than in Thailand where covid is less of a threat. 

Sorry to keep beating the road fatalities horse, but some of your posts seem to be suggesting that Thias are these responsible and compassionate people who put the safety and well-being of others ahead of their own interests. This might be true in the case of covid, but when they get behind the wheel, that sense of social responsibility disappears, and it becomes every man for himself. 

Well like you say, you don’t live here.


Your view from afar is noted.

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On 1/22/2022 at 4:08 AM, kiwikeith said:

The average age of death for covid Omicron was 82 most with comorbitities, in the UK, so its these people with chronic asthma, obesity, diabetes etc are at risk, have a look at Dr John Campbells daily videos he posts all the data from around the world there is a new one up that posts actuall Omicron cases from the number of admitted cases testing positive for Omicron and out of 170k cases only 17000 were for actual Omicron the rest were coincidentall, check the videos out he updates every day. The UK has displaced delta and Thai news today, pbs said its displaced in Thailand now so good news as people are getting less sick and aquiring natural immunity 


Why on earth would anyone want to watch Dr John Campbell (PhD not MD)  misinformation videos?


The man’s a crank.


Oh I think I just answered my own question.



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2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Why on earth would anyone want to watch Dr John Campbell (PhD not MD)  misinformation videos?


The man’s a crank.


Oh I think I just answered my own question.



 need for confirmation bias which allows them to ignore credible science by deluding themselves that all opinions are equal.

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On 1/22/2022 at 5:37 PM, Knocker33 said:

True. But how else can they keep extending the emergency decree to control the peasants . And what else are the media going to scaremonger about..?

Prayut has an election at the end of this year (probably). He might choose (or be commanded) to start lowering restrictions on travel and other mandates and be seen as the "saviour" in ending Covid here.

Boris Johnson did the same in the UK after massive criticism of his 'partying' in Govt house, and his cabinet ignoring all their own imposed rules.

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1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Well like you say, you don’t live here.


Your view from afar is noted.

I don’t see how the fact that I’m not living permanently in Thailand diminishes the point I was making.  
There are many people who have no choice but to spend every day doing a job that has a greater potential of killing them than covid does 

When you look at the numbers, do you think that the average moto-taxi driver in Thailand should be more worried about catching covid from his passengers, or being run over by a truck that is using the wrong lane to pass?



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1 hour ago, Danderman123 said:

That is not the real question. Covid Deniers like to focus on the physical state of the deceased, but it's more appropriate to consider that someone with a chronic condition that might kill them over 10 years who is then infected and dies from Covid didn't particularly want to die prematurely. 


Taking your position to the extreme, everyone dies, and Covid just makes the process quicker, so what is the problem? 

Who's denying covid? I haven't seen any posters claiming it's made up.


Since when do any of us get to dictate when we die? That's hardly in our hands, is it? We could be killed by a block of ice falling from a plane while hiding under our bed from the covid virus. I'd like to win 17 million $ in Lotto on the weekend, but it's just chance if I do or not. Likewise with death.

Use to be that many died ( in some countries kids still do ) of easily preventable diseases caused by bad water or food, but we in the west somehow got sucked into the myth that we have a right to a long and happy life- we don't, IMO.


Exactly, but covid doesn't make it quicker. We all die when our time is up, whether new born or 110 years old. I'm puzzled by the idea we control our life span.

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48 minutes ago, huangnon said:

Prayut has an election at the end of this year (probably). He might choose (or be commanded) to start lowering restrictions on travel and other mandates and be seen as the "saviour" in ending Covid here.

Boris Johnson did the same in the UK after massive criticism of his 'partying' in Govt house, and his cabinet ignoring all their own imposed rules.

Boris- the man knows how to party for sure, but I suspect he will be punished at or before the next election.

I doubt he relaxed all the restrictions just to deflect from his good times, but whatever the reason I hope everywhere follows his lead. I'm so over the entire thing ( I'd use a different word, but it'd just get deleted ).

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