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Prawit demands action on zebra crossing and traffic law enforcement in Thailand following death of doctor


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Sorry I haven't read all posts but, most of the crossings here have no warning beacons at all, as for example in the UK, no zig zag lines before to prevent parking including, in the middle of the road, to give drivers a warning of upcoming crossings, and at a lot of them the white paint has faded. These issues need to be addressed first, but that will cost MONEY ! is there any left after subs and fighter planes ? There will be a clampdown maybe for a month at most, then all will be forgotten again, until the next well known or wealthy person is hit again.


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21 hours ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

Yeh, as I said, you pull over to the left. 

Keep curb side away from the traffic.

If you stop in the middle of the road you will get hit. 


No one goes around you when you pull over to the left, unless they drive on the footpath......... that's been done before. 


Not stopping at a pedestrian crossing for someone to cross the road is an offense. 

In the end you do the right thing. I'd rather be hit from behind than kill a person in front of me. You have no control over the people behind you but you can control your own vehicle.

It's sad that we have to make such decisions but on Thai roads there are no good choices.

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23 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

Its more just plain Sh**✓ Thai driving.


Many times cars and trucks driving driving 120 kilometers down rural roads and by evening markets next to the road.


Just a stray dog or toddler walks out that vehicle swerves and kills a few people.


Its more of missing common sense gene in the population that can't be fixed.


There are good Thai drivers, its the few knuckle heads creating the problems.



"There are good Thai drivers," Yes there are, but only a small minority, common sense is by far the most common when driving or riding, and I think we all know where the average Thai stands on that.

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22 hours ago, Gandtee said:

Yes some of the crossings are faded, but you should see a pedestrian waiting to cross. Don't just look at the vehicle in front of you. Look way ahead to be prepared. Like a Boy Scout?????

A person should show their intention to cross by putting a foot on the crossing in plenty of time. then the driver has no excuse for not stopping, though I do take the fear of being rear ended into consideration.

If a person is not driving too fast they will see someone with their foot on the crossing and slow down gradually  which would make the possibility of being rear ended almost non existent.

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22 hours ago, jossthaifarang said:

Been there done that, when I first started driving in Thailand I got rearended while stopped at a pedestrian crossing. I ended up paying for the whole lot. If they really want to fix the problem they should put up proper lights, that way you dont have people unexpectedly flying out into the middle of the road...

"I ended up paying for the whole lot."  Are you off your head or what?

Oh! I know, you are a member of the "scared of your own shadow" brigade. ????

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21 hours ago, Paul Henry said:

Great way to solve a national problem "MORE TALK and MEETINGS ." Then no action.

Employ some highly trained foriegn police officers to run the police academies and don't let them graduate till they are police officers not an idiot who buys a job and then spends all his time getting his money back plus some.

"police academies" ?? What do you think the Banana Republic of Thailand is. TJ Hooker? ????

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On 1/25/2022 at 10:46 AM, Kaopad999 said:

so it only matters when a doctor is killed?. What about all the other thousands of people that are killed on the roads every year, why not take action then? 

A barrier should come down on each side of the crossings when people are waiting to! Cross.

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21 hours ago, DjSilver said:

I think the Thai government should have done this around 60 years ago. But it only shows that Thailand is 60 years behind the western countries.

How many times in the last 60 years have there been Junta's in charge of the country. Say's 

it all doesn't it?

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On 1/25/2022 at 11:10 AM, SAFETY FIRST said:

I always stop for pedestrians on the zebra crossings and red traffic light crossings but it's dangerous, I always pull to the left and look in my mirrors because very few drivers stop. 


Makes me a little anxious, worried if I'm going to get hit from behind 

I always used to, but after many occasions when car go speed past my motorcycle on either side I take the safer option and ride through making sure I give the pedestrian a wide berth.

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On 1/25/2022 at 4:10 AM, SAFETY FIRST said:

I always stop for pedestrians on the zebra crossings and red traffic light crossings but it's dangerous, I always pull to the left and look in my mirrors because very few drivers stop. 


Makes me a little anxious, worried if I'm going to get hit from behind 

I was thinking this may make matters worse for me as I would normally stop at a zebra crossing but I don't in Thailand because nobody else does  and anyone waiting to cross probably won't because they don't expect drivers to stop so I'd end up getting hit or just sitting there waiting.


I seem to remember shortly after the coup there were pictures of cops standing on crossings to let people cross because they were having a crackdown of drivers not stopping at crossings.


I don't expect much to come of this either.

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On 1/25/2022 at 12:34 PM, Xonax said:

In congested Bangkok traffic, you most often don't notice the pedestrian crossing, before it is too late to hit the brakes.

Screenshot 2022-01-25 063325.png

That is not congested, and very clear. In congested traffic you are usually going really slow, so not such an issue. Also, keep an eye out for traffic around you stopping.


The big problem is when you do want to stop, and some idiot is barreling up behind you - so it is either risk getting rear ended - even if you put the hazards on - or going through the crossing. Personally, when riding I keep an eye out for crossing all the time., and if I know one is coming up I am looking in my mirrors to see if I can stop. 

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On 1/25/2022 at 10:48 AM, meechai said:

Yeah what ever..........Start with the fact the poor doctor was killed by a Cop who then left the scene without so much as a sorry


Anarchy is way over due & would be a vast improvement over this ruling class of swine

No wonder the news was filled tonight with hit and run deaths, in the crosswalks.

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20 hours ago, Meat Pie 47 said:

Wrong he got rejected

wrong, there's pics of him and his father together, getting shaved and wearing the orange robes. he did leave after a couple days because of the public backlash tho. apparently he can't wash his sin away so easily this time.

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20 hours ago, possum1931 said:

"I ended up paying for the whole lot."  Are you off your head or what?

Oh! I know, you are a member of the "scared of your own shadow" brigade. ????

When you come to Thailand for the first few times and are surrounded by corrupt Police that dont understand english, it doesnt seem worth arguing over. If it happened now it would be a different story.

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20 hours ago, Percy P said:

A barrier should come down on each side of the crossings when people are waiting to! Cross.

Well it might improve things, but we still get incidents at Railway Crossings with barriers, so not perfect!

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On 1/25/2022 at 10:46 AM, Kaopad999 said:

so it only matters when a doctor is killed?. What about all the other thousands of people that are killed on the roads every year, why not take action then? 

Why are you just repeating what the article says? 

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