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Why are so many young people killing themselves?


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Nothing specifically to do with Thailand.  Every day, I read of another death of a young person, either by suicide or due to a 'sudden illness'.  (That can often mean a heart attack caused by a drugs overdose...). 


Is it because young people are faced with difficult situations that we as adults didn't have to face?  I'm thinking of perhaps peer pressure on social media, the feeling that life isn't worth living if you only get 100 'likes'.


Or is it that young people are unable to cope in this wokey, cancel culture.  They are simply too 'soft' and can't cope with being told that they are wrong about something.


Or... or... ?


I'm genuinely interested to know what's going wrong here.  


Here are links to US teenage suicide data since 1981:




and US teenage deaths from drugs overdoses since 1999:




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It looks like there is a long term rising trend, but for some reason there was a dip between the mid 90s until recently.  No-one asked questions about that.

is anyone asking why drug deaths are lower than in 2007?  Has the world gone mad?

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14 minutes ago, StayinThailand2much said:

Younger people are emotionally more vulnerable. Family problems, problems with partner and friends, school problems and mobbing, poverty, fears about future and 'not being able to cope'... Add a long-lasting pandemic like Covid-19, and problems are more exacerbated. Imagine, you are 18 and this terrible pandemic has been going on since your mid-teens, which must feel like 'forever'...


Personally, I have been through rough patches myself in the past two years. I mostly cope with it by partly "living in the past" via FB forums, YouTube, etc., or in the future, planning my future 'big holiday', while mostly "ignoring" the present, except for news, daily chores, etc. - Younger people don't have that option. They cannot 'fall back' on good memories of years or decades past, and also are not (financially) independent enough to plan for the future.

We all had those problems growing up, I just didn't worry about them, <deleted>, it's an easy fiix.

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24 minutes ago, StayinThailand2much said:

Younger people are emotionally more vulnerable. Family problems, problems with partner and friends, school problems and mobbing, poverty, fears about future and 'not being able to cope'... Add a long-lasting pandemic like Covid-19, and problems are more exacerbated. Imagine, you are 18 and this terrible pandemic has been going on since your mid-teens, which must feel like 'forever'...

Well it would be nice to slip back to 1980 I must admit ????

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7 minutes ago, simon43 said:

Of course, I wasn't concerned with getting likes for a picture of my breakfast....  Things that hurt me were somewhat more important.  How have we reached a world where teens kill themselves because of what others say or think about them?

All problems are relative. Poor people are unhappy i.e. because of their limited resources and opportunities. And at the same time rich people are unhappy for various reason. But rich people don't think: Look at those poor guys, I should be happy because I am rich. That is not how our minds works. Everybody of us can have, subjective for us, BIG problems, which for other people look like small problems. It's in our minds. 

I never cared about social media and I don't use it. But imagine if you are a young teenager and everybody around you looks great and has this wonderful life - at least on facebook. I imagine that can be frustrating and hard to take. Some of us realize it is all show, but I am sure others don't realize that. And then maybe they go down more and more in that rabbit hole. And then it is more and more difficult to get out of that.

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Kids and youg's has too much extra sht! Has phones, internet, million tv chanel's, games..... etc.

Too many things where they see what they dont have them self! When i was kid i watch black and white tv where had 2 chanel and im only 49 years old! Kids not play outside whit friends anymore, they dont need to go watch is friend home or not , THEY SENT MESSAGE. Hole social system is F up.

So they dont have friends to help if they feel bad, hug help much more than txt get well soon!

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3 hours ago, Maha Sarakham said:

I won't speak for the deceased or claim to be an expert on the subject, but the world is a really screwed up place these days, in a number of different ways.


For example in Western markets, speculative housing prices are increasingly being seen as a lucrative source of investment for foreign buyers and rental firms. The government is doing nothing to protect citizens in this regard. In many desirable areas with a reasonable job market, it is nearly impossible for a young person to buy anything anymore even with 6-figure incomes straight out of college.

I beg to differ that is 100% due to bad money management / overspending. 


Lots of my friends who became mechanics out of high school bought their own houses, I only graduated high school less than a decade ago, lots of people going to university spending $50-$100k to get degree that has little to no value because they choose to party and take some program that gave them a piece of paper with no actual education/effort needed to be put in. Then spending all their money on things like drugs, alcohol, luxury cars, luxury clothes, renting nice apartments and buying expensive food, then blaming everyone else for why they can't afford a house. That's about 50% of the people I know, everyone I know who worked hard whether in school or their career and didn't overspend/do drugs is doing just fine. Not all own houses, but they're all paying their bills and savings and are able to buy whatever they want/need for a great life. 


I have little empathy for those who made bad financial decisions and bad choices. 


That being said, I think the high suicide rate has more to do with people not understanding life yet, I would guess it has a lot to do with the internet/media, showing/glorifying extravagant/perfect lives on social media, giving a false sense of reality to people. I knew quite a few people who were depressed/suicidal, a lot of their issues didn't seem like real issues and they were always comparing themselves to the lucky 1% in the world. That coupled with glorying drug use/alcohol use, not a great mix. 


A lot of people are just unlucky as well that have horrible lives and can't be blamed for it. 



Edited by dj230
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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Anyone that still remembers how it felt like when young wouldn't even be asking this question. 

wavy gravy said if you can remember the 60s, then you weren't there... or something like that...


to the OP - I think that we oldsters grew up in a different world - in the late 70s child abductions became a big thing - highly publicized... a thought so frightening that parents tightened the reins... and child experiences turned to mom assisted play dates and eventually internet filled the void, though poorly. 


growing up became more alienated and recently, covid has exacerbated that. I am raising a soon to be 17 yr old girl and for the last 2 years she has gone from school and dance class to chatting on her 'device' w/her friends. She seems well adjusted but for many, this cannot be good. 


Too much alone time w/games, social awkwardness, surely must lead many to a feeling of being vulnerable and isolated... 

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...happening every minute; just you don't get to hear about them all. Every Sudden Death is recorded, and no doubt available by Freedom of Information from any country. Usually the Attorney-General's Department handle this.

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7 hours ago, simon43 said:

How have we reached a world where teens kill themselves because of what others say or think about them?

Do you read? If so, theres a book called "the coddling of the American mind" that attempts to answer this question. You might find it interesting. Its main focus is the American university system, but it's pretty relevant to all modern life for young people.


They also reference some other books and sources in there that help to answer your question.

Edited by BangkokReady
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They are simply out of touch & isolate themselves in the hyper critical world of cyber space....

Their people & actual analytical life skills never take on the layers of social interactions required to cope with each "step" of life.....

The are societally still infants,  children no matter their age....They have no real life development or coping skills....

Coupled with the cyber "value" system & not a real world system of values they are empty vessels....

Parenting is a lost art as each generation gets progressively less strident....

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27 minutes ago, mvdf said:

So many exacerbating factors contributing to mental health decline in these challenging and dark times.

Sorry, however these are not dark times, by any means.


The Sun is out.

The weather is sweet.

Better than 100 years ago, in 1922, for example...


Better than 1962, waiting for the end of the world, during the Cuban Crisis...



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43 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

Do you read? If so, theres a book called "the coddling of the American mind" that attempts to answer this question. You might find it interesting. Its main focus is the American university system, but it's pretty relevant to all modern life for young people.


They also reference some other books and sources in there that help to answer your question.



If you want to read about the American uni system......




Why don't you read Giles Goat Boy, written by Barth?



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10 hours ago, simon43 said:

Or is it that young people are unable to cope in this wokey, cancel culture.  They are simply too 'soft' and can't cope with being told that they are wrong about something.

Lemme see ...........

Can't see any way to ever own a home.

No degree = no job, and the course fees will leave them with 20 years of debt.

Limited access to sex, little chance of marriage and kids.

Pension age being pushed up (will soon be age 70 in the UK), work until you die.

Air travel finished due to COVID, personal freedom limited for same reason.


Things look pretty bleak to young people at the moment.

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5 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Sorry, however these are not dark times, by any means

you can't bring back the covid dead, ignore climate change, watch the anti-vaxxers physically fight the pro-vaxxers, watch the complete breakdown of the political system and rise of authoritarian leaders and discriminatory practices - - 


you can't white wash injustices by saying these are not dark times... maybe the sun comes out tomorrow Annie but there is plenty of illness and darkness, sadness and sorrow to go around. 


Ask the restaurant owners and hotels and masseuses and chamber maids, taxi drivers who have lost their jobs... 

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